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The Crap They Allow On The Internet These Days...

The Page Formerly Known as All About Me



             That's me. Yes I am just plain Morgan but I love my webcam so I take lots of pictures. If you look behind my head you can see the many different stages of my laundry. And if you didn't notice I like my hair up.

This is my piece of wasted space so I hope you like it. Well actually i don't care if you like it because I do. This will probably just be my place to rant about everything that i hate about what is going on in the world today. But yes back to me... My name is Morgan and I have the unpleasant experience of attending Upland High School.   I just moved to this picturesque little straight laced suburb and i am already plotting to run away and join the circus ( clowns are a risk I'm just going to have to take). If you cant tell by the fact that my background looks like a pair of socks that I'm a little offbeat then I will try to speak slower for you. I'm not amazingly socialable but if you have good taste* in music and aren't too closed minded I'm sure i could pencil you in. The only place that you could probably find me on a regular basis is the 2nd Street Fair in Upland because I would go stir crazy without it. Then again this is Upland "famous for lemons" so I might go crazy anyways. You might also be able to find me in a puddle of blood because the goddamn sidewalk tried to pick a fight with me again. Or I might have accidentally walked to G Street and the cemetery again. Yes I am super special and have no sense of direction. What else could anyone possibly want to know about me? Oh I am vegan and I am considering going to art school instead of law school (sorry mom but Shanali got to my brain). Yeah so if you are nosy and have any questions you can email me. Unless you are Megan Lee than you just get out of here you Commie! Heh heh don't you love inside jokes?

The Day The Music Died :

Did anybody hear that Johnny Cash died today? September 12,2003. Woah, I mean first that Justin Timberlake pansy gets his MTV award thingy but now he is dead. It really makes you think about life and death. Country singers are not supposed to die. That is the job of rock stars. That is a little rule I have in my head. Well even if you (like me) weren't a huge Cash fan when he was alive I think you should check out his music. Like his music video. It is kind of ironic to watch the video now because it has these overtones of death....

Hey My Guestbook is broken so just email me. I love to meet new people . I also love to meet old people.

My email address is

* You like punk  music but can admit that other genres can have something to offer too Oh yes and by punk I don't mean Simple Plan and Avril.


My Life:

The Gallery

 The Music

The Money

The Movies

The Homies

The Girl


Bands Whose Albums Should Be Used As Coasters

Guestbook: New and Improved!!!