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DKiT - WebCam Page

Click Here To View My Webcam
- Click here to view my webcam. Typical refresh rate is 90 seconds. Cam will be on during most daylight hours...
Please be kind to my server and close the pop up window when you're not using it (Sorry NYC)

Note:Sometimes due to Server difficulties the Cam Image may fail to refresh, If this happens either reclick on the image above or Right Click on the Cam image (in the popup window) and select 'Show Picture'. If no image appears then server is busy - apologies for the inconvenience this can cause, if you're having no luck, try coming back when the server may be less strained! Thanks...

new! - View the Current WebCam video!

Recent WebCam Images, Click To View Full Size
If the image is different when you click it's just because this site is constantly updated and has updated since you got here, hit Refresh on your browser to see the real recent pictures...
If the images below don't show up hit refresh, sometimes the Cam doesn't capture all 5...

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Please visit my site at, where you can comment on the WebCam, see my weblog directory and view all my other wonderful creations!

~Blue Canary

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Credit, Where Credit's Due...

www.mylittlechicken.comWebCam Software made by CoffeeCup Productions