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Yousty's Absolutely Worthless
(a.k.a. Get My Best Friend Frey A Girlfriend)

If you've seen the Outkast Hey Ya music video then you HAVE TO download and watch this.
This just goes to show how cool tools can be.

Right click on the file and "Save Target As..."
Sorry, but I had to change it to a zip file to help with bandwith.

Outkast - Hey Ya Movie

Keep in mind this was done completely in Microsoft Paint.

All credits go to SAC (Isaac).

And here we have the one and only Adam Douglas Frey...DRUNK AS ALWAYS!
And don't forget ladies...HE'S SINGLE!

Honestly, Who could turn down that face?

This webpage designed, created and maintained by Anthony Youst who is currently enrolled in the engineering hell that is Rose-Hulman. Note: This webpage was made completely in html based on what I remember from computer apps in high school so absolutely no criticism! And yes I do claim that drunken fool above as my best friend. I only keep him around for the laughs. He's wearing that hat because sometimes he forgets his own name.