The majority is always right?
Occasionally updated and edited. Copyright © 2009

The argument has been made by apologists that an overwhelming majority of Bible scholars in academia believe the Bible is true and God is real. We are to believe that those whose lives are dedicated to the study and research are most familiar with the Bible and are, therefore, most qualified to speak with authority regarding its reliability.

While the percentage of Bible scholars who believe in God is large — 75 percent according to Dr. William Lane Craig [1] — the number of professional astrologers — those who study and practice astrology for their livelihood — are nearly unanimous in their view that astrology is settled science.

Likewise, virtually 100 percent of Big Foot researchers believe in the creator's existence. Those who study the Book of Mormon are also convinced of its authenticity and share the same enthusiasm for their sacred tome as do the professionals at the Church of Scientology.

In the end, the large number of Bible scholars who believe the Bible is reliable history is small when compared to most other disciplines.

[1] Dr. Craig writes, ". . . 75% of scholars accept the historicity of the discovery of Jesus’ empty tomb . . ."
Subject: Historical Facts pertinent to Jesus’ Resurrection
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