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WIDTH="900" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="0"> ALIGN="CENTER"> Active Mailorder | CKY | Kettner's MySpace Page | The Founders of AMMO-SKATE | Contacts | Headshots | Mike V. Beatdown

Welcome to AMMO-SKATE.COM, Bitches!

OK. If you're looking at this site and thinking to yourself "man, this site is a piece of shit right now, but I'd like to be a part of it once it gets better", you're in luck. Obviously, we need pictures of people for this here site. I have a couple of myself, but nowhere near enough to make up an entire site. So, here's where you come in. First, get a good photographer. Shitty pictures are frowned upon here and will be laghed at and used to wipe my ass. Second, do a good trick. You don't have to be Andrew Fuckin' Reynolds, but please please please make the trick better than a Goddamn ollie off the curb. Once again, those will be frowned upon, laughed at, and used as ass-wiping material. Third, send your shots to either myself or my partner in crime. You can get our info on the Contacts page. If we like what we see, you're in. Now, there are some requirements for getting your photos on this site. You need to be in uniform and skate in the bomb dump. If you find that to be too risky for your liking, you need to have something that affiliates you with Ammo. I don't care if it's a shirt, a sticker, a stategically placed ammo coin in the foreground of your shot, whatever. Just be sure to MAKE IT VISIBLE. If we can't see the Ammo pisspot or whatever, odds are you're shit out of luck. I've been considering getting a team together later on down the road if demand is high enough, so send in them pictures!

The future of AMMO-SKATE.COM

Later on down the road I hope to get an ammo-skate product line going. I'm not sure what at this point. Probably some ammo coins, t-shirts, maybe some boards and shit, but that's much later on. As for now, send in them pictures so I can get some galleries going. Now go fucking skate!

AMMO-SKATE meets Jackass

We'll also throw in some random Jackass type shit just cuz. Feel free to submit some of this type shit as well. We don't really have any requirements for this type stuff, but ammo insignia couldn't hurt. Aside from that, just be a goddamn idiot and send that shit in.
-Chris Kettner

legal disclaimer- If a chick can strip butt naked and show her stuff in the bomb dump, there's no reason you can't skate in it. Now skate the fuck outta that place.Enjoi!