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Seattle Band Bill Brett rock music guitar player

Bill Brett Seattle band rock guitar player

Bill Brett rock musician guitar player
Inside Track II Free MP3 (3 Meg)

Seattle bands Bill Brett is a REAL rock guitar player who plays Funk rock with blues roots.

This aint no Rainbow jam session with a bunch of loser wannabes. This aint no "ALL is us if it includes you like "Peacekink dot org. or whatver that jerkoff site is. All those Seattle bands suck. I'm sick of lousy music and crappy bands in Seattle. I'm sick of all their crappy websites with broken links and outdated stinking lousy crap. I'm sick of all the lazy punks in Seattle that think they are the inside track to the "underground" . They all suck.

If you don't like my music, then you are retarded, and you suck big time suck.

All you bands out there, your webpages suck, your music suck too.
You need to listen to some real rock Music
