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707 Records

CD-R Based Label from Long Island

Last Updated 09.03.03

ABOUT-707 Records is a (or should I say, Will Be) a small CD-R Label that I run out of my room. I hope to focus on Punk and "Experimental Music"


Dead City Radio

My project, currently I am using a No Input Mixing Board, A Radio and a Synth Mod with a Boss Reverb/Delay Pedal.

-Just some more additions to the site, nothing major.-

-None Yet-

-None Yet-


For the past few years I had been playing in punk bands either on bass, guitar and then finally drums. Like alot of people on Long Island I was fed up with a lack of things happening around here so I decided to step up and do things myself. I started booking shows (I'm proud to say that alot of the first few shows my bands played were always put together by me and the rest of my band members). I'd book the clubs, make flyers get the bands I wanted to see and who I knew would appreciate the help and return the favor sometime. Along with playing shows, I relized that if we wanted to get more shows we needed a recording, so once again, dealing with a lack of studios and labels, my band steped up again and using low budget equipment and our practice space would record the best quatlity demo we could in the fastest amount of time. After the recording, we would design our own layout using cut and past and the copier machine in my dads office to make the CD look as good as possiable. When it was all said and done, I thought the recording sounded to good and looked to good (granted not professional) to just be called a demo so I came up with a name, Super Villain Records, and slapped it on the spine. It must of worked cause for a little over a year we played alot of shows, on and off Long Island, and sold alot of Merch. But eventually we broke up and with it went the label. After the band broke up, I started getting away from more traditional punk music and exploring new types of music, eventually coming across (and even though I don't agree with these terms, I use them only as a sort of reference point for other people) "Noise" and "Improv" music, mostly from labels like Erstwhile, Alien 8 Recordings and artists like Merzbow and Keith Rowe. I was amazed at seeing how many labels existed and how many people would record for more then one label. Also, another aspect that impressed me was the fact that they relied so heavily on the format of CD-R's. So, that brings us up to now the year 2003. I'm a senior in college and have a good paying job and want to start up a label again, so hence, 707 Records. The name came from my ID # from the job I had while I was in some punk bands and would have to steal supplies like Paper and Scissors in order to get the CD's out. Right now I am currently looking for other people to either a)Start a project with so we can release some work or b)find an artist (or group) who is looking to put out some work. If you are interested please email or IM me at


Boston Noise

Erstwhile Records

Japan Improv

Ayn Rand
