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Sleeping Beauty

copyright 2000 Jon Vomit

A journalist walks up a sidewalk in a rush,. She leans against a payphone to make a call,. At the same time she looks into her brief case at a press kit,. Glamour shots of mary the rockstar & text,. She flips past a newspaper article pronouncing "Carrol the rockstar dead at --". Some pictures of him. The Call she makes is to mary who waiting for her,. The journalist goes on appologizing about her her horrible scedule;Running behind all day,. And she tells mary she'll meet her in 10 minutes. Apologizes again,. hangs up.

INTERVIEW Scene Pt1 cuts into an interview being conducted with Mary at a cafe/ bar. Mary the rock star & a journalist are in a booth, Mary is slumped over on the table drinking,

Journalist- "The liner notes of your second album 'God Is Dead' seemed to hint at Carrols influence, & his death, leading you to the spiritual..."

Mary-(interupting) "Oh fuck that, My Career and little fucking UPRISE..Success didnt start because I spent a week with carrol before I was FAMOUS... I know you have to mention the most influential musician of the decade, go on".

Journalist- "Well leave Carrol out of the interview... Lets start with..."

Mary- (interupting) "I spent a week with the most influential Avant-retard influencial musician of his decade... Hes GONE now".

Journalist- "You and- (famous persons name here) are currently talking about..."

Mary(interupting)- "Shut up. It wasnt a good week of my life., I mean, I was the one who found his Body. Thats been noted, You know that,. Its just like.. SPIN was going on yesterday about Carrol being my '"soul inspiration"' and "'teacher"'... He wasn't... He slept. Every day at noon he'd crawl, on His hands and knees ,. (without waking up) to the bathtub. Id walk in an hour later and find him sleeping underwater. I never knew how long he'd been under., So id grab his hair and pull him out screaming,. While his roommate watched TV. I only mentioned him in my liner notes because he was beautiful".

Journalist- "I'm sorry we'll leave Carrol out of this interview and..."

Mary (interupting)- "haha No... you know what I never really talked about it".

Scene 2 is the Flash back,. Mary meets Carrol.
Mary walks up the sidewalk with a boyfriend. They stop in front of an apartment building.
Boy- "This is where he lives... Bye hun. (they hug) I want you to call me as soon as he gives you any like... If you get nervous at all or..." (mary looks him in the eye holding back a laugh)

Mary- (as she steps toward the door she looks back). "I won't but thanks"!

In the building; Mary ascends the staircase.
She knocks on the apartment door., Another girl (shelly) opens the door from inside.

Mary-"Are you Carols Roommate"?
Shelly walks back inside, Leaving Mary in the door way. She walks back into the living room where she sits on the couch and resumes talking to a man sitting beside her.
Mary takes ONE step in.

Mary-"Your...Shelly"? Shelly turns quickly;

Shelly- "Yeah".

Shelly turns back to the man on the couch and talks to him.

Mary enters the living room,..,., She's ignored by the two on the couch. She stands awkwardly for a second but Realizes no ones looking at her, So she looks around.
She sees a bedroom door half ajar, She looks in to see that its dim inside.
Inside there's a man (Carol) on the bed, his head half propped up on the wall,. staring,- Maybe awake.

Mary enters the bedroom.

Mary- "Im Mary".

Carol lifts his head a little,. Opens his eyes a little wider...Then He lays down flat on the bed, Turns away on his side and closes his eyes.

Mary Lays down on the floor beside the bed (Pref. mattress) And looks at the ceiling.,.,. She says to the ceiling;
Mary- "Its good finally meeting you... Did you remember I was coming"?


Mary gets up off the floor and walks back into the living room, and sits on a chair facing (the roommate) Shelly, and the man who don't notice her.
She's on the edge of the chair leaning forward as if to lean into the conversation.. She's waiting for a turn to speak.
At last they pause in the conversation & Mary speaks to shelly:

Mary- "I was invited to stay with Carrol for awhile to..." (she pauses)

The two on the couch turn to her
They frown at her rudeness.
They turn back to each other and continue in their conversation.

Mary gets up and walks back into Carrols room.
She sits on the edge of Carrols bed, She Slaps his leg


Carrol half opens his eyes and closes them (half smiling)

Carrol (softly)- "Hey".

Mary stands up, Crosses her arms and stares at the dim (decorated with posters) Wall,. In silence.

A cat enters, She looks down.

Mary(whispers to the cat)- "Hey".

Mary looks down at Carrol.

Mary- "Whats your Cats name?"

Carrol (still in bed) props his head up and stares forward.


Mary-"Thats my Cats name too".

More Silence...Mary Lays down on the floor again beside the matress...More Silence

There's a noise in the dark, Breaking the silence. Its a sound like water under pressure escaping through a leak,. Or like a door creaking open. ---Silence,. Mary looks at the cieling. --Silence,.
The sound comes again,. And Mary on the floor turns her head toward Carrol.

Mary-"Thats coming from your head isnt it".

Carrol doesnt open his eyes but speaks- very rushed.

Carrol-"My brain makes that noise to warn me that its overloading. It just means Im smarter".

Mary- That used to happen to me too.

Carrol- No It didn't.


mary turns to her side away from Carrol and they sleep.


Theres a little more light in the bedroom now. Mary is sitting in a chair,. And Carrol is in bed almost upright propped against a wall. His chin is in his hand and his eyes are closed.------- Mary stands and walks over to one of the walls and looks at the decorations/ Pin ups,. concert posters,... Ect.
Carrol opens his eyes half way to look at Mary. His face is still dead to the world,. But when he speaks his voice hints alarm.

Carrol- Is thart dripping?
,br> Mary-(Looks back and Motions at the wall smiling) "The wall"?

Carrol-"The fishtank,. Shit!"

(there is no fishtank)

Mary-"The fishtank".(She looks up to where the cieling meets the wall, Where there IS a drop of water.) "Theres a drop of water" (she points)

Carrol-"Fuck!,. Climb up on top and find the leak."!

Mary-"I cant... Its just a drop of water. Moisture or something, Its not a leak.

Carrol-"Its not a leak?!, If its not a leak then it came from someones boots!, Someone broke in the apartment again and treaded water.,Someone came in over the Fishtank And treaded water in with his boots FUCK!.

Carrol Yells into the other room.


Shelly runs in pissed.. Mary gets out of her way. -- Shelly looks up at the drop on the wall and Yells;



Journalist (Looking at her watch and standing up)-"FUCK"!

The journalist looks back at mary who's still slouched over her drink.

journalist-"Mary Im sorry,. We'll continue this..."

Mary- "Fuck it".

