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315 Recordings

Inner Vision Records

Orion Productions

Sell your Music Downloads

Bringing Music back to the people!

315 Recordings is dedicated to bring music back to the roots. We sign artists who are unique and have a different vision on how music should be. Our company deals with hip-hop, rap, R&B, electronic and computer musicians. We don't believe in taking 80% in royalties that the musician earned. If an artist were to sign with a major label, they would be lucky enough to have total control of what's going to be on their album. We believe artist should have 100% total control because they are the musicians! If an artist signed with a major label and they put out an album that went platinum, you the artist would make if lucky enough 1.00/cd. That’s not including mangers fee, accountant, lawyer so on and so forth. If you have more than yourself in the band you have to split what’s left over in record sales and when taxes are taken out of that, you have to pay group tax and individual taxes. After all the deductions you the artist, well you are broke! You have nothing to show for it! You sold millions of records and you're living home with your mom. Most of the artist profits come from touring, not record sales. Well 315 Recordings believes that all artist make 50% of all record sales. If you sell 10,000 records times $10.00/cd equals $100,000 divided by 2 equals $50,000. That’s not including how much you can make from touring and merchandise. If you sell a million records times $10.00/cd equals out to ten million dollars divide by 2 equals to 5 mill! You can make a fortune in this business if you are sold right and promoted properly! That extra 40% or so is a lot of money that record companies hold from YOU! I mean record companies do need the money to promote, press your c.d.‘s and so on but the left over money is to pay for things that they don't need. 315 is a company for the artist and is a sub-division of Inner Vision Records, both owned by Mike Price. Next time you want to give your demo to a major label, just think of how much they’re going to profit off of your work!

If you want to send a demo please email me!

Also looking for a business partner that has marketing skills, knowledge of the industry, drive and determination. Looking to relocate my label to Manhattan and employ workers to help run my label. Contact me if you are interested in being my business partner.
