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Greettings, my name is Aaron, This is my site where i vent the small thoughts i have. Everyone has stupid thoughts and ideas, but im pretty quiet,
Until now..
This site is where i vent them all. They could be about anything and everything. Im not affraid of looking stupid on the internet so here it is! the list below is what i got so far! thanks for coming!

NOTE: The way this site looks, is terrible! Im working on a new look, something a little more flashy. In the mean time enjoy the new theme music.
Oh yeah and the URL for the site is "" but in case of emergancy its' Thanks!

REPORT:1 here i talk about a small test i conducted in my local mall.

REPORT:2 This about something that happened to me last year that made me realize how big of loser i really am.

REPORT:3 Is it possible to fall in love with someone who is not there? thats what this is about.

REPORT:4 Im a bumbling idiot with girls i DONT like!

REPORT:5 Here i talk about a year, where i grew up, sorta

REPORT:6 (sigh) The first girl i had feelings for...

REPORT:7 A run-down on the events that occured in 2002.

REPORT:8 (new) Tears of a clown...well not really

REPORT:9 (new) A once shattered black heart is now luke warm with tape on it...
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