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My VieW Of The WoRLd....

Is Far More Then The
Essence Of Mankind!
"What Lies Beyond The
Total Darkness Of Light"?
"What Does It Take To Be A Man"?
"How Do You Overturn The
Audacity & Conquer The
Entity Of Destructive Force"?
The Entity Of The Future
Is Far More Questionable!
The Fears Stand In The
Shadows Of Death!¡!
But, To Be Afraid Of
"The Dark World" ....
Allows Entity To Take
Over The Light Of Faith ^*^

So Life Is A Mystery¿!
Full Of Questions ..
That Cannot Be Answered¡
Until One Day, ..
Being Drawn Toward
The Deceased May Or!! ..
May Not, Answer The
Value Questions Of Life!
But Rumors Of All Mankind ..
May Decease At Once!¡¡
So As The Lord Watches ....

Over & Decides Day-By-Day
When To Give Answers
When It Shall All End ..
Rather Mankind Is Willing Or Not¿!
But Yet One TwiZteD Soul
Is More Then Ready
One True "WiLdKaT" Stands!!

And Won't Go Down Easily
This Soul Has Survived..
Through So Much & Still ..,,
Fighting The Way Threw Life!!
Still Asking, "Why Am I Still Here"?¿
"Why Me, To Go Through Such
Torture & Forever Pain"?¿?
But The Past Only Makes
Me Stronger Day-By-Day!
Nothing To This Day
Has Kept Me Down Yet!!
As Far As I Can See ..
Nothing Ever Will!¡¡
So I Decide To Live,.
This Wretched Life & Wait ,,

Wait For The Day &
For The Answer I
Have Been Wondering¿¿ ..
For Years & Years ...
"What Is The Meaning Of Life"? &
"What Is The Reason For My Exsistance"?
My Answers Will Come One Day¡
It May Take An Eternity.¡.
But I Will Be Patient & Wait ..
Also Keep Fighting My Way
Threw The Game Of Life!¡¡!

Because This WILDKAT ....
Will "NOT" Be Stopped!!!!

Author & Page Designed By:
Poem Title: "My VieW Of The WoRLd"
All Rights Reserved
Copyright ©2001


"My Name Is Atma"... ...
"I Am Pure Energy"...
"And As Ancient As The Cosmos"...
"Left Here Since Birth"...
"Forgotten In The River Of Time"...
"I've Had An Eternity To"...
"Ponder The Meaning Of Things"...
"And Now I Have An Answer"...
"Feeble Creatures, Enter Down Below"!!

Hey, HeY,, HEY!!!! But before ya do that....
PLeaSe SiGn My GueStBooK