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Tennessee Rehabilitation and Placement Services (T.R.A.P.S.) is a non-profit organization designed to rehabilitate and educate ex-offenders in being useful citizens in society. A program designed to reduce recidivism by means of training, education, job placement, and medical assistance. T.R.A.P.S. will provide community supervision, medical assistance, job skills training and educational advancement with a wide variety of programs and mentorship services. T.R.A.P.S. will accomplish this though various types of regulations such as: 1) GED programs, 2) computer skills training lab, 3) job preparatory classes 4) weekly progress reports from supervisors and 5) physical examinations upon admission. Studies have shown that ex-offenders with jobs commit fewer crimes than ex-offenders without jobs and that those with higher earning commit fewer crimes than those with lower earning. T.R.A.P.S. started in May of 2002 due to overwhelming of recidivism. The Shelby County Justice Center houses approximately 4,627 people charged with various offenses and awaiting arraignment, trial, or who are sentenced to city, county, state or federal institutions. T.R.A.P.S was started to address the special needs of offenders, and to help inmates become reinstated back into the community.
Information will be sent to jails and prisons, and T.R.A.P.S will also personally contact the local authorities of the jails and prisions so they can inform inmates that will be release about the organization and the programs that we offer. T.R.A.P.S. will be visiting inmates in jail or prison, shortly before prisoners are due to be released. We will assist them in contacting employers and train them in skills to find a job effectively. T.R.A.P.S. will work with the offenders by referring them to service provided by other social services agencies that T.R.A.P.S have networked with for there basic necessities. T.R.A.P.S. will do a follow-up on each and every ex-offender to check on the progress of the newly hired. For example, if we have clients to miss days off work an employment specialist will telephone the employees residence to find out what is going on and to can get them back on track.
T.R.A.P.S. is committed to ensuring public safety by transitioning offenders back into the community, adding to productive general population. Rehabilitation will be accomplished by giving each offender employment skills, employer contacts, as well as, job placement and skills needed to maintain productive lifestyles. Facilitating them with the educational skills needed to reintegrate the offender back into society. This program is active in striving to provide the community with safety by restoring lives and the future of our community.
