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Bako Zine Library








Bako Zines Library List


bako zines frequenters-the list...

(* is by request)




2600 Magazine Spring 2006

A Bike Touring Primer

A Camera In Your Foot #1

Adventures In Menstruating *

Adventures In The Land of Grease Cars and Fireflies

Against The Logic Of Submission (2 copies)

All You Can Eat LONDON


Anarchism by Emma Goldman

Anarchism- What It Really Stands For

Anarchism, Marxism & Hope For The Future

ANP Quarterly #6

Area 1 #1

Area-Berkeley California #1

Art Bureau #6

Art Bureau #8

Arts & Crafts Revolution

As Soon As Your're Born They Make You Feel Small

Astounding #00

Atrophy Zine #5

Baby I'm A Manarchist

Back Talk #2

Bathtub Gin #3

Beatniks From Space #7

Best Zine Ever #3

Best Zine Ever #4 (3 copies)

Beyond The Wall Of Injustice #7

Big Nurse #5

Bike Bakersfield #2

Black Mesa Arizona

Black, White and Ska All Over Spring 1998

Blackout 2003

Blackthorn #1

Blurt #1 *

Blurt #2 *

Blurt #3 *

Blurt #3

Brain Food #13

Brain Scan #19 *

Brains and Beauty #3

Brains No Beauty #3

Brown Rot #9

Cat Man #1

Chain Breaker #4 *

Checkered Past #11

Checkered Past #12

Checkered Past #12

Chickenhead Records Zine #11


Chum Vol 1

Chumpire # 6

Chumpire #172

Chumpire #174

Chumpire #176

Chumpire #177

Chumpire #178

Colour of Shadow #5

Comic Queso #5

Comixville #4

Comixville #5

Comixville #6

Con Queso #1 *

Con Queso #5

Confused and Paranoid-A Writer in New York

Cracker #2

Crippled by Depression "Why don't nobody love me?"

Crippled by Depression #2

D.I.Y Guide II/ The Walls Are Alive *

D.I.Y Guide II/ The Walls Are Alive (2 copies)

D.I.Y. Screen Printing

Death To Capitalism

Debbie and Michelle Break Free

Dial Zero and Hold #1

Dial Zero And Hold #2

Divisible Photo Zine

Do Not Call Me #2

Doris #23 *

Dropout #2

Dwayger Dungeon Vol 1 No. 1

Dwelling Portably May 1999 *

Elephant Mess #14

em #11 (enobled mind)

Emma Goldman #3

Erik and Laura-Marie Magazine #35

Even If You Like Meat…

Eventide #5


F.O.E. #11

Falling Man

Farming Uncle #102

Fault Lines #2 (3 copies)

Fighting For Our Lives

Finding My Light


Firestarter Press 2004

Frail Roots #2

Fran Magazine Vol 2 #2

Fran Magazine Vol 3 #1

Free Society

Fuzzy Lunch Box #9

Gail Bates

Gay Shame (2 copies)

Getting Here

Ghetto Gardner 2005

Green Zine *

Guinea Pig Zero #5

Gutter Flower #1 (Split zine with Unless Indicated)

Gutter Flower #2

Gutter Flower #3

Gutter Flower #4

Gutter Flower #5

Gutter Flower #6

Gutter Flower #7

Hand Me Downs (2 copies)

Handy Dandy Basic Zine Info

Hanging Like A Hex #11 (2 copies)


Happy Freak Show #1

Harbinger #5

Heart Attack #43

Heart Attack #50

Herbs and Uses

Home Video 2005

Homopatrol 1989

Hope Fauna

Imaginary Enemies #3

Imagine #7

In A Lonely Place Vol 1 Issue 2

Isotope - Potluck Issue

Just That Good #13

LA Alternative Press Vol. 2 #25

LA Scene Reporter #13

LA Scene Reporter #15

Last Gasp 2006 Newsletter

Last Gasp September 2006

Last Gasp Winter 2007

Last Group Publishing 2006

Last Hours #10

Left Back #4

Legal Underage Pornography April 2005

Liquid Cheese #23

Liquid Ohio #33

Liquid Ohio Fall/Winter Extravaganza

List Zine May 2005

Maximum Rock N Roll #213

Maximum Rock N Roll #256

Metamorphoses 2006

Mistakes #1

Mixed Reviews, Aaron Cometbus

Modern Monuments #1

Mumia Abu-Jamal Resource Guide

Negative Space #2

Nerve #2

Nerve House #2

New Scheme #12

New Scheme #13

Niche Zine #3

Niche Zine #4

Niche Zine #5

Obscure Publications #7

On Any Given Wednesday (A book of poetry) 2006

One Hundred And Twenty Two Things To Do To Be

Oop #8

Oregon Cycling #2

Oregon Cycling #5

Oregon Cycling Vol. 14 #2

Overground Distro 2005 Catalog (2 copies)

Plain Talk About Spanking


Poor And Forgotten #21(2 copies)

Poor and Forgotten #22

Poor And Forgotten #23

Post Mortem Remains #2

Profane Existence #43

Proper Gander #56

Pull The Plug On The Feminine Hygiene Industry *

Punk Associated #1

Queen Mab Vol 1 #2


Red Rover #1

Redefine March 2005

Reporter Little Black

Resource Book On The Case Of Riding Freight Trains

Review To Issue 1

Revolution #76

Revolution #77

Revolution #84

Revolution #85

Revolution #86

Revolution #87

Revue To #1

Ruby Bayou Autumn 1996

Ruby Bayou Fall 1998

Sap #2

Screen Printing

Se7en Issue 2

Sea Of Slime (2 copies)

Sea Of Slime #2.5

Sea Of Slime #3

Sea Of Slime #4

Seventeen Street Stencils #2

Shape Shifter #3

Show Me The Money #23

Shrimp Debut Issue (MATURE CONTENT)

Sink Or Swim #1

Skankin' Ladybug #2

Slappy Express March 1994

Slave Magazine #3

Slingshot #42

Slingshot #43

Slingshot #46

Slingshot #50

Slingshot #51

Slingshot #53

Slingshot #54

Slingshot #57

Slingshot #58

Slingshot #60

Slingshot #61

Slingshot #63

Slingshot #64

Slingshot #65

Slingshot #66

Slingshot #67

Slingshot #68

Slingshot #70

Slingshot #72

Slingshot #73

Slingshot #74

Slingshot #75

Slingshot #76

Slingshot #79

Slingshot #80

Slingshot #81

Slingshot #82

Slingshot #83

Slingshot #85 (2 copies)

Slingshot #86 (2 copies)

Slingshot #87 (2 copies)

Slingshot #88(2 copies)

Slingshot #89 (2 copies

Slingshot #91

Slingshot #93 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #52

Slug N' Lettuce #57

Slug N' Lettuce #58

Slug N' Lettuce #78 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #79 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #80 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #82 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #83 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #84 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #85 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #86 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #87 (2 copies)

Slug N' Lettuce #88 (2 copies)

Some Thoughts On Gay Marriage

Sorry Like Hell #1

Sound And Light Of Weakness #4

State Of Mind Vol 1 Issue 1

State Of Mind Vol 1 Issue 2

State Of Mind Vol 1 Issue 3

State Of Mind Vol 1 Issue 4

Stolen Sharpie Revolution *


Stronger Than Dirt #001

Support-by C. Roads *

Surfacing For Air

Talent Notebook Vol 1 #1

Tasers And Our Fight Against Police Brutality

Ted Gottfried's Modern Monuments

Ten Street Stencils #1

Tenacious #7

The Chimpanzee

The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #1

The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #2

The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #3

The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #4

The Europeans Say You're An Asshole

The Family Geek #3

The Insurgent #18.6

The Insurgent Vol XIII No. III

The Jelly Slide #4

The Juniper #3

The Juniper #4

The Juniper #5

The Man Who Lived Inside His Camera

The Match #95

The New Scheme

The New York Rat #5 (2 copies)

The Noveltown Review Spring 2007

The Otis Complex Issue 1

The Parable Of Cookie Monster And His Tiki News #15

The Perfect Mix Tape Segue #2

The Quark Vol 1

The Quest For An Octuple Entendre Red Rover #1

The Sixth Minky #1

The Sixth Minky #2

The Sixth Minky #3

The Sixth Minky #4

The Sixth Minky #5

The Sixth Minky #6

The Source

The Tightwad Gazette "Dare To Dumpstser Dive" (2 copies)

The U.S. And Iraq

The World Is My Fuse #1

Think Tank

This Way Out

Trash Magazine #1

Trash Magazine #2

Turning The Tide Vol 18 #4

Turning The Tide Vol 9 #1

Turning The Tide Vol 9 #2

Turning The Tide Vol 9 #4

Tweed #4

Ugly Planet #3

Unholy Roller #1

Unless Indicated #2

Unless Indicated #3

Unless Indicated #4

Unless Indicated #5

Unless Indicated #6

Unless Indicated #7

Unless Indicated #8

Unless Indicated #9

Vacant Expanse #2

Verbicide #16

Verbicide #17

Violent Malformation #7

Visions 2006


Weakness #4

Weird City #6

Weirdness Before Midnight #2

Why Vegan? 2001

Why You Should Not Trust Your School

Wierdness Before Midnight #5

Will You Swim With Me? Vol. 1 Issue 1

World Vol 18 #40

Yesterdays Muse

You Could Do Worse #1

You're A Star At Mecca

Zine Scrapbook #1

Zine World #23

Zine World #7

Zinetopia #0