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"Death Before Dishonor"

is the newest film written by S.R. Gallagher. An organization directed by the US Government assassinates targets throughout the world. Codename Quebec is the best assassin the organization has and he has never failed a mission. However when he is detained by the FBI he is forced to reveal the organizations darkest secrets. When his handler, Codename Fox finds out Quebec is on a mission to stay alive.

S.R. Gallagher wrote a screenplay in 2004 by the same title. The film began production on May 7, 2004. Production was terminated after Mond Beck refused to work with actor Dennis Mill. S.R. Gallagher released the following comment during an online interview at Bleu Munkee Produktionz World Fest.

"If Mond wants this movie to work, he needs to support his cast. Dennis Mill is one of the finest actors I've ever had the pleasure to work with. Mond is a little child, maybe we should change the company name to Beat Your Beck Entertainment! If Mond wasn't the talented director he claims to be. As executive producer I am stopping production until the on set problems end."

Mond Beck released this statement at the bRokin wRist film festival on June 6, 2004. "I think S.R. is completely full of himself. I did not have a problem with Mill, the problem was with the subject matter. It was very weak, maybe we should blame the idiot that wrote it. Oh that's right it was Gallagher. (deleted) moron! What do you mean I can't say (deleted)? Well (deleted) you! You (deleted) asshole! What the (deleted)? I can say asshole but not (deleted)? I'm (deleted) out of here."

Check out American*Assassins "Death Before Dishonor"!
