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Tarot Readings

Happy Fet Gede!

**NOTE** Any discussions that you'd like to start you'll have to put them in the guest book for now until I can get a discussion forum.

Looking for insight into a specific problem? Well, why not get your cards read, it's easy, insightful, and a very accurate way to pear into the heart of a situation. Still interested? Well, if so all you have to do is Email me at Please include your name, birthdate and your question. I will then do a full celtic cross spread for your particular question to give you the best answers and insights that I can give. Then, I will create a report of your reading and email you the results. Now, your saying there has to be a catch right? Well, yes and no. The reading DOES cost, but not an ungodly price like the phoney t.v "psychics" or miss cleo's. Each reading is $5.00. You can send a check, cash, or money order. Just email me and I'll get back with you with more information.

Why Is this any different than any other Tarot reader, or psychic consultation?

Well, If you would happen to go some place else for a reading they'd probably charge you alot more and who knows if they're authentic. I'm not saying that everyone that does spiritual readings are frauds because there are alot of great tarot readers out there, but we all know that there are those that try to scam us. Before each tarot reading I pray to God first of all and then ask my Ancestors to help give me the best possible answers. You have no idea how much you can benefit from a reading until you find out for yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Drop me a line ! Blessings

I'd just like to say thank you to Mambo Racine Sans Bout. Without her teaching forum, I dont think I'd be able to read as well as I can. Her wisdom and guidance have opened me up to so many possiblities. I would like to reccomend Mambo Racine's web site on the topic of Haitian Vodou. It is a very wonderful website full of information that you can use to start your own practice in vodou, or if your just curious as to what this religion is all about. May God, The Ancestors, and The Lwa guide you and bless you and give you the best of blessings! Much Love Mambo.

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