Bugs Bunny Refutes Resurrection
Debunking the Eye Witness Argument
Occasionally updated and edited. Copyright © 2011

Pardon me for being blunt, but I suspect this is the dumbest argument offered by Christian apologetics: When defending the gospels -- the resurrection story of Jesus in particular -- they often rely heavily on eyewitness accounts. Apologists insist that eyewitness accounts are tantamount to slam dunk, irrefutable arguments.

Even if there were credible eyewitnesses (there weren't; see here), their testimony would be highly questionable.

Dr. Elizabeth Loftus is considered one of the world's foremost experts on memory. In her article, 'Our changeable memories: legal and practical implications,' she explains how malleable our memories really are.

One set of studies asked people to evaluate advertising copy, she says. They were shown phoney advertisements of Bugs Bunny shaking hands at Disneyland. The results of several presentations of the fake ads? 25 to 35 percent of those who viewed the ad copy said they recalled meeting Bugs Bunny while at Disneyland. 62% of those recalled shaking his hand. 46% recalled hugging him. One recalled Bugs Bunny holding a carrot.

Their memories were incorrect. Bugs Bunny, a Warner Brothers cartoon character, would not be at Disneyland.

Read Dr. Loftus' article here ►
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