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Survivor Series
Melina Perez versus. Maryse
Women's Championship Match

.:. Scene 01.:. Reuniting With Someone Special .:.

The scene opens up inside of an airport where Melina Perez is shown dressed down in casual clothing with two body guards by her side. She is sporting jeans, black high heel boots, matching shades and is also wearing a scarf around her neck with her hair up in a pony tail. She seems to be in an impatient mood as she taps her right foot repeatedly with her arms crossed and sighs deeply.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez her flight was suppose to get here at 4:00pm. It’s 4:30 now.

Melina starts to pace back and fourth as her body guards just stand still with their arms crossed and serious expressions on their faces.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez I swear to God if I have to be here an hour…

We suddenly hear a faint voice in the distance calling Melina’s name as she turns around and sees her mother coming towards her while rolling her luggage behind herself.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez mami!

Melina quickly rushes towards her mom and throws her arms around her neck embracing in a big hug as a tear comes down her cheek.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez ¿Cómo es mi nena? (How is my baby girl?)

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez Hago a mamá muy buena, gracias. (I’m doing very good mom, thank you)

Mrs. Perez takes a step back and looks at her daughter up and down admiring what she is seeing.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez you look so good nena. You must be working out.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez oh you know it mom. The competition is pretty stiff in the WWE so I have to be in top shape almost all the time.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez ah I see…your little “wrestling” thing huh?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez yes mom I’m still wrestling.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez you know I never would expect this from you. Maybe you’re older brother yes, but not you.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez well that makes two of us.

Melina smiles sweetly at her mother and holds her hand as they start to head for the exit doors. The body guards take the luggage from her mom and stroll it down the busy walkway themselves. Her mother looks back at them suspiciously at first as she whispers in her daughter’s ear.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez who are these men Melina?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez oh don’t mind them, their just my body guards. They protect me at all times so you’re in good hands, trust me.

Mrs. Perez glances at them one more time before she looks ahead at the limousine they are about to enter.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez ¿Ah mi bondad qué es esto? (Oh my goodness, what is this?)

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez what were you expecting a rental car?

Melina laughs lightly.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez mom when your with me, we ride in style.

The limo driver nods and opens the back door as both ladies climb inside, Melina’s mother first. He then shuts the door and enters the driver seat as the body guards put the luggage in the trunk and close it shut. They then proceed into a black Escalade and follow behind them as the limo driver takes off down the road. There is a camera inside showing Melina interact with her mother for the first time in about a year.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez so nena, how about you take off those shades so I can see those pretty brown eyes of yours.

Melina looks a little uneasy at first as she bites her bottom lip and looks away out the window.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez mom I don’t think you want to see…I’ve gotten a little banged up from two weeks ago. Why don’t you wait until I get some makeup on so I can cover up my cuts and bruises?

Mrs. Perez just smiles proudly of her daughter as she reaches over and takes her shades off. Melina looks down but her mother lifts her chin up and looks into her eyes.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez mi amor (my love) I don’t care what your face looks like. You will always be beautiful in my eyes and don’t believe any different ok?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez yes mami.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez so where are we going?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez well if your hungry we can stop by a restaurant

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez oh no I’m fine. So when can I meet your novio (boyfriend)?

Melina grins thinking about her man who is waiting for her back at the hotel.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez you’ll meet Johnny at the hotel. He’s a really nice guy mom, I’m sure you’ll love him.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez well let’s hope so. That Dave guy was too muscular and big for my taste.

Melina not really wanting to go there changes the subject so she doesn’t have to talk about her ex.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez so how is Mexico? How is mi familia?

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez oh everyone is doing wonderful. Your father is still boxing believe it or not and your older brother is running his own gym.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez oh really? Well that’s good to hear. I miss those guys…and Mexico. I wish they could have came…

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez well they would have mi amor but they both had to work and you know how that is.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez yeah…well they better watch me tonight on Survivor Series.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez I’m sure they will nena. They know how much this match means to you.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez yeah it means a whole lot. In fact I would probably cry if I won the women’s title again. It’s been so long since I’ve held it.

Mrs. Perez just smiles as she strokes her daughter’s back who now has her mind focused on her match coming up tonight. The scene slowly fades to black as they continue their conversation.

.:. Scene 02.:. Mommy Meet Johnny .:.

The scene opens up in the backstage area where Melina Perez is walking down the hallway while holding her mother’s hand. She occasionally stops to introduce her mother to some of the other superstars and divas in the back before approaching her lockeroom. As Melina opens the door she sees a bunch of balloons as well as streamers and a Welcome banner hanging from the ceiling. There’s also a bottle of champagne sitting on ice on one of the coffee tables that looks like it was just set out. As Melina’s mother enters the lockeroom looking around at all of the decorations, John Morrison emerges from the bathroom dressed in a nice blue dressed shirt and black pants. He immediately walks over to Mrs. Perez and kisses her hand as she looks over at Melina.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez is this your novio mi amor?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez yes mami this is my boyfriend John Morrison.

.:. Shaman of Sexy.:. John Morrison it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Perez, how was your flight from Mexico?

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez it was nice thank you. Did you do all of this for me?

.:.Shaman of Sexy.:. John Morrison actually I did. I figured I would do something special for the most important woman in Mel’s life. She talks about you all the time.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez oh does she?

Mrs. Perez looks over at her daughter who grins and nods her head.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez but I promise you it was nothing bad

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez oh it better not be bad missy. After all I am the one you gave birth to you.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez I know I know

.:. Shaman of Sexy.:. John Morrison so would you find ladies like something to drink? I bought some champagne.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez oh no thanks, I’m actually do for an interview pretty soon.

.:. Mrs. Perez.:. Rosa Perez well maybe I’ll have some later. Now come…sit down Mr. Morrison so I can have a look at you.

Just when Morrison went to take a seat next to Mrs. Perez on the couch there was a knock at the door. As Melina answered it, she was standing face to face to the very shy Josh Mathews. Melina knew it was her time to do an interview so she told Mathews to wait a second as she looked back at her mom and boyfriend.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez hey guys I have to do my interview now. Johnny keep my mother company until I get back ok baby?

.:. Shaman of Sexy.:. John Morrison not a problem babe.

Melina smiles as she shuts the door and steps out into the hallway with Josh Mathews. The scene fades to black for a quick break.

.:. Scene 03.:. Interview With Josh Mathews .:.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez so Josh how can I help you?

.:. Genesis Interviewer.:. Josh Mathews well Melina you know it’s about that time for an interview.

Melina just smirks already knowing that as she waits for her first question.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez shoot away Josh…

.:. Genesis Interviewer.:. Josh Mathews now with Survivor Series only being a few hours away, how are you feeling right now?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez well Josh I’m feeling a lot of different emotions right now. My mother just flew in from Mexico today and she will be sitting in the front row so I’m gonna try my damn best not to let her down. Now I must admit I am a little nervous and have some butterflies in my stomach but that’s not gonna stop me from putting on my best performance. But nonetheless, I am excited and have been waiting for this opportunity to come again for a very long time. I can’t wait to get my hands on Maryse! I’ve had her number since the day she won the women’s title.

.:. Genesis Interviewer.:. Josh Mathews well I’m not sayin this to shoot down your confidence or anything Melina but Maryse seems to be getting the upper hand on things as of late. It all started back at Cyber Sunday a month ago when she pinned you for the women’s title in that triple threat match. Then when you won your number one contender’s spot, she hit you from behind with the women’s title. She also attacked you at a restaurant and helped Stephanie defeat you two weeks ago when Stephanie used those brass knuckles. How confident are you in winning tonight?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez you know what Josh, you have a good point there. With all the chaos Maryse has been causing I should probably be doubting myself right? Well your wrong! Because all those cheap shots and sneak attacks shows everyone why I would make a better champion. You see Josh real champions face their competition in the ring fair and square. Everything that Maryse has done to me just proves to me how much of a coward she really is.

.:. Genesis Interviewer.:. Josh Mathews well I heard she did an interview with a radio station of some sort and said you guys are friends off camera. Is that true?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez well we get along Josh but that doesn’t make us the best of friends. I don’t know who’s ass she was blowing smoke up but that’s Maryse for you I guess! Haha!

Mathews smirks.

.:. Genesis Interviewer.:. Josh Mathews well Melina Mr. McMahon stated a while back that whoever loses the match will bring the divas title back to their brand. How do you feel about that?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez well I think it is a good idea I mean it would only be fair to have divas on each show competing for something! But I’m not really worried about that because I’m pretty sure the women’s title is coming home to Impact. I’ve waited it out this long and I’ve trained my butt off each and every single day for this so I deserve to win tonight!

.:. Genesis Interviewer.:. Josh Mathews well as you may know there is a classic elimination match with five divas from both Genesis and Impact competing later on tonight as well. Which brand do you think is going to score the win and claim supremacy?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez Well it would be nice to have the Impact divas pull through but the Genesis divas have a lot of veterans and experienced divas on their side so anything is possible Josh.

.:. Genesis Interviewer.:. Josh Mathews well Melina I’m all out of questions for you. Do you have anything you would like to say to Maryse before you meet her out in the ring tonight?

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez actually I do Josh.

Melina snatches the mic out of Josh’s hand who looks a little startled at first.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez alright Maryse I’ve been waiting for Survivor Series to come for so long and now that it’s finally here you better believe that I’m giving 110%. You’ve caused me nothing but hell and have ruined my reputation so it’s my turn that I turn the tables on you and return the favor. I’m so tired of hearing you claim yourself to be the most dominate diva and the “sexy of ze sexy”.

Melina rolls her eyes.

.:.The A-list Diva.:. Melina Perez Maryse after I’m done with you tonight, the only sexy face that will be left standing at the end of the night will be me! Because once I get my hands on you, I’m gonna rearrange your face so bad that your beloved Edge won’t even recognize you! I’ve had it up to here with your bullshit and games and tonight I’m gonna show you why I am the real dominate diva! Get ready to kiss that title goodbye bitch because the only thing you’ll be leaving with tonight is the vacant divas title that has no history behind it. There’s only one true women’s champion Maryse and that person is me! Get ready to fall victim to the A-list diva trick!

And with that being said Melina enters her lockeroom and shuts the door leaving Mathews to wonder down the hall in search for someone else to interview.

The following layout and the coding was done by Brad, and the roleplay is by Neci. If you, by any means, decide to copy the layout and coding then you MUST ask and then give credit to Brad. If you fail to do any of this, prepare to have a beatdown. If you think this disclaimer is a fun little joke, think again bitch, it's not!
Eve Torres; Mickie James; Stephanie McMahon; Angelina Love