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[Scene One] Encounter With The Big Man [Scene One]

The cameras are rolling in the backstage area where The Rock is shown walking down the hallway carrying his duffle bag over his shoulder. As he heads towards his lockeroom, he sees Tyson Tomko coming in his direction from the opposite end of the hallway. These two superstars stop nearly inches away from each other’s faces as they share a brief stare down.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: ‘Sup big man?

Tomko just stood there in silence as he tilted his head up slightly in a snobby like manner.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Alright, you don’t wanna talk? That’s cool with The Rock.

As The Rock was about to move forward and walk past him, Tomko muttered something under his breath which caused him to stop dead in his tracks and turn around.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: I’m sorry, did you say something to The Rock?

[The Powerhouse] Tyson Tomko: I said…your done!

The Rock cocked an eyebrow and looked a little startled by that comment as he tilted his head to the side.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: What do you mean The Rock’s done?

[The Powerhouse] Tyson Tomko: You won’t make it to the Elimination Chamber.

The Rock looked more confused than startled now after hearing Tomko utter those words in a harsh and bitter tone.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Well the last time The Rock checked, your not under contract anymore so...

[The Powerhouse] Tyson Tomko: [smirks] Typical comedian. Listen smartass, you know good and well that my main man Christian Cage is going to take you out tonight. So you might as well just pack your bags and leave now while you still can. Save yourself the embarrassment.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [chuckles] Your kidding The Rock right?

Tomko points to himself with a dead serious expression on his face.

[The Powerhouse] Tyson Tomko: Does it look like I’m joking around?

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [grins] You always look constipated. Take some Pepto or something…loosen up!

The Rock laughed some more as he patted Tomko on the shoulder. Tomko looked furious as he clenched his fist and tried his hardest not to put his hands on The Rock.

[The Powerhouse] Tyson Tomko: Be glad I’m not under contract Rock. Because if I was, you’d be a dead man!

With that being said, The Rock’s expression had turned into a more serious one as the two men had another stare down in silence. After a few minutes went by, Tomko shook his head and walked off down the hallway towards the exit doors as the scene slowly faded to black.

[Scene Two] One On One Time With Maria [Scene Two]

About an hour later, the cameras go backstage once again this time with the lovely Maria Kanellis who is standing by The Rock’s lockeroom holding a microphone in her hand. She is all smiles as she stands there looking beautiful as ever sporting a hotpink short dress and clear high heels. Once the camera man tells her she’s live, she begins to speak as she raises the microphone up to her lips.

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: Good evening WWE fans!! It is my pleasure to be the first person to interview the man who will be taking on Christian Cage in a Qualifying Elimination Chamber match later on tonight with the winner being advanced onto the pay-per-view No Way Out, where they will face the current WWE champion Kofi Kingston for his World Heavyweight Title. So without any further delay, ladies and gentleman I present to you…The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment…The Rock!!!

The fans inside of the arena go nuts as the camera zooms out revealing The Rock standing next to her dressed in his wrestling attire. The Rock smiles showing those pearly white teeth of his with his hands rested on his hips.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Hey little mama how you doin’ tonight?

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: [smiles] I’m doing great Rock thank you for asking!

Before Maria could say another word, The Rock held his right hand up and tilted his head slightly.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Do you hear that Maria?

Maria stood still trying to see if she could hear anything but she couldn’t so she just shrugged her shoulders.

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: [frowns] I’m sorry, I don’t hear anything. Do you?

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: You mean to tell The Rock that you don’t hear the millions…and millions of The Rock's fans chanting his name?

All of a sudden, the entire arena breaks out into Rocky chants as The Rock smiles and Maria smiles as well.

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: Yeah I hear them Rocky.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: It feels electrifying doesn’t it? [grins]

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: It’s uh…it’s exciting Rock. I wish I got chants like this everywhere I went. [giggles]

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: What are you talking about Maria? They’re chanting your name too!

There suddenly is a big wave of Maria chants that pour in as well as the oh so familiar “We Want Puppies” chant proceeded with claps.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Well that wasn’t exactly the chant The Rock had in mind but it’s good enough right Maria?

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: [laughs] Yeah it works for me. Thanks guy! So Rock…I would like to get your thoughts on your huge match tonight against Christian Cage.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Well before we get to The Rock answering questions, there’s something that The Rock needs to do. May I?

The Rock extends his hand out as Maria looks a little confused at first. She then points to the microphone in her hand as The Rock nods with a smile on his face. Maria giggles and hands the mic over to him as he tilts his head back and raises the mic up to his mouth.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Finnnnaaaaallllly…..The Rock….has come back….to Biloxi, Mississippi!!!!

The Rock gets a huge pop from the fans as he hands the mic back over to Maria. She smiles and clears her throat before continuing on with the interview.

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: So Rocky, tonight on Impact you will be facing “The Captain of Charisma” Christian Cage in a Qualifying Elimination Chamber match. What are your thoughts on Christian Cage?

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [scratches the back of his neck] Well Maria, Christian and I are no strangers to the ring. I’ve beaten this cat so many times that it should be listed somewhere in the Guinness Book of World Records! [laughs lightly]

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: [smirks] Well since leaving the WWE and going to TNA and then coming here to the WWExperience, many people have said that Christian is a new man. More aggressive and determined than ever!

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [acts like he’s pondering something] Really Maria? Christian Cage more “aggressive and determined than ever”? Well The Rock is gonna have to see this, because the last time The Rock saw him, he was throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the ring!! crying his eyes out and kicking his feet because he couldn’t win a match. Kinda like uh…what’s his name?…MVP?

Maria presses her lips together, trying to hold back her laughter from that diss The Rock just threw out there.

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: So your not at all worried about Christian? Not even a little bit?

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Nah Maria, The Rock’s not sweatin’ him. I mean what can The Creepy Little Bastard possibly do to The Rock that should have him worried?

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: [shrugs] I don’t know Rock. There’s just been a lot of hype about him making his return and all.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [lowers his eyebrows] Maria nobody and The Rock means nobody gives a damn about Christian! All he is, is a little snot nosed punk who throws tantrums if he doesn’t get his way. Hell, Christian was mainly known for being Edge’s brother and tag team partner. If it weren’t for Edge carrying him, he’d be nothing!

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: Well I haven’t confirmed this yet, but there has been rumors going around that Christian Cage may have his friend Tyson Tomko sign a contract so he can manage him, or even team with him here. Now if this is in fact true and Tomko gets signed before Impact airs, do you think he will interfere in your match and help Christian out?

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Well Maria all The Rock has to say about Tomko is “if” he gets signed and “if” he decides to try and interfere in The Rock’s match, that The Rock will whoop his roody poo candy ass all over that damn ring! Hell from the looks of it, Christian is gonna need all the help he can get! ‘Cause once his candyass steps into the ring with “The Great One”, It’s go time!!! And once Christian realizes that The Rock ain’t no joke and isn’t to be taken lightly, it’ll be too late for that Jabroni as he watches his chance at being entered into the Elimination Chamber come to an end!!

[Playboy Cover girl] Maria Kanellis: Well Rocky, that is all the questions I have for you tonight. Thank you so much for your time and good luck! [winks]

The Rock smirked, wanting to say something sexual to Maria but he decided to hold that thought for another time as we cut to a commercial break.

[Scene Three] You Better Watch Your Back [Scene Three]

Coming back from a commercial break, the cameras catch Christian Cage dressed in his full wrestling attire as he roams down the hallway reading each name plate on the doors that he goes by. A few minutes later, he stops at one in particular that displays “The Rock” on it as he smirks and knocks on the door. The Rock comes to the door moments later with a stern look on his face as he eyes Christian up and down.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Just what in the blue hell do you want?

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: [nods with a smirk on his face] Hey man just checkin’ to see if you were still here.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [frowns] and why wouldn’t The Rock be?

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: Why? Because your facing me tonight! And everyone knows that The Captain will make it happen once I pin your shoulders to the mat for the three count.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [laughs] Good one Christian, good one. You pinning The Rock for the three count is like Trish staying with one guy. It’s just not gonna happen.

The Rock smirks with his remark as Christian clenches his fist wanting to strike him in the face right now.

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: Hey man don’t talk about my girlfriend! She’s a changed person and she loves me.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [shakes his head] Oh give The Rock a break! Do you hear yourself right now Christian? Does The Rock need to go down the list of men she’s been with in the past three years?

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: Well at least I’m not divorced with a kid that I barely get to see.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [looks pretty upset] Christian don’t go there. You don’t want to talk about The Rock’s personal life because if you do, The Rock will make sure you don’t even make it out to that ring tonight. Nobody disrespects The Rock!! and The Rock means nobody! disrespects his family!! You just don’t do it.

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: Oh so I see I’ve stroke a nerve did I? Well maybe you better watch what you say to other people before you open your big fat mouth! I’m Captain Charisma, I’m about to be the next World Heavyweight Champion! And once I get through you tonight, I will go on to No Way Out and claim what is rightfully mine. [smirks]

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Oh is that so? Well The Rock sees differently. You see The Rock sees himself beating you for the three count and then going onto the Elimination Chamber. You won’t even get there Christian, you won’t even be able to live that dream of becoming World Champion.

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: You’ll see Rock. You and your millions of chump stains…haha.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Well at least The Rock has fans..

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: I’ve got fans Rock…there’s plenty of Peeps out there who chant my name each and every single week I go out there and perform.

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: [smirks] Christian, the only “Peeps” you have are the sugary marshmallow candy that gets handed out on Easter!

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: Whatever Rock, I don’t have time for your childish jokes. If you want to be a clown, then go join the circus! Or better yet, go back to Hollywood and make another two star movie. [laughs]

[The People’s Champ] The Rock: Well at least The Rock is making movies. Directors would pick Eugene over you to play a part in a movie!

[Captain Charisma] Christian Cage: Pfft right. Yeah anyway I don’t have time for this, I’m out of here. [turns his back] If you ever change your mind and want to pull out of the match early just let me know. But if you still plan on going out there to that ring tonight then you better watch your back!

Christian then walks off as The Rock watches him leave with an annoyed look on his face. The scene cuts over to a hype video promoting the No Way Out pay-per-view coming up next month.

The Rock

Hometown: Miami, Florida
Height: 6 foot 6
Weight: 275 pounds
Finishing Move: The Rock Bottom;The People's Elbow
Nicknames: The Peoples Champion; The Brahma Bull; The Great One; The Most Electricfying Man In Sports Entertainment
Allies: The People

Match: The Rock vs. Christian Cage
Card: Thursday Night Impact
Stipulation: Elimination Qualifying Match

W/L/D Record: 02-01-00
Roleplay #: 4
Roleplay Title: Christian, the only “Peeps” you have are the sugary marshmallow candy that gets handed out on Easter!
Power 10 #: 9
None Yet
Hit Rock Bottom:
John Morrison
Kenny Dykstra