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Bad Waitress Productions was started in December 2004 by some crazy cats in Muskegon, MI. We are dedicated to producing independent movies. Movies that WE want to watch. Maybe we'll make some cash, but we really doubt that. Look around, see what we're up to. Stay awhile. Try to ignore the ads, there's not a damn thing we can do about them for the time being. You can contact us at our Gmail address. All images and text and everything is copyright 2005, Matthew Abel and if it isn't, he knows who has it, so ask him to use any of it. We've got a sweet ass lawyer - or at least we will someday. Well, we'll get pretty pissed. View the trailer for Zombies A'Plenty! You need Windows Media Player to view it. Sorry. We hate Windows too.

Put your email in to get updates from Bad Waitress about our projects. We won't sell them. Or will we...? DUNDUNDUN!
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