A Dime Under My Pillow
Occasionally updated and edited. Copyright © 2011

I was five years old at the time. I believed everything my parents told me.

If I placed my tooth under my pillow, they said, the tooth fairy would replace it with a dime.

I gave it a try. Sure enough the following morning a dime replaced the tooth. I was delighted.

To this day I don't know who placed the dime under my pillow. It is a mystery past finding out. I can only speculate.

The best assumption is that one of my parents replaced the tooth with a dime. However, it could have been my older brother or another of my siblings.

There is an extremely remote possibility that the tooth was taken by a family friend.

I'm certain, however, that it was not the tooth fairy.

Natural explanations are not always forthcoming. We may not precisely know, for example, how a phenomenon originated. There may be multiple possible explanations, but only one can be correct.

I'm certain, however, that it is not supernatural.

July 30, 2011
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