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.away from ninevah.

welcome to Away From Ninevah, a page created with no purpose in mind except for passing the time. i hope you enjoy it. sign the guestbook before leaving please.

UPDATES: i just added some brand new pictures from the AFI show on the 12 of november. i would be posting an interview i was supposed to have with jade, but that didnt work out because of really bad timing and my drawing class going until 5pm.....i know, i know. at any rate, head over to the AFI section to look at some rad pictures. nitro records hooked me up with a press pass so i got pretty close. it was a blast. and to those of you who haven't listened to Rise Against....take my advice (as well as aaron and jesse's) and check them out....they are amazing.

kug and hisses,

also, ill be adding a Death by Stereo section when i become energetic enough to do so. until then, i give you these words of wisdom....

"never trust a monkey"

artwork (not much here yet)
Nightmare Before Christmas (there isnt much here yet either)
view the guestbook
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