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Chapter 3

And there it was. The most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life, standing as still as a statue, his profile crisply etched into her eyesight by the moonlight that streamed through the rain and the window. He was tall, and had dark curls placed perfectly on top of his head. His face seemed to glow in the moonlight, but was overshadowed by his even more radiant and crisp blue eyes. Her mind screamed for her to flee, to run as fast as you can, to scream for Larissa, for heavens sake! There was an intruder in the house!

She did nothing. Even soon enough, she found herself walking over closer to this man, who just gazed at her like a tiger would gaze longingly at his prey. She was completely controlled by something not herself, but at the same time, this force was causing her mind to become completely enthralled by the whole experience. She felt out of control and helpless, but what was even worse was that she seemed to enjoy this feeling.

“Mortal beauty…” His seductive growl rang through her ears, as he ran his fingertips from the side of her face down to her breasts, which were still only clad in a skimpy Victoria’s Secret bra. In one swift motion, the undergarment was flung from her body, landing in two pieces on the floor. Atella whimpered, not liking the fact that she was enjoying having this done by a complete stranger. She still, nevertheless, allowed him to continue, as he ran his cold touch gently over her breasts, drawing her closer towards him.

Her breathing was labored, as she dared to touch this mysterious man in return. She gently placed her hands over his dark gray dress shirt, and began to rub up and down the front of his chest, focusing on the hard definition of his muscles that she could feel through the thin fabric. She realized that she was completely in control of herself now. A tiny thought in the back of her mind told her to run, yet she remained stationary, slowly looking up towards his face, and never removing her touch from his body.

He only gazed down at her, with emotionless eyes. She blinked, and in that split second, she was lying on her back in her bed, the man standing tall at the foot of it, looking down at her. She ran her hands up and down her torso, her mind now in a limbo between her own thoughts and the controlling thoughts. She did not realize that it was the very man standing at the foot of the bed controlling her thoughts.

She looked up at him with complete lust in her eyes, licking her lips as if to say, “take me now.” He smiled, a tinge of evilness pervading the smile, and seemed almost to float up the length of her body, still fully clothed. Atella writhed in pleasure underneath him, not caring anymore of the consequences of this encounter. He sat up straight, straddling her upper torso, and removed his dress shirt, button by button. It glided off of his shoulders easily, and she moaned at the sight of his hard, perfect chest, reaching up to touch it.

As soon as she had started the motion, he had just as quickly captured both of her hands and pinned them at her sides next to her head. He smiled the evil smile he had just made a few moments ago, and her sight wandered to his mouth, where she saw two fangs descending from the front of his canines. Her blood began pumping faster and harder, threatening to make her veins explode at any second. She didn’t know whether to be completely frightened or intrigued. But, she did feel one thing. His controlling thoughts invading her mind told her that she wanted him to have his way with her. Almost as if it was her ultimate desire. She didn’t know that those persuasions belonged to his mind, as she thought them.

She looked up at him again, with the lust that was evident in his eyes as well. What she didn’t know was that his lust stemmed from her blood. Even though, he let go of her hands, which remained at her sides, and freed her of the thin piece of fabric that protected her most private area, leaving her completely vulnerable to him. At this point in time, she was full of desire, lust, and wanting for this utterly beautiful man, who was now to her, an immaculately beautiful vampire.

He freed himself of the remainder of his clothes as well, stripping himself of his belt and slacks. He then got back on the bed, on top of her small frame. She looked down and noticed his body. His erection was pulsating against his stomach, which made her even hotter. He moved his legs apart, spreading her legs as well, and entered her instantly, making slow, yet incredibly powerful thrusts. Atella’s eyes closed involuntarily, being completely overwhelmed by the feeling of him inside of her. She writhed and moaned in pleasure and pain as he continued to move inside of her, getting harder with each thrust.

She barely felt his head travel over the length of her breast as he continued to move. She looked up and noticed that his eyes were glowing white, and she glimpsed a flash in his eyes as he lowered his head to her right breast, running his fangs over her delicate skin and eliciting more moans from her. He forcefully bit into her breast, putting his hand over her mouth, knowing what was on its way. Atella let out a carnal scream against his hand, as she felt the life force, her blood, being sucked out of her. At the same time, the window flew open, and the musky breeze from the storm flew over her body, heightening the sensations.

The blood moved quickly as he continued to pound into her, and Atella couldn’t take it anymore. She pushed onto the top of his head, forcing his fangs deeper into her skin, as she moaned in pleasure of the feeling of her blood moving out just as fast as he was moving inside of her. She bucked her hips against his, and he reached down and pushed them down, just as he removed his head from her bosom. He soon lowered himself again, this time brushing his curls against the side of her face, as he bit into her skin right above her left collarbone. He sucked from there until he felt his release coming on, and licked up the couple of drops of blood that ran over her shoulder. He grinded into her mercilessly until he came, and felt her shudder with her release, spent from the experience and the lack of blood.

He smiled as he felt her life force coursing through his body, giving him the energy he needed. He looked down at her almost motionless body, which was on the verge of unconsciousness. He quickly got up and put his clothes back on, looking as if nothing ever happened. Atella was still in a daze, sweat beading up on her tiny frame. Before he left, he grabbed her face in his hands, and whispered softly in her ear.

“You will be my slave… you will be the key to bringing me back to my love… and…” He trailed off, running the pads of his thumbs against her cheeks gently, “You will know nothing, remember nothing, while you are living your perfectly normal, human life. Yet, you will succumb to me whenever I beckon.” With that, he ran his fingertips over her eyes, lulling her to sleep, then disappeared, as silently as he came.

~The Next Morning~

Larissa woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping outside, and stretched her arms lazily in front of her. She felt well-rested, yet a little annoyed at the fact that Randall did not decide to visit her dreams again. She did not dream at all, in fact. She rolled out of bed, not caring about the covers and threw open the curtains, revealing a magnificent looking sky.

“Must have rained last night…” she thought to herself as she noticed how clear the air was. She took off the clothes from the previous day and threw on a robe, heading into her bathroom for a shower.


Hearing a door slam somewhere else in the house, Atella stirred lightly. A quick thought entered her mind, and she jolted out of bed, falling back quickly. She clutched her head, feeling quite dizzy, and squinted her eyes against the light streaming out of her open window. She felt as if someone had beat her over the head with a baseball bat, and for some odd reason, her legs felt sore. This time she got up slowly, making sure not to let the pounding in her head become louder.

“Lord, what in God’s name did I do last night?” She said out loud to herself as she surveyed the room. Her blankets were in a heap on the floor, and her bra laid next to her underwear in two pieces. She realized that she was completely naked and threw on a light silk robe. She still felt completely horrible and lightheaded.

As she tied the strings on her robe together, she caught a glimpse of something odd in the mirror. She moved closer, opening her robe back up and surveying herself. There were a total of four sores on her chest, two directly on her breast, and two right above her collarbone.

“What the hell…” She muttered as she examined her skin. They were particularly deep, and extremely sore to the touch. “Looks like I got bit by a vampire or something…” She laughed at herself, thinking about how ridiculous her statement just sounded. “Probably just an overzealous spider…” She shuddered at the thought.

She walked out into the living room, passing Larissa’s bathroom and hearing the shower running. As the clockworks began running in her mind, she realized that a chunk of time was missing from her memory… she heard the phone ring, got out of bed… then what? She struggled to remember. All she could remember was having a dream, a weird one in fact, about an incredibly handsome man (excuse me) fucking her brains out all night. She blushed at the thought and continued to walk to the living room, where she immediately popped two aspirin and sat down.

Larissa chose to join her about 5 minutes later, plopping down on the loveseat in her favorite spot.

“Have a good sleep?” Larissa smirked at Atella, who usually never slept past 8 o’clock on the dot. It was now 12:45.

“I had a good night…” Atella returned the smile. “in my dreams, at least.” She let out a soft giggle, turning a light shade of red.

“More than I can say for myself.” Larissa muttered, feeling more disappointed about her dreamless reverie. She longed for this man, for absolutely no reason at all, and it killed her inside to be feeling this way.

“Hey… Larissa…” Atella suddenly became completely enveloped in the controlling force as she was the previous night.

“What?” Larissa cautiously replied, a little frightened at Atella’s mannerisms.

“I know what will make you feel better. Why don’t you go downtown and get one of those caramel frappucinos that you love so much?” Atella’s eyes gleamed with a beckoning stare.

“Um… sure…” The proposition looked appealing, but Larissa wondered why Atella was acting this way. “Why don’t you come with me?”

“No! No, no I couldn’t! I’m tired! Bye!” With that, Atella walked out of the room and into her own, falling down on the bed into a deep slumber, against her own wishes.

“What the hell was that all about?” Larissa almost laughed at how strange the situation was. “Oh well… I might as well go do that, I need to get out and make myself feel better about everything.”

She went to her room to dab on some makeup and put on a pair of jeans and a tank top. She collected her long hair into a messy bun and slipped on a pair of shades, satisfied with her appearance. As she passed by Atella’s room, she heard what she thought was a slight whimper escape. “Must be tired…” She thought as she brushed it off.


“Good…” The man breathed into her neck as she lay there on the bed, completely helpless, and pale as a ghost. “Aw, I see that you aren’t looking too well… I’m terribly sorry…” His English accent rang through her ears. “Here… take some.” He said as he licked her earlobe, causing her to whimper.

“Shhh…” he arose and ran a nail across his wrist, causing the blood to bead up in a line. He slowly lowered his arm to her mouth, and she immediately started sucking hungrily at the life draining from his arm. “Oh no, that’s enough…” He said after about 30 seconds. “Can’t have you turning into me now, can we?” He pulled himself away from her and licked his wounds, causing her to gasp. He sauntered over to the window, fixing his shades and smoothing out his crisp burgundy shirt, and looked at the dark haired figure making her way down the street and around the corner.

“Thank you, Atella. You are the gateway through which my plans are formulated.” He walked over to the bed. “Now, go to sleep.” He raised his hand and waved it over her face, causing her to fall limp on the bed below. “I assume you need your rest, considering the previous night.” He said to her unconscious body, smiling.

Chapter 4
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