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Delightful pictures for your entertainment- hurrah!

I am aware that not all the stuff on the list is up yet but this page is still, as they say, under construction. I know you're all impatient to see my pretty face on your screen but please contain yourselves. Join the back of the queue motherfucker.

Badtz-Maru was on his way to rotterdam when he saw a nun. crikey look at the size of those alligators! ,he said. Suddenly, Pandaba appeared holding a stunning ball. Follow me, said Pandaba, and the two friends ran down the street until they came to a stupid cat. quickly Badtz-Maru cooked towards the cat while Pandaba stroked and sang. Down the road came a hedgehog. It had 50,000 windows and a lovely basket. Pandaba and Badtz looked at each other and hoped. If you too want to create a story as good as that, visit and go to play games. oh the fun that can be had!

What the pictures are...


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