Title: "Erase/Rewind" Part Four

Author: Anna Rousseau <annadelamico@yahoo.co.uk>

Series: Interactive Fiction Part Four

Genre: ER/VOY Crossover

Rating: PG 13

Summary: Torres experiences the stabbing of Lucy and Carter in 'Be Still My

Heart' in a holonovelisation of ER and feels very un-Klingonly emotional

towards the events involving two photonic projections.

Disclaimer: All these characters do NOT belong to me...but if TPTB at WB are

reading, it's a month till my birthday...


Thank you for the brilliant response- this really helps me write, and as I'm

a newbie- it is very reassuring to know my fic is being read.



a) Torres leaves the holodeck and goes off to cry, panic struck. Then

returns to try and save their lives with 23rd Century gadgetry.

<1/2 a vote>

b) Torres reruns the programme and becomes obsessed with keeping Lucy and

Carter alive (a la Groundhog Day).

<8 votes>

c) Torres trys to create a miracle happy ending to the episode with the aid

of super whizz kid Ensign Harry Kim- holoprogrammer extrodinaire.

<1/2 a vote>

d) Programme doesn't shutdown properly, Sobricki steals the Doctor's mobile

emitter and goes on a killing spree on Voyager....hey, I needed a fourth


<2 votes> thankfully outvoted- I would've had to do a pardody if it won, a

la 'The Katty and Camille Mysteries'(only my friends'll get this <g>).








Torres pulled open the door of the examinination room and rushed down the

eerily silent hallways of the holoprogramme, watching as certain photonic

projections faded without warning as the computer terminated the programme.

Her Starfleet issue boots made a sharp tapping noise against the 20th

Century linoneum as she hurried past frozen holocharacters: laughing,

dancing, chewing the mysterious blue cake - all oblivious to the fact that

two of their collegues were in a critical condition on the floor of a

deserted exam room, in pain and dying. It was almost painful to see their

carefree expressions and relaxed manner.

Torres shook her head and pushed past Dr. Dave who was in the process of

eyeing the backside of the receptionist someone had introduced her to

earlier called Randi. As she pushed the doors open, most of the ER faded

from around her and when she turned around to look back once she got to the

exit, no trace remained of the holonovel, just an unfamiliar feeling in her

stomach and a bitter taste in her mouth.



Ensign Harry Kim and Lieutenant Tom Paris rounded the corner of the

corridor as they approached the holodeck. They were both kitted out for an

apres-night-shift game of hoverball on the holodeck and were conversing on

one of their favourite topics, even when Tom was 'attached', women.

"So," Tom asked, looking at Harry who looked back at him blankly.

"So, what?" Harry replied in the same probing manner.

"So you and Seven," Tom said with a laugh.

Harry sighed, exasperatedly, "What about 'me and Seven'?"

Tom opened his mouth, but never actually got any words out as B'Elanna

rushed oput of Holodeck 2 and brushed past him aggressively, nearly pushing

him over.

"Hey!" Harry called after her. "Fancy a round of hoverball?"

Torres never looked back, she just shouted over her shoulder at the two

officers vermently, "I've had enough of the holodeck for one day!"

Tom started after her, but gave up on the ground that B'Elanna's moods were

a hopeless cause, "What did I do?"

Harry smiled at Tom's face which was etched with perplexment, "Hormones,




Torres paced back and forth in her quarters trying to think what had gotten

into her. For heaven's sake, she could disembowel a Cardassian in two

seconds with her bat'leth without flinching, but a holoprogramme was making

her sick. At times like this she blamed her human side.

But this wasn't the first time.

She remembered how nauseaus and disturbed she had felt when Chakotay had

told her that all their friends from the Marquis had been killed. Torres

thought painfully back to the holorepresentation she had worked on when she

tried to reconcile her 'survivor's guilt', well that was The Doctor had

called it.

Torres headed out of the door, grabbing a tricorder from a shelf as she

went, also pocketing her phaser. She still had an hour until her shift

started and she certainly wasn't in the mood to get any sleep.

A few minutes later Torres found a free holosuite and stepped up to the

control panel and tapped the screen, "Computer, run programme Alpha Gamma

177121 section 06-13. Authorization Torres- Delta Psi Omega."

"Programme initiated," the computer chirped as the door opened.

Torres stepped into the snow, "Computer, initiate holocharacter

accessories: Emma Torres."

She watched as the lab coat appeared around her, and her starfleet

regulation top morphed into a crimson turtle neck. Torres stepped forward

into the holoprogramme, then stopped, drew her phaser and shouted into the

cold air.

"Computer, disengage safety devises," Torres asked as she trudged forward


"Command over-ruled," the computer reported.

Torres sighed as she shouted back, "Over-ride, authorisation Paris- Gamma

Epsilon Alpha."

"Safety features offline."

She hurried to the door, and pushed it open,bracing herself for what she

had to do.


Dave Malucci grabbed a handful of nuts and chewed them in an undignified

way. Carol Hathaway grimiced as she shouted at him above some loud rock

music, "God, Malucci. Could you shut your mouth, geez."

Dave opened his mouth even more as he chewed, which aggravated Carol even

more, "That is gross. Kate eats like a finishing school graduate compared to


Dave spoke at her, his mouth still full, "Well, I'm not Kate, am I!" Half

chewed nuts flew at Carol, and she wiped them off.

"Malucci! No you're not, thank god!" Carol felt sick as she examined her

top. Dave smiled and walked away a happier man for annoying the charge


As he walked to the lounge, a young woman in a lab coat ran into him,

"Ouf!" The young woman exclaimed as she collided with him, cursing something

under her breath.

Malucci took a step back, and held his hands in the air in a peaceful

gesture, "Whoa! I'm sorry!"

The brunette scowled at him, "Watch it, Malucci!" She grunted as she pushed

past him.

"People call me Dr. Dave," Malucci shouted above the music as he tried to

place her face with no results. "But Dave will do."

Malucci lent forward and stared at her ID tag- Hmm, never heard of her. But


did seem familiar.

He pulled her around and started to dance with the attractive woman, "Med

student, eh? Well relax, no patients at the moment."

The woman scowled at him again before she disentangled herself and rushed

down the hallway, "Not now, Dave!"

Dave stood there dumbstruck, "What is with everyone today?"


Torres pushed open the door and pan over to the side of the middle gurney.


was already laying there, blood was beginning to clot in her hair. Her lips


slowly mouthing words, a faint gurgle could be heard in her throat. Torres

saw a

bloody laceration near the base of her neck.

Her heart plunged. She had let it happen again. Suddenly she heard a sound


her, the attacker was behind her, his knife poised and ready to be forced

into the ridged

skin of her back.

Torres drew her phaser quickly from her side and the shrill sound of its

fire soon echoed

around the deserted room. A dull thud marked her success at stunning the

attacker, yet

she felt no accomplishment. Lucy was still going to die.

"Computer," Torres barked, "restart programme."



Dave Malucci grabbed a handful of nuts and crammed them into his mouth in

an undignified

way, trying to guess how many he could fit in there before he stopped

breathing. It was a sort of

project he had going on. Carol Hathaway grimaced as he started to choke, his

body racked with

splutters. She shouted at him above some loud rock music, "God, Malucci.

What do have- a death

wish or something."

Carol sighed as she performed a Heimlich manoever on the resident, nuts

popped out of his mouth

as she gave him a lecture on the proper consumption of nuts, "That is so

immature, so that one day when

medically trained staff are around you and you could end up dead.

Dave coughed and gave a sarcastic expression, "Oh yes, death by nuts...I

can see the bill boards now,

thank you for that, mom."

Carol rolled her eyes, "I'll see you later then, as you get rolled in on a

gurney, choking to death..." her

voice grew louder as she tried to put her point across, Dave was already

walking away.

"OK, OK, OK! Geez, lighten up Carol, it's a party!"

As he walked to the lounge, a young woman in a lab coat ran into him,

"Ouf!" The young woman exclaimed as she collided with him, cursing something

under her breath.

Malucci took a step back, and held his hands in the air in a peaceful

gesture, "Whoa! I'm sorry!"

Dave was hit with the uneasy feeling of deja vu. He guessed it was the

result of

the choking incident.

The brunette scowled at him, "Watch it, Malucci!" She grunted as she pushed

past him

"People call me Dr. Dave," Malucci shouted above the music as he tried to

place her face with no results. "But Dave will do."

As he made a grab for her for the next dance, she slid over on a wet patch

on the floor,

taking Dave over as she fell to the ground.

Dave smiled as he looked up to her dazed face. She was unusually pretty,

latino- like him.

"Oh, this is so sudden!" He quipped, "Miss...?"

The woman rolled her eyes, "Torres!" She picked herself off from on top of

Malucci and started

down the corridor, not even giving him a backward glance.

"Geez!" Malucci exlaimed, "What is the matter with every one!"



Torres opened the door and gave out a loud sigh. There was the man

leaning over behind a

gurney, his patient's gown spluttered with blood.

She raised her phaser and pressed the button absentmindedly, the

attacker fell to the floor.

Third time was apparently not lucky for Lucy.

Behind her the door opened and she came face to face with Dr. Carter. He

looked at her face,

then at the phaser and back to her face, "Who are you?"

Torres grunted in annoyance and yelled above the music pouring through

the door, "Computer, restart



Dave Malucci grabbed a handful of nuts and chucked them into his mouth in

an undignified

way, half of them missed their target and ricocheted off the desk and

computer. Carol Hathaway

grimaced as one hit her in the face. She shouted at him above some loud rock

music, "God,

Malucci. For once, try and get them in your mouth."

Dave picked up another handful of nuts and threw them aimlessly into his

mouth, which

aggravated Carol even more, "That is gross. Kate eats like the Queen of

England compared to


Dave spoke at her, his mouth still full, "Hey, I'm a twenty-somthing, I'm

allowed to do this, its

what I live for." Half chewed nuts flew at Carol, and she wiped them off.

"Euh, Gross!"Carol felt sick as she examined her top. Dave smiled and

walked away a happier

man for annoying the charge nurse, with his dazzling display of profficient

projectile spitting.

As he walked to the lounge, a young woman in a lab coat ran into him,

"Ouf!" The young woman exclaimed as she collided with him, cursing something

under her breath.

Malucci took a step back, and held his hands in the air in a peaceful

gesture, "Whoa! I'm sorry!"

He thought he'd seen her before, but a lot of the last five minutes seemed

like a de ja vu...a few too many of those candy hearts, Dave presumed.

The brunette scowled at him, "Watch it, Malucci!" She grunted as she pushed

past him

"People call me Dr. Dave," Malucci shouted above the music as he tried to

place her face with no results. "But Dave will do."

She didn't even turn around.

"Geez!" Malucci exlaimed, "What is the matter with every one."!

Dave headed towards the reception, determined to have a good time, if no

one else was. Where was Lucy, she might be up for a bit of fun. Malucci

decided to go chat up Randi, he had plenty of time to dance with Lucy,

afterall, she was coming to the bash at the Jazz Note after their shift.

Suddenly he stopped.

Was it his imagination or was that brunette carrying a gun?



Torres pushed open the door to the examination room. It was still dark and

she swung her phaser in front of her, checking behind the door. She breathed

a sigh of relief as she saw the young blonde, Lucy Knight, watching over a

patient as she sat on a stool, talking agitatedly to someone on the other

end of the phone.

"Yes, Sobricki," Lucy sighed, not noticing Torres' presence. "S O B R I C K


She spelt out the letters slowly and clearly so not to confuse the person

on the other end who obviously had the literacy capability of a kindergarden


Lucy looked heavenward and noticed Torres edging closer to the bed, "Emma

Torres, third year," B'Elanna said as way of identification. She held her

phaser in the folds of her lab coat, still ready for anything out of the


"No, I can not come up," Lucy rolled her eyes, "no...wait..." Lucy cupped

her hand over the receiver and whispered to Torres, "Can you watch him while

I go get a consult?"

"Sure," Torres replied as Lucy confirmed comething over the phone.

Lucy hung up and headed out of the door with a chart, "I owe you one."

Torres was about to reply when she felt a sharp pain in the lower part of

her back. It throbbed and increased, spreading throughout the area. She

turned around to see the attacker, lunging at her viciously with a large

butcher's knife.

She reeled back, loosing her balance and becoming faint. Her skull collided

painfully with the floor. Fear racked her body as the patient came up to

her, hovering the point of the blade at her abdomen. Torres raised her arm

slowly and took aim, cautiously, so not to aggravate the pain in her back.

She pressed the trigger with all her force, willing it to work. The phaser

remained silent, he was edging closer and closer with malice etched across

his face. The phaser pack was dead from the earlier round of phaser fire.

Torres dropped the phaser and her hand went limp.

Her entire body lost any will and in her mind she slipped into darkness.





a) Tom and Harry drop in from their game of hoverball to find ER crew

working on Torres.

b) Janeway turns up to see why Torres over-ruled the safety protocols, and

she is whisked to the sickbay for some 23rd century trauma work.

c) What do you think should happen next?


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e-mail <annadelamico@yahoo.co.uk