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Favorite Readings

Don Quixote….. Miguel de Cervantes

100 Years od Solitude……. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings …… Maya Angelou

War and Peace…..Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina …..Leo Tolstoy

Crime and Punishment …….. Fyodor Dostoevsky

The Brothers Karamazov ….. Fyodor Dostoevsky

Old man and the sea …..  Ernest Hemingway

A Farewell to Arms  …..  Ernest Hemingway

For whom the bell tolls …..  Ernest Hemingway

Death of a Salesman …..Arthur Miller

1984 …….. George Orwell

Animal Farm …. George Orwell

A Woman of Thirty ….  Honore de Balzac

Wuthering Heights …. Emily Bronte

Gone With the Wind ….. Margaret Mitchell

The Great Gatsby   …… Scott Fitzgerald

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner …. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Future Shock …. Alvin Toffler

Third Wave … Alvin Toffler

All Quiet on the Western Front….. Erich Remarque

The Three Musketeers ………… Alexandre  Dumas

Count of Monte Cristo… Alexander Dumas

Les Miserables …….. Victor Hugo

Moby Dick …….. Herman Melville

Tale of two cities ….. Charles Dickens

David Copperfield ….. Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist ……… Charles Dickens

Nicholas Nickleby ……… Charles Dickens

Great Expectations ………. Charles Dickens

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer…… Mark Twain

Huckleberry Finn…… Mark Twain

Robinson Crusoe …. Daniel Defoe

The City of Joy …. Dominique Lapierre

O Jerusalem ………. Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre

Freedom at Midnight ….. Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre

Treasure Island ……….Robert L Stevenson

Midnight Children…. Salman Rushdie

Rajtarangini …. Kalhan (MA Stein)

Far from the Madding Crowd …. Thomas Hardy

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde…… Robert L Stevenson

Dead Souls ………. Nikolai Googol

Dracula ……….. Bram Stoker

The Jungle Book ……..  Rudyard Kipling

Of Human Bondage …… Somerset Maugham

Sense and Sensibility …………Jane  Austen

Pride and Prejudice  ………. Jane  Austen

The Scarlet Pimpernel ……… Baroness Orczy

The English Patient …… Michael Ondaatje

About Love ……… Anton Chekhov

Neighbours ……. Anton Chekhov

We the Living….. Ayn Rand

Fountain Head….. Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged ….. Ayn Rand

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance ……. Robert Pirsig

The Republic ……. Pluto

A Room With a View …. E. M. Forster

The Hunchback of Notre Dame ….. Victor Hugo

The Call of the Wild ….. Jack London

Anne of Green Gables  …….. L. M. Montgomery

Frankenstein ……. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Around the World in Eighty Days …….. Jules Verne

Discourse  on the Method ….. Rene Descartes

The Analysis of Mind  ……… Bertrand Russell

Snow Leopard. …..Peter Matthiessen

Tao of Physics… Fritjof Capra

Uncommon Wisdom … Fritjof Capra

Life of Pi: Liberation Through Bardo

Autobiography of a Yogi …….. Paramahansa Yogananda

Bhagavad Gita …….. Commentary by Shankaracharya (AD.788-320)

Search in Secret India ….. Paul Brunton

Modern Man in Search of a Soul ……… Carl Jung

Letters on Yoga ……. Sri Aurobindo

To Be Human …..  Jiddu Krishnamurti,


Anne of Green Gables……. L.M. Montgomery