Black Christmas

Jessica Bradford, played by Olivia Hussey
Jess is a quiet, nice girl who lives in the sorority house, and serves as the main character of the film. She's soft spoken but speaks her mind at the same time. She has just discovered that she's pregnant by her boyfriend Peter, and is considering an abortion, something that Peter is strongly against, and this problem is causing some rough spots in their relationship. She is just one of the three sorority sisters to be targeted by the killer.

Barbie 'Barb' Coard, played by Margot Kidder
Barb is the free spirited, loud mouth sorority sister in the group. She's a bit of a party animal and doesn't mind telling people what she thinks. She's often drinking and partying, living out her college years, and because of her wild nature, she tends to not get along as well with some of her fellow sorority sisters. She is very clever though and the nature of her character serves for good comic relief in the film.

Peter Smythe, played by Keir Dullea
Peter is Jessica's boyfriend. After Jessica discover's she's pregnant, she confronts him with an abortion. After this, their relationship kind of goes on the rocks, and Peter becomes a suspect as the killer after an arguement with Jess over the abortion topic. The police have him on the top of their list as a suspect, but is he really that demented? He is also an aspiring concert pianist and as Jess puts it, is "very high strung".

Lieutenant Fuller, played by John Saxon
Lieutenant Fuller works for the local police department in the town of Bedford as a detective. After recieving a phone call from Jessica about the obscene calls that the sorority house has been recieving, he is attatched onto the case and tries to track down the serial killer. He is very determined to solve the case and helps Jess by setting up a phone tap to try and catch the culprit.

Phyllis 'Phyl' Carlson, played by Andrea Martin
Phyl is somewhat of the peacemaker of the group and tries to avoid conflicts between the sisters. Like Jess, she is also soft-spoken and friendly. She and Jess get along very well and are pretty close friends, and she doesn't have a problem telling Barb when she doesn't approve of her wild behavior. She also has a boyfriend who is playing Santa Claus for the little kids.

Clare Harrison, played by Lynne Griffin
Clare is new to the sorority house, and is having a little trouble fitting in - she's become sort of an outcast because she doesn't get along great with the rest of the sorority. She's somewhat quiet and shy, and she tends to have some problems with Barb, but Jess is friendly with her and wants her to feel comfortable as a new sister. She's looking forward to go home and visit family for Christmas vacation...

Mrs. Mac, played by Marian Waldman
Mrs. Mac is the house mother of the sorority. She's really friendly, but she has a little bit of a drinking problem and has convenient places to hide her booze all over the sorority house (including inside books and under toilet lids). She tends to talk to herself a lot and is somewhat foul-mouthed. She also has a beloved cat named Claude.

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