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This training package is extensive; some sessions are much longer than others are. The beauty of this package is that you can do it at your own pace, so long as it is completed honestly and the assignments are completed before you move onwards.

1. Read through the session, stopping to follow directions when applicable and remember, take your time, this isn't a race.
2. Investigate any links that are involved in the session
4.complete assignment via e-mail (including the questions with your answers always)
5. Continue to the next session and repeat above steps.
6. When you reach the end of the training level, you are to wait until you receive word of your test.
7. Complete your test
8. You will be told whether you have passed or failed
9. If passed, you will then have to dance for a Member of Vonda or your personal owner.
10. If failed, you will have to redo the training sessions for this level. **ma'riyah{Phae} cannot hand out silks...that is for the Free of this wonderful home to do**
New slaves are often treated with great harshness. It helps them lean quickly that they are slaves. Later, when the girl is well trained and her services become perfection, she may be treated more leniently, even lovingly, like a dog. ~Dancer of GOR, pg 90~

'Do you know, ultimately,' I asked, 'who will prove to be your one best trainer?' 'No, Master,' she said. 'You, yourself,' I said, 'the girl, herself, eager to please, imaginative and intelligent, monitoring her own performances and feelings, striving lovingly to improve and refine them. You yourself will be largely responsible for making yourself the superb slave you will become.' ~Savages of GOR, pg 210~

Indeed, I suspected that there would always be more to learn about service and love, that such things were fathomless and limitless, and, thus, in a sense, the notion of being "fully trained," or knowing all there was to know, was in actuality less of a practical goal than a lovely ideal, one which might perhaps be approached ever more closely, but would never be, and perhaps should never be, fully attained. Let the girl revel in her growth, and not fear that one day there will be no more to learn, nowhere else to go. There are no summits on the heights of love. ~Dancer of GOR, pg 129~

"'You will learn your womanhood,' I told the blondish girl. 'And I will tell you where you will learn it.' She looked up at me.' At the feet of a master,' I told her." ~TRIBESMEN OF GOR, Pg. 13~

"The Gorean man does not compromise with a female slave. If necessary, you will learn your womanhood under the whip." ~EXPLORERS OF GOR, Pg. 337~

"As a warrior applies himself to the arts of his weapons, so I applied myself to the arts of the female slave, which I was. I became sleek and more beautiful from the diet and the exercises. I learned things of which I had not dreamed. Our training, because it was limited to a few short weeks, did not include many of the elements that are normally included in a full training. I remained ignorant of Gorean cooking and the cleaning of Gorean garments. I learned nothing of musical instruments. I remained ignorant even of the arrangements of small rugs, decorations and flowers, things that any Gorean girl, slave or free, is likely to know. But I was taught to dance, and to give pleasure, and to stand, and move, and sit and turn, and lift my head and lower it, and kneel, and rise. Interestingly, and sometimes not altogether to my pleasure, I found the training becoming effective." ~CAPTIVE OF GOR, Pg. 169~


City of Vonda
House Andronicus
Message boards(Free/slave)
You must sign up to be able to view and post to the Vonda boards

PLEASE STOP RIGHT NOW AND SEND AN E-MAIL to Head trainer and Ubara with a complete description of yourself(minimum 150 words) and a description of how a kajira should be (min 150 words). Please include in this e-mail, your CURRENT characters background of Gor, your Q number and an e-mail address that you will be checking often...the subject line should contain the following:

"Re: slave name{kolar} – lesson one"(The essay must be sent to Mistress Phaedra at and ma'riyah at


THIS IS ROLE-PLAY! Not your everyday chatroom...Any discussion outside of R/P is not welcome in the open. Please take it into PM if it must be, but this isn't a regular chatroom, it is r/p. within this "chatroom" we are to remember each of O/our roles and never speak outside of them publicly if it can be helped, that is what Q is for.


Dualing means having more than one character ANYWHERE on Gor, upon ANY of the sites, IRC or HTML, whatever, and this practice is not acceptable, if caught, and trust, she has seen Them catch *L*, it is nothing less than death.

PM'ing r/t?...

Well, Gor is Gor, it is role-play, and within the realm of Gor, you are a slave, not a person on earth with hurt feelings and the right to bitch and whine if you are having a bad day. Within Gor, you are a slave, remember that, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, but the excuse of, "i had a bad day" doesn't hold any water here in Vonda. If you can not be pleasing and obedient at all times, then stay away until you have your hormones under control.


White & Red silks, as per the books, are not reference to training status, but virginity status. A white silk has yet to be "opened" by men, and the red silk has. For our online purposes, it will be used as a way to determine the level of training for the slave. In Vonda slaves are clad in silk. Please study this link for a list of the different silks about Gor. Also know in depth, the different types of slave clothing around Gor.


First, a hint, it is good for you to study the member page. There you will become familiar with the names of all of the Free and slaves within Vonda, it is constantly updated, because life constantly changes, people come and people go, status changes so always keep your eye open. In Vonda we greet and offer service to each Free individually, following the chain of command. slaves who are owned by any other than the city, will greet and offer service to their owner first and then greet and offer service following the chain of command.

The greeting order within Vonda is as follows:
Your PERSONAL Master/Mistress
Ubar, Master Zun, (CoV kolared slaves, HE is your Master)
City Second
First Sword
Second Sword
First Shield
Second Shield
All other City Males
Visiting Males
Ubara, Mistress Phaedra, (CoV kolared slaves, SHE is your Mistress)
City FW
Visiting FW
visiting slaves

Some greetings tips:
slaves are given standing permission to greet upon entering; there is no need to ask, kneel and start to greet. If you are personally collared, this would depend on the preference of your Owner. Personally owned slaves, after greetings your Owner will request permission to greet others
If in doubt of a Frees gender it is always Master, to call a Master a Mistress would be mortifying, try turning on pics if you aren't 100% sure...look for hints...scroll back to see how others greeted He/She. If you incorrectly guess the sex, then apologize profusely and carry on.

We do not greet while serving or in training sessions

We do not greet during a raid on our home.

Obviously permission is required to greet if You are in any other sort of service to a Master/Mistress (speaking from their feet, or massaging, mending of their clothes...etc.) but NEVER ask permission to greet whilst serving food/drink or furring or dancing...during these times, those tasks are your world, nothing else exists.

We do not greet or acknowledge A/any that remain anonymous.

We do not greet a visiting Master or Mistress before a Free Person of O/our Home welcomes or doesn't welcome them accordingly

If you are alone in the room, please be kind to O/our visitors and greet, if you can serve please offer to do so, if not, explain that you are in training and unable


It is important to understand why you wear a collar, as well as your restrictions within steel and what is expected of you.

The four common purposes of a collar (ko'lar in Gorean) are outlined in the following quote from Explorers of Gor, pg. 70-71:
"The collar has four common purposes, Master, she said, First, it visibly designates me as a slave, as a brand might not, should it be covered by clothing. Second, it impresses my slavery upon me. Thirdly, it identifies me to my Master. Fourthly - fourthly - Fourthly? he asked. Fourthly, she said, it makes it easier to leash me. He kicked her in the side. She winced. Her response had been slow. "

{CoV}~t~ or {CoV}~G~

Within the above collar designations (personal as well) you are allowed to do the following: train, study and do chores (no serving, no lapping, no travel, no dancing) - (be sensual, not sexual)


Within the above collar designations (personal as well) you are allowed to do the following: (obviously varying with personally collared slaves) continue your training, fur members only, travel with a Vonda member as escort to various approved sites, serve freely in nadu, dance if called upon to do so - a dance is necessary to progress to the next level. (show MUCH heat!)


Within the above collar designation you are allowed to do the following: (obviously varying when dealing with personally collared slaves) fur members and invited guest of Vonda, travel alone to approved sites with a Vonda member as escort,(VONDA SLAVE ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO TRAVEL ALONE) serve, dance, serve the thousand and one pleasures of Men.


All slaves are the same, no slave is better than the other...there are just different levels to knowledge, not status, you are all animals with no rights

"`In the eyes of Gorean law you are an animal. You have no name in your own right. You may be collared and leashed. You may be bought and sold, whipped, treated as the master pleases, disposed of as he sees fit. You have no rights whatsoever. Legally you have no more status than a tarsk or vulo. Legally, literally, you are an animal.'" ~Explorers of Gor pg 316~

No matter what type of slave you are, you have certain slave rules that you live by. Here is what slaves affectionately call the 10 Commandments and how they relate to our home, Vonda

Commandment #1
The number one goal of a slave is absolute beauty and obedience slaves don't whine...they are not jealous creatures...they crave nothing but the pleasures of their Owner. Anything less than beautiful and obedient will NOT be tolerated.

Commandment #2
Curiosity in a slave is unbecoming, we will not be curious by nature Well, being curious helps you to learn. Meddling in the business of Free people, well, that will help you to die. If you have a genuine question, to further your learning, you must ask permission first and ensure that you are not interrupting anything in doing so. Curiosity amongst your brothers and sisters is encouraged, but the questioning of a Free Person is not tolerated. slaves are kept in the dark about many things; it increases their dependence on their Owner. If ever in a discussion, and a disagreement arises, the correct last words would be. yes Master/Mistress.

Commandment #3
We will always kneel in the presence of a Free Person This doesn't mean you must always be kneeling within the Hall whenever a Free Person is in the room as well...that isn't so...kneeling to fetch the blackwine, kneeling to wash the is meant by this is that a slave must kneel before a Free Person...when offering service, when approached by a Free person, when addressing a Free Person like when you are greeting. This quote shows, that if passed by a Free person, dropping into the "tile position" could be a nice touch *smiles*

"A slave, when passed by a Free Person in a hallway, room, or otherwise, to show their status as a slave will stop whatever they are doing, go down to their knees into the position of nadu, if they were standing, and then quickly lower their forehead to the floor, their arms outstretched and remain in this still position until the Free Person has completely passed by, or they decide to command the slave otherwise.~*Kajira of Gor, page 145-146*~

Commandment #4
We will never strike a Free; to do so is to seek death The slave may not touch weapons, on penalty of possible death. When the slave needs to cut food in the servery, they use a cutting shell. Here they are also allowed tiny scissors in the medical kit, with which to cut stitches. They are too tiny to be considered a weapon. If a quiva or some other weapon is embedded in the Master's body, the slave will NOT touch it. Ask if that Master, or another, can remove it

Commandment #5
Anything can be done to us at any time for any reason, We will accept this Discipline can be dealt with by any Free within Vonda, caging, ordering a punishment such as bosk dung duty. Etc but no slave within CoV kolar can be punished physically by ANY Free save for the Ubar, Ubara, Camp Second and Slaver

Commandment #6
We have no rights, for we are naught but property slaves have no belongings...they don't even own their name.

Commandment #7
We will never touch money, for that in a way gives us value Slaves are not permitted to touch coins, and the penalty can be death. Sometimes a Free will give the slave a coin for a serve, a dance, or after furring (when there is a rental charge or as a tip). The slave may ask Them to put it in their pouch (when they have one). Otherwise They can put it on the slave's tongue. The slave will deliver that coin to their Owner as soon as possible, (the coin post) as the coin belongs to their Owner. For Vonda ko'lared slave, that coin goes to the Ubar or Ubara. All posts in regards to receipt of coin on behalf of your Owner are to be sent, in full form, copy and pasted or email to your Owner.

Commandment #8
We will not be lazy; a busy slave is a happy slave slaves of Vonda are to remain busy and active at all times doing chores, serving, conversing, and learning active home is a happy home. No matter the kolar, you are allowed and expected to do chores. Every slave here within Vonda WILL DO CHORES, the posts of your chores (read more about chores here) are to be posted on the chore board... ..Chore weeks are from Monday to Sunday. you are required to complete 3 chores at minimum a week. Sunday's chores are not necessary ** but serving is ALWAYS a privilege, not a chore** chores on Sunday are mandatory if you have not met the minimum 3 chore a week quota, you will be expected to do your share even on a Sunday Just because your three chores are up, doesn't mean we can sit around and does nothing once the Frees have been tended to, you must participate in keeping Vonda an active fun GOREAN place to be.

Commandment #9
We will never PM without permission But also, we will not accept private messages from any Free that are not member's without express permission from a Free person around at the moment if a Free (not of Vonda) PM's you without permission, please remember your place and politely inform them that you are nay allowed to speak privately, if it persists, copy and paste the offense publicly for a Free person to handle.

Commandment #10
We will always speak in third person The words "me, mine, my, I" do not exist to a slave within Vonda. Be it a constant reminder that you are slave. Yes in the books, slaves spoke in both first person and third, but the constant reminder that one does not own one's self is deep and serves to keep a boy/girl in his/her place. you will refer to yourself as "this girl/boy, this slave, this kajira/kajirus...etc" If you are privately owned, this would be to His/Her liking, but as far as Vonda kolared slaves, third person is what is demanded.


you will kneel accordingly and begin to greet, if you have a personal Owner, you may or may not have to ask permission, but as a City slave, you are always to just proceed with greeting as we spoke of earlier.
ALL slaves in training(gray and yellow silks)will promptly excused themselves after greeting and move on to the Slavers Houses to continue their training and do chores. NO training slave is permitted into the main hall without permission from their Owner, the City Ubar, Ubara, Second, or Lady Katina for training.

EXITING Vonda...

When you must leave for r/ MUST ask and wait for permission of one of the Free People that are present. Once waiting a fair amount of time with no reply, you may ask another 2 times (approx. one ehn between each request is good), ensuring to number the second and third time. If you don't see a reply, you may say your farewells and leave. If you are alone, you will ask 3 times in the same fashion, waiting one ehn intervals between posts and will then leave for r/t. you must always show your home that respect. Realistically, r/t happens, if you must leave immediately, please state r/t emergency and leave, but be prepared to speak the reasons upon reentering camp.


Ghosting is permitted within Vonda. If you will only be gone for a short time, no more than 10 ehn. But if you know you will be more than ten ehn it is best to gain permission to leave and come back when you are able to. The reason for this is one; any entering Free may not be able to scroll back that far to see that you are indeed ghosting and find it rude when you don't reply or offer service. Two; this is a raiding City, and we get raided as well, if a raid was to occur and You didn't get to safety, that could be a problem, and you could end up being captured.


W/we live in a kill/capture zone. This is a raiding city, They go raiding and W/we are raided. This is why it is very important for you to learn this particular information early.

If there is a raid, the slaves will run to the password protected guest tower, or into a subroom. Making one post out loud that you have done so. The slaves bolt the door and stay safely and quietly inside until a Free Member comes to get you out. The slaves will be told Who to tend to in case of wounds when it is safe. A redsilk/trainer or Mistress will assign who tends to whom. It’s ok, if you don't know who got hurt where, just be sure to ask the Master that you are tending to state the wounds He received, starting of course with the worst ones. Remember, slaves are only there for the minor wounds and to stabilize the more serious of wounds. Slaves in training {CoV} or {CoV}~G~ are not to tend to the wounds of Any, they may of course assist the healer or their brother/sister slaves. Calling for a healer for a lethally injured Master is the ONLY route to go, control bleeding, make the Master comfortable, if losing a lot of blood a slave would cover the Master in furs...put pressure to the wounds while help is being found.

So, you didn't make it to safety in time? What does one do when they are captured? Well, more likely than not, the Ubar, or the Senior Free in Camp will acknowledge it or not and will let you know if you must go with the Free who stole you. Chances are, if all was done within the rules, you must go. How does a slave act once captured? With exquisite beauty and obedience. Accept your fate and honor your kolar! Maybe if you were a good girl or boy, your Owner will come collect you. It is not valid if You are alone in the room. So you will run to the guest tower or subroom upon any sign of trouble or concern and remain there, do not interact as any attempt at taking a slave is invalid unless there is defense within city...never be rude, just state those are the rules if questioned.

"Theft or capture, if you prefer, conferred rights over me. I would belong to, and must fully serve, anyone into whose effective possession I came, even if it had been by theft. The original master, of course, has the right to try to recover his property, which remains technically his for a period of one week. If I were to flee the thief, however, after he has consolidated his hold on me, for example kept me for even a night, I could, actually in Gorean law, be counted as a runaway slave, from him, even though he did not technically own me yet, and punished accordingly". ~pg 95 Dancer of GOR~

This is the end of training lesson one you are now ready to test for your grays


City of Vonda
House Andronicus
Message Boards(Free/slave)
Test for Full Gray
Lesson Two