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The AOF is quickly approaching it's one year anniversary as haven for the oppressed citizens of the internet. With the downfall of most of the AOF's enemies, the changes to the Interplay forums and a loss of focus, the AOF is currently redefining its purpose on the internet.

A lot has changed since our creation on the Fallout 2 message boards, Terra Firma was ousted from his Overseer position in the Order and he fled to the UV. The UV has had a major civil war between it's members. There are two "Unwashed Villages" now. 

Interplay totally revamped their message boards due to the actions of numerous "dopplegangers" who  warred on their Baldur's Gate 2 message board. The new boards are an example of what happens when you  use oppressive methods to maintain "control". Many of their forums see less than 10 messages a day. 

Those who hated us and what we stood for have gone away, excepting one and we keep him around for his entertainment value.

I do not know into what new territory the AOF is headed but hang on because it will be a fun ride.

[Kilus's AOF Chatroom] [Honorary Members] [For the Fallen] [AOF Fallout Guys]
[AOF Poll Results] Stuff BOARD OF THE MOMENT

The AOF is about the freedom to say anything you want on our message board and not get banned or deleted for your views or how you express them. Something that no other independent board does, note thought that even we have rules concerning the use of our message board.

The AOF message board was originally created as a place to bring flame wars to, as a refuge for those people who just can't get along with the rest of internet society and a place to stand up to the oppression of the Order.

Most AOF members thrive in the message board environment, so we have provided links to as many interesting and diverse message boards around the internet. What you do when you are on these boards is your business.

The AOF does NOT police its members, that would go against what we stand for.

The AOF asks that you, as a member of the AOF, leave a link back to the AOF message board whenever you post on another message board. Just copy the following URL ( ) into the space that most boards provide for URL links in the message form. 


Last update:09/08/00
Page Created: 01/29/00