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Udana IV.6

Pindola Sutta

About Pindola

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
For free distribution only.

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Savatthi, in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery. Now at that time Ven. Pindola Bharadvaja was sitting not far from the Blessed One, his legs crossed, his body held erect -- a forest dweller, an alms-goer, a rag-robe wearer, an owner of only one set of three robes, a man of few wishes, content, solitary, unentangled, his persistence aroused, an advocate of the ascetic practices, devoted to the heightened mind. The Blessed One saw Ven. Pindola Bharadvaja sitting not far away, his legs crossed, his body held erect -- a forest dweller, an alms-goer, a rag-robe wearer, an owner of only one set of three robes, a man of few wishes, content, solitary, unentangled, his persistence aroused, an advocate of the ascetic practices, devoted to the heightened mind.

Then, on realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed:

Not reviling, not injuring,
restraint in line
with the Patimokkha,
moderation in food,
dwelling in seclusion,
devotion to the heightened mind:
this is the teaching
of the Awakened Ones.


To the present day Pindola Bharadvaja has not entered Nirvana because he broke a rule. Although the Arhats around the Buddha had spiritual powers, they were not allowed to display them casually. Once an elder called JyotiËka carved a bowl out of sandalwood, put it on top of a high pole, and said, “Whoever can use his spiritual powers to get the bowl down can have it.” Pindola Bharadvaja couldn’t resist the temptation, and used his powers to get the bowl down. “Since you’re so greedy for sandalwood bowls that you display your spiritual powers,” said the Buddha, “you will not be allowed to enter Nirvana. Instead, you must stay here and be a field of blessedness for living beings.” Pindola Bharadvaja is still in the world, but no one knows where.


Revised: Tus 7 Apl 2015