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Tinkerbell is Peter Pan's companion. She is also now know as the nascott of the Walt Disney company. She has a very feminen figure. She wears a short little green dress, little green shoes with white pompoms and carries around a wand. Tinkerbell sprinkles pixie dust on people, making them fly. How cool would that be. Being able to fly. Now theres a happy thought right there.


Well friends i have sorta. You see some of my friends I never see , while some of my friends I dont want to see because they dyed their hair blonde when their brunettes. I hate when people dye their hair. Gosh, God gave them what they got, and if they got a problem with what they got take it up with him. Anyways I got a few friends. My close friends (well they might not think of me as a close friend) are Blair, Katie, Lisa, Beth, Zuzanna, Megan, Holly, Jenn, Courtney, Hannah, Audrey, Jazmine(Princess Jazmine lol), Sabina, and the guys are well i cant say. And every one else i would call my friend.(I did not order my friends so if u are at the bottom of the long line u still could be my best almost friend. It's like a mystery? Anyways yep.

Poem The Lion and the Unicorn

The Lion and the Unicorn were fighting for the crown, The Lion beat the Unicorn all around the town, Some gave them white bread, And some gave them brown, Some gave them plum cake, And drove them out of town. Author unknown