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a new kind of entertainment company


SR annoinced A sketch comedy show is in the making and will be available here soon. Like SNL and Mad TV but Funny!

-----5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY--------

6.13.03 was the released date for Eradication. A film about neo-nazism in a small school. Now almost five years later Beat Your Kidz is going high tech.

"The editing software I used was very basic and cost only $79.99. I felt that when it was released it was the best for the what I had and the look I wanted. Now that BYK has started to take off we have upgraded." - S.R. Gallagher (at the bi-weekly beating)

When we did this movie it was completed in about a month and a half. I wasn't happy with the way it turned out. So now we will fix the areas of the film that were just silly. There was one scene in the Gym when the students are supposed to be listening to Jeremy but instead are staring at the wall. We will try some effects to make it look better." - Mond Beck (From the Desk of Beck)

-----THE FIGHT IS OVER----------

Gallagher has ended the fight with Beck. The cease fire came as a surprise to everyone in the Kidz Korner. "I feel that time has passed and the whole thing started over a movie idea that Mond and I shared." - Gallagher (During an exclusive interview while He is away.

"The idea is still being worked on as both of us we will be writing. This will be a difficult process as S.R. seems to run a monopoly on writing films. I think it will be good to give a Directors insight into the writing." Beck in a response to Gallagher's peace offering.

(01 April 07) *GALLAGHER MEETS WITH A NEW DIRECTOR* - During an online discussion S.R. talked with Kerry Brogan. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker, and plans to make a film about S.R. This film would be encompassing all aspects of BYK. Including the only on Screen Interview of Director/President Mond Beck.


beat your kidz began productions on 11 November 2002, a small production company created by S.R. Gallagher and controlled by Steven P. McMiller and Brian Shelle' the company was named Beat Your Child Entertainment. After a few legal issues (STUPID SINGLE MOTHERS) The trio met with director Mond Beck during the shooting of Little Plastic Men. The meeting lasted for three hours, in that time S.R. and Mond began to argue about creative control and a fist fight erupted. Steven P. McMiller broke his nose in the scuffle and took control of the company. The name was changed to Beat Your "Child" Entertainment. After another legal battle (Our record is 3-0) the company was sold for Five American Dollars and a large piece of Tin Foil to S.R. Gallagher. The first move as CEO/Owner S.R. Gallagher changed the name to Beat Your Kidz Entertainment. After another legal battle (Settled out of court, 4-0) The name was changed to Beat Your Kidz. In 2006 S.R. Gallagher added his long time friend J. DeSimone to the fight! Mond Beck was less than pleased with this move. S.R. and Mond have yet to forgive each other. J. DeSimone is working as Creative Consultant to S.R. Gallagher.

After an interview S.R. Gallagher said "Beat Your Kidz I started it, and I'm going to see that the company continues to make films. If you don't agree with the name, or the film deal with it, its art. Also please don't pester me with stupid ass questions anymore. Its getting old, Mond Beck is blowing this whole thing up. I never said he was an idiot or anything like that. What I said was Mond Beck is a jerk off. There is a big difference. I think Mond Beck is a waste of life."

Mond Beck said "Gallagher is completely retarded, I just can't stand his ass. I'm even upset that we have the same Grandfather. He's just lucky I'm here to save his so called films, dude needs to learn how to write dialogue. The idiot or waste of life comment is due to Gallagher not being able to handle someone else's opinion. He sucks! Most of the films he wrote can't be made because of him. He can blame me all f****** day. I still know I tried to make them work, he just quits when I come up with a better and more effective way to do things. Beck has spoken."

the guys behind the scenes

Cool Beat Your Kidz sites

S.R. Gallagher
Mond Beck
