Pascal's Wager
Occasionally updated and edited. Copyright © 2009

When I was little those closest to me referred to themselves as 'Christians' and occasionally spoke of the false Catholic religion. I presumed that everyone belonged to one of two religions: Christian and Catholic. The notion that other options existed didn't enter my mind.

My first revelation came during a conversation with a Catholic playmate. I was surprised to discover that he considered himself a Christian.

Prior to that revelation, I occasionally wondered, "What if Christians are wrong and Catholics are right?"

I imagined myself spending an eternity in hell wishing I had converted.

To make their case for Christianity, evangelicals often employ the same naive, childish limitations. This is accomplished by framing questions without the correct answers, leaving those asked unable to respond and, therefore, stumped. Evangelicals presume the inability to answer vindicates their views.

Blaise Pascal's wager

Blaise Pascal was a highly intelligent 17th century religious philosopher who distinguished himself as a brilliant mathematician. His wager concluded that one has everything to gain and nothing to lose by believing in God's existence.

Pascal's wager, as typically presented by evangelicals, is based on the naive notion that there are only two options: Evangelical Christianity and atheism.

In reality, Pascal's philosophy was complex and included several "wagers." Evangelicals find it cumbersome and impractical to spiel the whole of his philosophy to make a simple point, and so they get to the crux of the matter my reducing it to one simple concept that is summarized in the following syllogism: "If you believe God exists, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If you disbelieve God exists, you risk losing everything and gaining an eternity in hell. It is, therefore, to your advantage to believe God exits."

Pascal's wager is sometimes reduced to an even simpler question: "What if you're wrong?"

The same question could be asked of evangelicals: What if the Buddhists are right? The Muslims? The Mormons? The pagans? The worshipers of Amon-Rey?

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