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Ron Prince endorses Kaloogian Congressional bid

Mr. Ron Prince, Co-Author - Proposition 187

Fellow Americans:

As the co-author of Proposition 187 and Chairman of the Prop 187 campaign – the historic ballot measure that denied taxpayer-funded benefits such as welfare to illegal aliens – I have paid close attention to California’s 48th Congressional District Special Election race between Minuteman Founder James Gilchrist and State Assemblyman John Campbell.

It has truly been refreshing to see the issue of illegal immigration being seriously debated and discussed in this Congressional campaign. Our nation cannot prosper and thrive if we continue to allow untold millions to enter this country illegally, deplete our treasury and tax our systems and resources.

Now that the Gilchrist-Campbell race is over, it is urgent that we turn our attention to yet another Congressional Special Election that has just been called – this to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Republican Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham.

Friends, I have very good news to report. One of the leading candidates in this race is a terrific friend to the immigration reform community – Howard Kaloogian.

Kaloogian for Congress Banner

It’s not often that we have such an ideal candidate on an issue that is important to us who is in such a strong position to emerge victorious in the campaign – this is one of those rare opportunities.

If you have not already signed up to support Howard’s campaign, offer an endorsement and make a financial contribution – then you need to do so right now. You can find Howard’s congressional campaign online at:

Here’s a little more about Howard Kaloogian for those who aren’t already familiar with this great man.

Kaloogian is a Republican who served from 1994-2000 in the California State Legislature. His State Assembly District is almost identical to the district lines of the current 50th Congressional District seat that is now up for grabs.

But, best of all, Howard Kaloogian has always been an unwavering supporter of our cause. Howard has been fighting to secure our borders and stop the give-away of your tax dollars to illegal aliens for years, including his strong support of Proposition 187 in 1994.

Howard Kaloogian

[Howard Kaloogian with the Border Patrol at the U.S.-Mexico Border]

And that’s why immigration reform leaders have been longtime supporters of Howard Kaloogian.

In 2004, Kaloogian agreed to enter the Republican primary for U.S. Senate at the last minute when the conservative candidate in the race dropped out the day of the filing deadline.

That campaign showcased Howard’s commitment to our cause, and attracted the enthusiastic support of Congressman Tom Tancredo – Chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus.

Tancredo was so excited about Kaloogian’s campaign he flew out from Colorado to a rally Kaloogian organized at the California Republican Party state convention. Kaloogian was challenging the party, who were indicating that they were planning on ‘going south’ on us on the issue of immigration.

Kaloogian stood up to the party leadership and rallied a massive crowd in a giant tent outside the convention. I had the privilege to be on hand and the event was electrifying.

Howard Kaloogian

[The crowd at the Kaloogian-Tancredo Immigration Rally was massive. This is just 1 corner of the massive tent that housed the crowd, the media, and the stage.]

Congressman Tancredo arrived just as Howard began to speak and the two embraced onstage. The crowd roared with approval, and the news media from around the nation were shocked to see such energy generated from a candidate’s commitment to the issue of reforming our broken immigration policy in this country.

Howard Kaloogian

[Congressman Tom Tancredo [Left], Howard Kaloogian [center] and Melanie Morgan [right]

Howard Kaloogian’s track record on immigration reform is absolutely perfect. Howard doesn’t say one thing to one crowd and something different to another.

He is a man of principle who gives you his word and makes good on it.

That’s why I’ve been proud to work with him in an effort to bring back the issues of Proposition 187, which almost 60% of the voters supported, but a liberal judge invalidated when he legislated from the bench and ruled the initiative “unconstitutional.”

Howard Kaloogian

[Howard Kaloogian and myself at a news conference for the “Save 187” initiative.]

Many of you will also know Howard from his leadership of the historic and successful Recall Gray Davis Committee.

And one of the leading issues in that election was that corrupt Governor Gray Davis had signed a bill passed by a liberal Democrat legislature, which gave drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

Politicians say they are serious about controlling illegal immigration, but then they go and reward those who break our nation’s laws. It’s shameless!

But Howard Kaloogian stood up to these corrupt politicians – and he won!!

Howard Kaloogian

[Howard Kaloogian at the 1st Recall Gray Davis Rally]

The political elite told Howard that he could not be successful. They pointed out to Howard that no statewide elected official in California history had been recalled, and that the last recall of a statewide official in the entire nation hadn’t occurred since 1921 – and that was in the state of North Dakota (hardly a bellwether for California politics).

But, Kaloogian, along with the help of Melanie Morgan of KSFO 560, Ted Costa of People’s Advocate, Mark Williams of KFBK 1530 AM, Roger Hedgecock of KOGO AM 600, and others proved the experts wrong.

Kaloogian launched the Recall Gray Davis Committee – - and as they say the rest was history, and so was Gray Davis. Soon thereafter, the law giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens was history too.

None of which would have been possible were it not for Howard Kaloogian.

Now you can see why I’ve endorsed Howard.

Many other leaders in the immigration reform movement have already lent their support to Howard’s campaign as well. You can learn more about those who have already endorsed Howard Kaloogian for U.S. Congress here:

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and thank you for your commitment to this important and serious issue.

I hope we can all work together to make sure that one of our strongest advocates is elected to Congress and can join Congressman Tom Tancredo in bringing about true reform of our nation’s immigration policies and enforcement.

Please also be sure to follow our continuing work to “Save Prop 187” by visiting us online at:

Sincerely Yours,

Ron Prince
Co-Author, Proposition 187 Update - New

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We, at Save Our State/ (not to be confused by a confrontational copycat organization using the same organization name), want to take a moment to provide an update about our organization.

For the past two years, since the defeat of "One Bill Gil" Cedillo's SB-1160 (& AB-2895), which we greatly contributed to their demise, we have been taking a step back and evaluating a number of issues both at the state and federal levels of government. Now while Save Our State has been rather quiet, we have remained active in our pursuit to secure America's borders from terrorists and illegal aliens.

We have supported an organization called Friends of the Border Patrol, founded by Andy Ramirez, which he founded to assist and support the US Border Patrol while defending them from political intrigue, obstruction and interference.

As you know, "One Bill Gil" is still hellbent on his driver's license for illegal aliens bill though numerous U.S. leaders consider his legislation to be a detriment to our national security. We shall be there to continue defeating Cedillo's bills. Any other plans shall be announced at the appropriate time.

Save Our State/ has appreciated the support of numerous people throughout California and across America for the past 13 years and shall continue to work hard on behalf of American Citizens. We hope to maintain your continued support in the years ahead.

Save Our State/ has made several important contributions and had both legislative and political victories since 1994 and we thought we'd share a few of these items with you today.

Prop. 187 - Passed by the people of California in 1994 (Many sections were later upheld by the courts and enacted into California law)

H.R. 3734-Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193) – Welfare Reform

H.R. 2202-Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-208)

Arizona's Prop 200 - Passed by the people of Arizona-2004 (Assisted with drafting)

Defeated SB-1160 & AB 2895- The Cedillo driver’s license bill (Sept 2004 by Governor's Veto).

We thank you for your continued support, and thank you for visiting Save Our State's website at

Don't believe The Wall Street Journal Wing of the GOP is not working with Vicente Fox to open up the borders? Read further below for a key statement on the subject from Fox personally.

Arnold & Dreier - Campaign 2004

During the recently held election Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger campaigned on behalf of David Dreier, who was targeted by KFI's John and Ken Show in their political human sacrifice. Dreier campaigned for Arnold, when Arnold ran for Governor, headed the transition team, and now Arnold is paying Dreier back, by contacting voters in Dreier's Congressional District and misinforming them by calling Dreier a champion against illegal immigration. Dreier's recent record is the opposite, therefore making it a lie by Arnold. In case many of you have forgotten, until Arnold was forced to veto due to the pressure put on by TalkRadio, activists and S-O-S, Arnold supported driver's licenses for illegal aliens. Arnold added the provision of the colored/marked licenses, which "One Bill Gil" Cedillo has said he'd never accept. However, in a twist, Speaker Fabian Nunez has said he will accept the marked license. Don't remember Arnold's January 2003 statement supporting driver's licenses for illegals, click to listen below as Arnold get's cornered by Univision's Pablo Espinoza.

Arnold on Univision Audio
Click To Listen Here

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click on the link and save as a target.

Important Update

Support HR 10 & Defend America

We support H.R. 10, and ask for your help in the fight to see it pass through the Conference Committee, which resumes meetings in Washington D.C. after the election.

H.R. 10, the primary legislative response in the House of Representatives to the recommendations of The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9-11 Commission), was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday, October 8th. A Senate 9-11 response bill, S. 2845, which includes NO immigration provisions, was earlier passed by the Senate.

The 9-11 Commission made several recommendations with regard to immigration that, in the Commission's opinion, would increase security and help prevent a future attack. Many of the Commission's immigration recommendations were included in H.R. 10 such as provisions to: prohibit driver's licenses to illegal aliens; expedite removal of illegal aliens; increase Border Patrol and ICE agents; and prevent Federal agencies from accepting or recognizing Matricula Consular ID as valid proof of identity.

Every one of the immigration provisions recommended by the 9-11 Commission would help reduce illegal immigration and improve homeland security. Together, they would make major strides toward reducing the current illegal alien population of some 8-11 million and toward preventing future illegal immigration.

Now House and Senate Conferees will hammer out in Conference Committee a final bill based on H.R. 10 and S. 2845.

The White House is applying severe pressure to House and Senate Conferees, as well as House and Senate Leadership, to strip the immigration provisions of H.R. 10. The White House has launched a full-scale attack on the immigration provisions of H.R. 10, which is yet another betrayal by the Bush Administration on behalf of Vicente Fox's government, and against the will of the American people.

It's clear that both Presidential Candidates support illegal immigration and amnesty. If you are able to take only one action to stop illegal immigration for the rest of the year, please call the White House and Congress demand they support HR 10!

Messages to the President

President George W. Bush, if you support illegal immigration, you do not support conservative values!

The President addressed the RNC Convention and stated, “I believe the most solemn duty of the American president is to protect the American people.” If George W. Bush truly believes that, then why has he ordered the Border Patrol to stand down?

Press Release!

AB-2895 Supports Terrorism!

S-O-S calls for Chief Bratton's dismissal for his endorsement of "One bill Gil's" driver's license bill, which clearly endangers the US.

Read more here

Legal Not Illegal!

by Andy Ramirez, Executive Director - SOS

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's keynote (and poorly) scripted speech at the Republican National Convention addressed immigrants, as he emigrated legally to the United States himself and eventually became a citizen of our great nation. However, Arnold, like "One Bill Gil" Cedillo and many others simply refuse to adhere to one fact, and this fact is based on immigration laws that welcome people who have permission to enter our nation, and those who break the law.

Many speeches at the RNC Convention have discussed immigrants, 9-11, and the war on terror. However, what good is it to call this a war on terror, when terrorists today are entering the US due to the obstruction of justice that is preventing the US Border Patrol from enforcing the law, which the agents want to enforce. This fact has been reported to the Congress by Michael Shelby, US Attorney for the Southern District of Texas, and the FBI, while being ignored by Asa Hutchinson, and the DHS. If President George W. Bush wants to win re-election, and it's his to win or lose, then he needs to get tough on illegal immigration (which helps terrorists entering the US), stop pandering to Cedillo's constituents, and "Let Them Enforce!"

Arnold you need to learn it's Legal, Not Illegal!

Vicente Fox’s Real Agenda

By: Stop The Free Trade Area of the Americas

If you like illegal immigration you’ll love the Free Trade Area of the Americas! FTAA advocates favor open borders. Although keeping the general public in the dark as to their real plans, FTAA sponsors admit that the FTAA is intended to follow in the footsteps of the EU – and so will lead to the abolition of meaningful national borders. National borders will become like state borders. There will no longer be an immigration problem, because there will be no more immigration – only migration of populations at will.

Proponents conceal the effect of the FTAA on U.S. borders, realizing that the American public would not support their revolutionary goals. Representative Tom Tancredo (R-CO) has clearly and correctly warned:

"There are people in the [Bush] administration, and in Mexico, and in Congress, who believe that we should do away with borders entirely. Their ultimate goal is to create this hemispheric ‘free trade’ area consolidating all of North and South America into some kind of ‘United States of the Americas.’"

Mexico’s Vicente Fox, in a 2002 address to European elites, was unexpectedly candid about these aims:

"Eventually our long-range objective is to establish with the United States, but also with Canada, our other regional partner, an ensemble of connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union, with the goal of attending to future themes [such as] the future prosperity of North America, and the movement of capital, goods, services, and persons." [Emphasis ours]

During his address, Fox referred to a large impediment to his vision, "what I dare to call the Anglo-Saxon prejudice against the establishment of supra-national organizations."

This same vision has been endorsed by powerful people in our nation -- including some regarded to be conservative. Among those who applauded Fox's vision was Robert L. Bartley, editor of the influential Wall Street Journal:

"Reformist Mexican President Vicente Fox raises eyebrows with his suggestion that over a decade or two Nafta should evolve into something like the European Union, with open borders for not only goods and investment but also people. He can rest assured that there is one voice north of the Rio Grande that supports his vision. To wit, this newspaper."

"Indeed, during the immigration debate of 1984 we suggested an ultimate goal to guide passing policies — a constitutional amendment: "There shall be -- open borders."
-- July 2, 2002 Wall Street Journal editorial entitled "Open NAFTA Borders? Why Not?"

Al-Qaeda Using Matricula Card

Congressman John Culberson announced on the John and Ken TalkRadio Show (KFI-Los Angeles) that Al-Qaeda militants are crossing into the US from Mexico and using the matricula consular card, as well as using Hispanic surnames.

Click here to read more....

Support the Border Patrol!

Contact Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border & Transportation Security and tell him that you want the Border Partol to do their job! Call 202-282-8077 or e-mail him at

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