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TigrrrsEyes: hey JAP62982: Hey TigrrrsEyes: where've you been lately? JAP62982: Not too bad ... just going day by day. TigrrrsEyes: we went up to your store on Sunday after we went to see Sum of All Fears and you weren't there, and we went there Friday night and you weren't there either. JAP62982: I raced Friday night. I had Sunday off. I'm trying to get out of that place in anycase. I have an interview in Clarksburg with Pepsi tomorrow morning. TigrrrsEyes: why don't you want to work there anymore? JAP62982: Just looking for a change of scenery. TigrrrsEyes: oh. I thought maybe it's because you and "the girl" are on the outs. JAP62982: In short you all were right. Me and steve had a big confrontation in which Amber, in front of me, told him that they were done and she wanted to be with me ... two days later she calls and tells me that she feels she's rushed into this and that she and Steve aren't getting back together but she needs time. Fast forward to last Wednesday he shows up to the store bringing her dinner and I haven't talked to her in over a week now. TigrrrsEyes: She was telling some girl that you and her would probably kill each other if you came up to fix the air conditioner or something when we went there Sunday. TigrrrsEyes: how confrontational? JAP62982: Like I took my glasses off and was about to break his nose, but she got in between the both of us and made him leave. Yea, it's not her I'm gonna kill... it's him. He's been coming in the store running his mouth about me and talking shit. So I fucked with his car the other day and if I ever see him in the store while I'm there I'll lose my job for punching him in the face. JAP62982: Then we'll all have closure and can go on about our lifes. JAP62982: She fucked in the head and so is he JAP62982: she's* TigrrrsEyes: lol. TigrrrsEyes: from what i've seen and what you've said about her I'd say she's a coniving bitch. I mean, she knew that me and megan and andrea were right there and she started mouthing off like that to the other girl she was working with. JAP62982: Oh yea, she got way off playing this game with me and steve and everyone else. I told everyone at work the whole story that way when she goes to tell her lying bullshit that she's had to tell steve to cover her ass they'll know better. JAP62982: ... but god I had it bad for that girl TigrrrsEyes: i know you do/did JAP62982: no no... no do. Josh gets new job ... Josh beats the fuck out of Steve and fucks with his car until Steve is sorry he threatened to have me jumped after work and have my life made a living hell ... and then game over. TigrrrsEyes: this is all working like clockwork. Screw Megan's theories about this girl because I do believe that I've said taht everything this girl has done was going to happen. lol. TigrrrsEyes: Yeah but he could have you arrested for tampering with his car. TigrrrsEyes: plus it's assault if you get into a fight. TigrrrsEyes: but you don't want to get jumped after work. believe me. My dad had to have reconstructive surgery because some girl's boyfriend jumped him one time. JAP62982: First he needs physical evidence that I fucked with his car. and so far he hasn't realized it's been me so far. (what a dumbass). And if I can just get him to swing first then it's self defense. And I think I can make that happen fairly easily. JAP62982: That's why I carry my gun a lot more, especially to work. TigrrrsEyes: that's just stupid JAP62982: what is? TigrrrsEyes: carrying a gun TigrrrsEyes: they may be really sexy in movies but the real thing is kinda scary. atleast to me. JAP62982: and so being out number by 4 or 5 very large boys behind a dark store is fucking brilliant???? TigrrrsEyes: no, but there are other things to carry besides a gun. TigrrrsEyes: and quit parking your truck back there in the dark. JAP62982: it evens the odds. I don't plan to shoot anyway just to square things up. If steve wants to rumble we can do that one on one. JAP62982: Like what? And that's where I have to park. I'm not worried about it. I think he's all talk anyway. TigrrrsEyes: i dunno. something less life threatening? TigrrrsEyes: why do you have to fuck with him anyways? why not attack the source? JAP62982: Mace - with that I spary one of them and the rest rush me and get me down before I can do any more damage. Baseball bat- way too big! let's see what else ...... JAP62982: what source? TigrrrsEyes: her? lol. JAP62982: That'd be childish. It'll mess her over when I finish this anyway. TigrrrsEyes: you've obviously never fought with a girl before. JAP62982: Like fist fight? TigrrrsEyes: no no no. see, guys hit each other and it's over with. Girls leave emotional scar tissue that lasts for a long time. TigrrrsEyes: thats why there's the Lifetime Movie Channel. lol. All those revenge stories came from somewhere. JAP62982: Yea, she's done that already. I'm done with her ... she no longer exists in Josh land. TigrrrsEyes: you'll have to send me a travel brocure. lol. JAP62982: It's a messed up place ... most people don't stay long. TigrrrsEyes: well the round trip prices to stephyland are getting cheaper and cheaper. lol. TigrrrsEyes: i just let the visitors mold the landscaping. lol. TigrrrsEyes: you gotta figure that he's still spending the night if he's still willing to fight for her. JAP62982: Work is fun now though. My manager breaks her back so we don't work together. Everyone stays out of my way and tell me I'm a grump and need to get over it yet they don't push too hard for fear I'll snap and take some of them out with me. TigrrrsEyes: lol. TigrrrsEyes: we all knew you were a grump before she came along. lol. JAP62982: upp, didn't find that amusing. TigrrrsEyes: I'm teasing. lol. TigrrrsEyes: It was nice to have you actually being nice to us though. JAP62982: And the greatest part is that she's telling everyone that they aren't dating ... so that means they're just fucking each other. JAP62982: thanks TigrrrsEyes: why buy popsicles when you're handing them out for free? JAP62982: that was almost funny. I haven't been anymore nice to you guys then ever before. I just shared a little more of my life ... something I rarely do. TigrrrsEyes: which was nice JAP62982: No, cause you were all right ... well each of you about something at least. And I was hard headed and didn't listen. Had I ... I could have stopped this weeks ago and not been the bitter son of a homicidal bitch that I am now. TigrrrsEyes: because you just see us as someone who fills you in on Psych class when you skip all the time but when you were coming over and telling us about all that you were kinda acting like we were important. JAP62982: I don't see you guess like that. I mean you fill me in on other things too.... lol JAP62982: ohhh, that soo wasn't funny but hey I tried. TigrrrsEyes: i can't hold you hand every time you need to cross a street josh. it wouldn't have been fair to tell you no. that's why I said get it while it lasts instead of whatever the hell megan said. TigrrrsEyes: do you honestly think that if i would've said "No Josh. Stop right now!" you wouldn't have told me to fuck off ? lol. JAP62982: yea, that's what would have happened, but then now you could be like "told you so". TigrrrsEyes: i'm not that mean. JAP62982: My whole plan was to tell Steve the next time I saw him that we slept together. That why he throw a punch and then it'd been self defense not simple battery. But that plan fizzled out when he told a couple people that he already knew as much. What's fucked up so much in her head that she had to get back with him and lie to me about it let alone tell him that shit??? TigrrrsEyes: you slept with her? JAP62982: Yes, yes I did. did that shock you as much as I figured it would? TigrrrsEyes: not really. lol TigrrrsEyes: i said she was a nimpho. remember? JAP62982: yea, but that theory was way off. TigrrrsEyes: my morbid curiosity wants to ask "why" as stupidly as possible, but my brain is short curcuiting at this time with the "i don't want to knows" that are flashing JAP62982: In the aftermath ... I don't doubt for a second that she liked me as much as she said, but she's fucked in the head and she doesn't know what she wants. And she thinks she and Steve are gonna have this perfect life together him in the Air Force and her as his CPA military wife. JAP62982: Why what? TigrrrsEyes: why you think she's not a nympho. TigrrrsEyes: she's bitchy enough. maybe he likes that drill sergent type of girl. JAP62982: She is not a nymph. Kellie called her a ho like two or three weeks ago ... talk about pissing me off. JAP62982: nympho* TigrrrsEyes: which is probably, aside from jumping on you all the time, that you wanted her. I always thought taht a girl who's going to slap you around or push you down alot would be the girl mostly likely to turn you on. TigrrrsEyes: i don't think she's a ho. I think she's cocky. JAP62982: No, I mean don't get me wrong it was a nice perk. But there are other things that attract me to her. JAP62982: She is ... she's a cocky bitch who's fucked in the head and doesn't know what she wants out of life. TigrrrsEyes: nobody knows what they want in life. that's not an excuse. I think she abuses the power. JAP62982: And she's cute, funny, ditzy, smart, intelligent, and more. TigrrrsEyes: that could be any girl. TigrrrsEyes: the next girl you meet is going to be cute funny ditzy smart intelligent and more and you're going to swear up and down that she's different then one of you will fuck it up and she'll be some psycho from hell. JAP62982: She thinks that they'll have something together, something she won't find else where or that good and she's afraid to let it go to find out. JAP62982: Thanks for the pick-me-up TigrrrsEyes: here's an analogy for you.. TigrrrsEyes: all girls are like the produce section in a supermarket. Some girls are red delicious apples, others are bruised green apples. You have to go through one or two bruised ones to appreciate a red delicious JAP62982: Where'd that come from a box of cracker jacks? JAP62982: lol TigrrrsEyes: From my head. lol JAP62982: yea well, it makes sense. TigrrrsEyes: but, guys arn't avid shoppers. So inevitably they like to "taste test" the bruised ones more so than the nice red ones which means that I've been in the produce bin waiting for a shopper for a while cause guys are stupid. JAP62982: But God damn it... I'd been 10 times better about all this if she'd just had the common fucking curtesy to tell me what was really going on, even though she still says they aren't back together. JAP62982: I just want an answer and some mother loving closure. TigrrrsEyes: would you have still wanted her if she told you on day one that she was going to not tell anyone about you, make steve jealous, fuck him, fuck you, and then when she reached her goal she was going to twist it all aroudn like it wasn't her fault and that steve is all noble for wanting to fight for her? JAP62982: no, who the hell would. TigrrrsEyes: well you said But God damn it... I'd been 10 times better about all this if she'd just had the common fucking curtesy to tell me what was really going on. I just told you what was going on. So if she would've said that you wouldn't have been 10 times better about it JAP62982: truth is a hard pill to swallow. And I still think there's more than meets the eye here. TigrrrsEyes: there is. but it's not like it'll save you now. JAP62982: Yea, I agree with you there. I'm too far gone. JAP62982: Anyway, it's lovely weather that we are having. TigrrrsEyes: lol TigrrrsEyes: i will say this. because you do need to hear something nice so you don't go completely off the deep edge. TigrrrsEyes: I envy you. Because you did something that I havn't yet been able to do. You cared about someone so much that you took a big chance in order to prove that. but one good thing that did come out of this is that you were actually a better person when she was around. JAP62982: To steal a line... She made me want to be a better person. TigrrrsEyes: lol. thank you melvin udahl JAP62982: yea, least I did try to pass it off as a Josh original. JAP62982: didn't* TigrrrsEyes: so, do megan and I have to be drunk for you to spill your guts? JAP62982: No not at all. It just helps me out when I'm drunk to spill it all out. lol TigrrrsEyes: ah. I see. TigrrrsEyes: too bad her parents are home now cause this could've proved to be one hell of a party. lol JAP62982: Oh yea. Me crying over my beer about my broken heart and ruined love life. Cause that's me the next time I get drunk. TigrrrsEyes: lol. TigrrrsEyes: you need to go out with us this weekend JAP62982: I work Friday to tuesday TigrrrsEyes: i'll check the paper to see if you're being hauled away on the front page in a nice orange jump suit JAP62982: I tried to call your cell the other day to see what you guys where doing so I wouldn't end up doing what I did. TigrrrsEyes: it'd be better to call my house because I don't turn my phone on all the time. JAP62982: well it was 1:30 AM. TigrrrsEyes: oh. TigrrrsEyes: what day? JAP62982: Saturday JAP62982: not this past one, but last week. TigrrrsEyes: hmmm.. we weren't doing anything TigrrrsEyes: wait... that might have been the night we had to take the breathalizer test. lol. TigrrrsEyes: no. that was a friday. We weren't doing anything last saturday TigrrrsEyes: well i'm going to go to bed. I have to be there at 8 tomarrow. I'll talk to you later! Try not to sacrifice any small furry woodland animals or your brother while he's sleeping or anything. lol JAP62982: Ok, I'll try. Goodnight. Talk to you later. And thanks for listening to my endless rambling of self pity. TigrrrsEyes: you're welcome. :-)