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All the Shit there is.....

Resumen Hasta ahora: The big Sleep.......

Marlowe meets the sternwoods…….

Eleven o’clock in the morning one day in October, with rain-cloud al over the sky, marlowe was wearing a light blue suit with a dark blue shirt and tie, black socks and shoes. While a young chauffer was cleaning a red sport car, he entered the house; there was a large picture of a grandfather of his employer General Sternwoods. Then a door opened and a girl came out, she didn’t look healthy and had a white face. After a brief exchange of words, she bits her lips and falls to the ground, he catches her. She frequently put her thumb in her mouth like a baby, like a baby. As the butler Norris walked in, he later told Marlowe that the girls name was Carmen Sternwood, daughter of the general. He enters a room full of strange flowers and then he sees the general, an old weak man with heavy dull eyes. The old man orders him brandy. Then tells him that some one is black mailing him again. He gives him an address to a Mr. Geiger’s book store, they talk some more and he leaves, on his way out the butler tell him (Marlowe) that Mrs. Regan wants to see him When he enters the room she on a couch with her shoes off. She thinks that her dad is hiring him to find her Ex-Husband Rusty (a big friend of her father “the general”) She tell him how Rusty left about a month ago.

Mr Geiger’s bookstore………….

The store is on the north part of the boulevard. IN side there where good-comfortable chair and an expensive carpet, a girl was sitting by a desk in one corners, when Marlowe asked for known book she doesn’t know any of them. Then he tell her that he has to speak to Geiger, she tell him that he isn’t in and that he will be back later. He says he can wait and after a while another man walks in, and after a short while he walks away, then he follows the man that sees him, he drops the package behind some trees and leaves, thinking that Marlowe hasn’t seen him, Marlowe then gets the package and opens it its full of pornography.

A dead man disappears………………..

After watching the store for about an hour Mr. Geiger gets back, goes in for an hour then drives home, Marlowe follows him. When he gets to the house he stays out side, after a while he sees that another car arrives, after a while he gets close to the car and then sees that it is the red sport car he had seen before. The he saw a bright flash and a weird scream, and then 3 gun shoots, he tries to push in the door but fails in stead he kicks in a window. Then he finds Carmen all drugged and fucked up all naked. And MR. Geiger shoots dead on the floor with 3 bullets. He find a small notebook full of name on Mr. Geiger body. Then he brings Carmen to her house.

Who killed Owen Taylor?………

The next day there where no news on Geiger’s death in the newspapers. Then he friend Bernie Ohls Called him, he was the one who told him about the general. He said that they had found the Chauffer of the Sternwoods. He was in side a car whit a wound to his head and his neck broken. Ohls tells Marlowe that the boy has had problems with the Law before. Then he went to Geigers Book store. As an door open he could see that men where moving the book out of the store. He got into a taxi and asked the driver to follow them. When he got there he saw that they where carrying the books to Joe Brandy’s Apartment. Then he left, and when he got to his office Mrs. Regan was waiting for him. She explains that a woman called her saying that if she doesn’t pay 5000 dollars she will sell the pictures of her naked sister to a magazine.

Marlowe meets Eddie Mars........................

Marlowe decides to go to Geigers garage and when he come there he finds Carmen sneaking around the house, WHen they both got inside the house he asked who killed Geiger and she told him that that it was Joe Brody. About then Eddie Mars enterd the house and asked what they where doing there.Marlowe told him that they where looking for a book. THey let carmen go but Mars keept Marlowe there.THen Mars sudently saw blood on the carpet and took out a gun. HE asked who Marlowe was who told him that he was an Private Detective.

Carmen Wants her pictures......................

Marlowe goes to Joes apartemente, when he asks Joe for Geiger, but he says he doesnt know him. When Joe tries to close the door, he puts his foot in beetwen the door. He told him that he has Geigers books and that Joe has his books. THen Joe got out a Gun and they started to talk. Marlowe told him that the person behind the curtain should step out,the he called her. It was Angnes , the girl from the store he told Joe that if mars finds out aboyut what he has done to the book he would kill him. Then it knkocked on the door, it was Carmen. They all 4 started to fight, and marlowe enden up with all 3 guns and the photos, he told carmen he would give the gun and the photos to her later.

Geiger Friend is a Killer.................. He told Joe verry seriusly to tell the truth and Joe started to tell him the story. He told him that the one who killed Geiger was the chaffeur and that he didnt kill any one, that he only hit the chaffeur over the head and stole the film. THen the door bell rang again and as Joe opened then was shoot twice. Marlowe ran after the boy who had shoot him and catched him, it was the boy from the book store. Then they went to Geiger house, Marlowe found Geiger body. It was hidden in his room, he then called Ohls and told him where to go to find Geiger.

Marlowe helps the Police..........

wenthey go to the police station he told them everything, how that the one that had killed Geiger was the chaffeur becuse he was in love with Carmen. And he told them the r4est of the storie, when they asked how he could know all this he told them that he was a private detective. He didnt want anything about the sternwood or balckmail in the newspaper. When they asked him why he told them that they know about the store but they wouldnt do anything.He then reade the newspaper to make sure that there wasnt anything about the Sternwoods. He the called and asid that the next day he would give the photos to carmen. Marlowes Job is finished -or is it?..........

He first went to the missing person bureu. He asked for regan. He was told that regan was a rich ex- soldier that was verry inteligient. As he left he noticed that a grey car was following him. He then went to se the general. That was sick, Noris gave him a 5000 dollar check.He then went to Mars club when he got there he talked to mars and asked if he had killed Regan, and he sadi he didnt.He then asked about the grey car.

Marlowe has Woman trouble......

He then saw how Mrs. Regan won alot alot of money, then when she whent outside he followed, He heard how someone mugged her and run of with all the money. He then called her name, and explained what he was doing there.They whent to a bar, then they drove to the beach, where she kissed him, but got realy pissed of when he asked what was betwen her and Mars. Then she left, and he went home, and when he got into his house, he found carmen all naked on the bed.He literly kicked her out.

I know where Mona Mars is.........

When he got to his office he found a litle man in the stairway, he has followed him in the grey car. As he started to talk to marlowe he told him that his name was Harry Jones and that he was a friend of agnes. He offerd information on Rusty Regan. He told him that he was in love with Mars wife and that Mars had him killed. He said that he had to meet Agnes later that night and she would give him the address of Mars wife and where she lived.

THe small Man sleep the big sleep......

When Marlowe got to the office where he wouold meet agnes, he heard that Harry was talking to Canino, one of Mars Thugs. He told canino where to find agnes and then canino killed harry with a bottle to the head. AS he was about to leave the telephone rang, it was agnaes an d marlowe told her that Harry had run of, but still offerd her tyhe money for the info she had. He then meet her, and got the address, he went in direction of the house but the car broke down. he went to the house to ask for help and Canino and a nother thug offerd to help him, the they hit him and he fell unconcius.

Mona Mars helps Marlowe escape.........

When he woke up, he was mona Mars, she told him that she know that Mars didnt kill Rusty. And that as long as she stayed in the house the police wouldnt think that Mars killed him. And that she dindt think mars would be able to do anything like that. He told her all abouth his buisnieses. She told him that i didnt mather. She then went took a knife and cut his ropes. When Canino came back AMrlowe then luerd him outside and with the help of Mona killed him.

Find him for me Marlowe................

He went to the missing person bureu again. He talked to the man there. They talked a while and then Marlowe left. He went and saw the general. Ha asked him to find Rusty, he said he would try. The nhe went to talk to carmen, she said she was bored and wanted to have fun. SHe asked if she could have her gun back, they went to a pice of land farther of and then she fired the gun, trying to kill him, but he had given her false-ammo. She then fainted.

Sleeping the big sleep..........

He went and talked to Mrs. Regan again, he told her all the storie how Eddie MArs only wanted her fathers money, and how Carmen tried to kill her. HE explained that carmen had killed REgan for the same reason as she had tried to kill him, they had both refused to sleep with her.

THe End MOre or LEss :)