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The Worst Webpage in the World

Welp, I decided that this thing needed a new greeting/hola thing. Soooo...Greetings/Hola! yeah, well hey everybodeh. I'm trying to put up some more writing song dealies on here, but right now there are about 5 different unfinished writings that im working on finishing. There is one that we've written AND put music to, and it was dubbed "Natural Bulge". I'll try to get that up here soon. anywhooz, peace out yo. live long and proper. (and yes, i meant to use "proper")


Check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out. My name is Keenan and I live in a house. It is on top of a hill. yay. Wow I have no clue what to put here. Yeah, check out this be cool yo. Wow I am so ghetto now, thug fo life. peace yo. And all that rap music that I dont listen to. I'm gonna go away now.

Writings & Lyrics
Fun Stuff
Favorite Music
Jared's Crap
Songs of the Week (or so)
My Xanga
