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I Thought She Knew

By Christy

She was my once in a lifetime
happy ending come true
Oh i guess I should have told her
I thought she knew

I had known Christy since we were in seventh grade. Out of all the kids at the school, it seemed she was the only one who would give me the time of day. You see, I used to sing on talent shows and TV stations. I guess to other people, I seemed stuck up. But Christy was different. She smiled at me and became my best friend. At that age, if you didnt have any friends, you felt useless and alone. I joked with Christy years later that she was my angel, being there for me when I needed her the most. But I don't think I ever told her straight out how much I cared about her. To me, it seemed like an unspoken understanding that didn't need to be said.

She said I took her for granted
That's the last thing I would do
Oh I'll never understand it
I thought she knew

Through the next couple of years after the seventh grade, I didn't see much of Christy. My group and I were just getting started and I didn't want any distractions while following my lifes dream. But I kept in touch as much as I could.


'Christy, you won't believe it. We just heard our song on the radio.' I said over the phone one night.

'Justin, you've heard that song millions of times already. Don't you get sick of your voice day after day?'

'Yeah, but now people besides us are hearing it and liking it.' I heard a silence on the phone. 'Nevermind, you wouldn't understand.' I knew after I said that, it was a mistake.

'Oh yeah. Little old Tennessee girl. I wouldn't understand a big star like you. Justin, I'm really happy for you, but lately it seems like you're taking our friendship for granted.'

'What are you talking about? I call you all the time.'

'Yeah, but every time you call, something in your voice tells me it's a huge burden for you. And lately, all of your phone calls have been to talk about your weekly conquest that you were eyeing days before. Don't you know what hearing that does to me?' I heard Christy trying to hold back tears.

'What are you saying?' Looking back at that conversation, I see how clueless I really was.

'Nevermind Justin. I'll talk to you later.' She hung up without saying goodbye.

*end flashback*

I thought she knew my world revolved around her
My love light burned for her alone
But she couldn't see the flame
Only myself to blame
I should have known

A year after that phone conversation, Christy and I were an official couple. She opened up many new doors for me. She taught me how to truly love a person, mind, body and soul. And when I was with her, I truly loved her unconditionally. But still, I never really confessed my true love for her. I still felt it was an unspoken understanding.

I should have known

But now I know I should have told her.

A heart full of words left unspoken
now that we're through
I'd sell my soul to have this silence broken
Oh I thought she knew

Over the past couple of years, our relationship was off and on. And though I dated other girls, my heart still lead me back to Christy. Me and the guys had one month left of touring, and I promised myself when I went back home, I would tell Christy my true feelings.

I thought she knew my world revolved around her
my love light burned for her alone
but she couldn't see the flame
only myself to blame
I should have known
I should have known

I called Christy 2 weeks before our tour ended. I decided to surprise her with my love confession when i saw her next. She told me over the phone how happy she was that she would see me and be able to hug me for hours on end. I couldn't wait to slip the ring on her finger and ask her what I've realized I've wanted for the longest time. I could just picture her face streaming with tears and whispering yes as she hugged me.

She was my once in a lifetime
happy ending come true
Oh I guess I should have told her
But I thought she knew

The last time I talked to her before seeing her was 3 days before I was coming home. I had to call her on the cell phone because her mother said she was out shopping so she could look nice for me when we saw each other.


'What color. Blue or green halter top?' Christy asked over the phone.

'You know I love a girl in blue.'

'Ok then its settled.' I heard Christy talking to the sales lady and the register clinking and clanging. As i heard a door shut,I knew she was outside the store.

'So, you'll be here in 4 days?' Christy asked.

'Yep, I can't wait to relax and chill with you for 2 months without worrying about touring or a hectic schedule.'

'Ok baby, I'm crossing the street so...' for the next few seconds I heard lots of static, and faintly heard Christy trying to talk over it. Then I herad the worst sound a person could ever hear.

I thought she knew

Before I even knew what happened, I heard a loud screeching noise coming form her side of the phone. Then , a sickening thud. The loudest silence followed as I sat helplessly on the phone.

'Christy?' I grew numb and started shivering. 'Christy? Christy!! Answer me!!' I yelled into the reciever, desperately wanting a reply. 'Baby, come on! Please!' Then the reciever went dead.

I thought she knew

Today is the first day I'm off tour. I was supposed to be holding Christy in my arms under the sun. But instead, I'm sitting under a cloudy sky, listening to the priest talk about death and heaven. Today I was supposed to tell Christy how much she meant to me. I was going to propose and she would be crying and kissing me joyfully. But instead, I'm standing over her casket, loking at her lifeless body. Instead of her crying, my face is stained with tears I think will never go away. As I slip the ring on her finger, I look at her face, hoping, by some miracle, she will wake up and say yes and live her life with me. I stood there for a minute, holding on to my hope. I would ahve stayed there all day, but I felt a sudden warm breeze blow past me and the sun peeked through the clouds.

I thought she knew

At that moment, I felt Christy's presence. I leaned close to her and whispered ever so softly, "I love you Christy." As I walked away from her casket , I looked back. A blinding light made me squint, and for a moment, I thought I saw Christy. But as I looked closer, I saw it was the sun glinting off her ring. I walked away knowing she heard me say I love you. I blew a kiss towards the sky and got into my limo.

Oh I thought that she......knew..... knew......knew....

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