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OK, hey every body it's me Amanda so ya welcome to my web site i hope you enjoy it so ya well i don't no exactly wut to say ya so the pics below are of my friends well at least the ones that i have pics on the net of my friends i have tons more just i have not got around to down loading them ... so ya i eventually will( with there permishion ) put them on my page.. i feel so special MY PAGE :) so ya bye the way i say so ya lotz!!! So ya i guess i'll tell ya'll bout beutiful me :) My name is Amanda Elizabeth Candis Lynn it's actually Amanda Lynn but because on my birth certifict i do not have a middle name it just has my first name and last i have put 3 midle names in hence the Elizabeth candis lynn thingy goin on :) i play lotz of Soccer Cuz i love it i also play badiminton :) i am on the Rat Pak and on the renesance board @ my skool i am one of those students who are overly involved in skoll ya i no but i like to no wut's goin on there i spend a hell of alot of time so i ,might as well have sum imput in it B4 i bitch bout it so ya um ya so ya i have a little bro his name is Casey ( or KC as he prefefs ) he is 12 i'm 15 by the way in case you were wonderin but i doubt it cuzz my friends and family will be like the only ones on here so ya don't i have a kick ass site???? thank you so much ASh for the help i love the page so ya shout out to my Spazzarama!!! well so ya i've rote enuf i'll write more later to all my friends or family you can send me e-mails wit pics and i'll put it on there :) so love ya'll
oh bye the way i have to do sum shout outz now :) shout out to all my gurls Jackielynn krista Vix J and G alicia Doyen bob:) ASh Moe:) dooky, azure, Jackie B ghost samy michell jen afelia, breanne ya and of course my little gurls kayla, kala,Erica, jazzy and all my guys dan harley baby tyson neil johnny ryan mike the dyke and shoes jonny brettz so love ya'll oh also hi to my family :) Aunit crystal antie Carrie uncle paul uncle shaney poo heheh get a hair cut silly boy cory jeff jordan and my gurlz makayla amber nellie and casper and all my other new foster ppl :) bub buy keep cheaking in now that i have got a hold on how to run this crap i'll be on all the time :) great hey
love ya'llz

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