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Project Plan Document


1.1 Goals and Objectives

The software engineering project, Interior Design Decorater (IDD) is to provide user with practical, common sense tips and advice on home design. The main purpose is to help automate the entire process of choosing suitable design and style for users home. The goals of this software:

·        To minimize the time span of choosing style, furniture, wallpaper, paints, lights, tiles, ceilings, colours and shapes for home design.

·        To minimize the amount of paper work required.

·        To provide a searchable database of all house furniture, wallpaper, paints, lights, tiles, ceilings, colours, shapes, etc.

·        To provide an automated channel for the public to request information on tips and home design.

1.2 System Statement of Scope

The following general requirements were laid out for our project:

·        A way in which IDD could help user to design their home.

·        A way in which IDD could generate electronic checklists for type of decoration.

·        A search on all electronic checklists.

·        A way in which they could generate order to be sent to facilities based on type of  decoration ( furniture, wallpaper etc..).

·        A way in which all orders and checklists could be stored electronically.

·        A way to search existing facilities.

We will also implement a web-based help desk for IDD user to report bugs and request support. The helpdesk will be located at


1.3 System Context

Eventually, multiple users will be using the product simultaneously. Therefore, concurrent connection will be an issue for implementation.

1.4 Major Constraints


We only have less than one months to finish all documentation, software creation and enhancements. We have a lot of ideas but cannot implement them due to time constraint.

Project Plan Document

 Requirement Specification Document

 User requirement definition.

 The software must provide user with facilities to create their own style for their home.

 1.1  User are given choice to pick their own type of decoration which they prefer. For example Bali style, English style, Oriental style, Victorian style, Malay style and Colonial style.

 1.2  House interior design for every part of the house, for example kitchen, bedroom and   living room can be chosen by user.

 1.3  Furniture, wall paper, paints, lights, tiles, ceilings of choices can be made according to the collection that are in the system database.

 1.4  There are many choices of pattern, colours and shapes that are suitable with all part of the rooms.

 1.5  Counseling service and tips on how to decorate house are also provided.

  Functional requirement.

 1.1There must be a data selection view, which can be used to select parts of the data set.

    Six kind of style are shown for the user to pick.

 1.2Then after user already picked what kind of style they prefer, a data selection (kitchen,

     bedroom, living room etc) will be listed for them to choose.

 1.3Once they are already in the house part section, they will have to choose another listed

     datas (  Furniture, wall paper, paints, lights, tiles, ceilings etc).

 1.4Then they will enter a more specific section of pattern, colours and shapes part, this is

      also done from a data selection.

 1.6  An encryption protocol shall be used for communication with the Interior design decorater system and the main counseling service with a key stored internally in the device.

 Viewpoint Hierarchy