Chapter Thirty-Eight

AJ paced Marshall’s LA living room nervously, waiting for the other man to get there. They had long since exchanged keys and security codes, so getting in hadn’t been a problem.

Running a hand through his hair, he looked down at the gift bag yet again, his stomach doing somersaults as he wondered if he should just pitch it and come up with some other way for Marshall to repay the bet. He just wasn’t sure the older man would want to go through with it. He wasn’t sure he wanted to go through with it. Okay, that was a lie. He definitely wanted to go through with it…just not at the other man’s expense.

Deciding just to go with something he knew the other man would go for, AJ picked the bag up, prepared to toss it in the garbage. He held it in his hands for a minute, staring at it before making a frustrated sound and setting it back down on the couch.

No. He wanted to do this. The thought of Marshall, standing in front of him, with what AJ had bought him caused his pants to tighten. He bit back a moan at the images in his head and paced the floor once again, glancing at his watch for the hundredth time. Where the fuck was he?

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Marshall shifted anxiously in the back seat of the limo he left the MTV movie awards in. He had long since come down off his rush from performing his song there and just wanted to get home. AJ was waiting for him at home, ready to collect on his bet. Marshall was more than ready to pay the debt. He didn’t even care anymore what it was, just as long as it eventually lead to the two of them fucking… which AJ had assured him last night on the phone would occur at some point.

Shifting again but unable to find a comfortable position with his hard on throbbing between his legs, he groaned under his breath and dropped his head to the seat back. He needed to think of something else. Anything else.

He thought about his performance that night. It had went pretty well, besides the fact that Brittany Murphy had been all but falling out of her shirt and throwing herself at him from the crowd. He knew what people were going to say about it too. The rumors had already been flying that they were dating.

He could kick himself now. All they had done together was fuck once after a particularly stressful day shooting the movie they were in together. Ever since, she had been acting like they were a couple.

He decided he needed to stop fucking famous people. Well, all but AJ. Okay, maybe it was just famous females he needed to stay away from. First Maria and her whacked out idea that them having sex meant they were the next Sonny and Cher…didn’t anyone ever tell her that they got divorced in the end anyway? Then there was Geri, the spice girl…a place he hadn’t wanted to even go the first time, let alone a second…never again would he date someone for publicity’s sake alone. And now Brittany practically throwing herself at him at every opportunity.

Strangely enough, gay issues aside, AJ was the most normal relationship he’d ever been in…including Kim. He frowned when she entered his head, trying to decide whether he should place her in the famous category or not. True, she wasn’t famous because of anything she did, but all his fans, and even people who weren’t his fans knew who she was.

He gave himself a mental shake as the limo came to a halt and the driver called back to him that they were there. Well, at least he’d kept his mind off AJ and the bet long enough to get home without jacking off.

He snickered as he climbed out of the limo and headed for his front door. Everyone at the awards show had expected him to stay for the after party, but he hadn’t even bothered to come up with an explanation for why he wasn’t, letting them assume what they wanted. On his way out, he got the impression that the general idea was that he was rushing off to the airport to go back to Detroit to see Hailie. He wondered what they would all say if they knew where he was really headed and what he’d be doing once he got there.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Inside, AJ was still trapped in the same dilemma he’d been in since purchasing the items in the gift bag. He smirked slightly when he remembered the look on some of the sales person’s faces. He could almost see the wheels grinding in their heads as they tried to figure out what he was buying the stuff for.

Closing his eyes, he sighed. He should have stuck with the whips and chains scenario…he probably would have had more luck getting Marshall to go for that. Finally he made his decision. Not in favor of whips and chains, but rather, in favor of some light bondage where he got to lick and suck at every inch of his lover while the other man squirmed under his touch, unable to get free of his bindings.

Picking up the bag intent on throwing it away, he turned toward the entryway to the living room…and stopped dead in his tracks. There was Marshall, standing there staring at him. Damn. He hadn’t even heard him come in. When Marshall started for him, AJ tried frantically to find a way to get rid of the bag, but came up blank.

Marshall watched the deer-caught-in-the-headlights expression cross AJ’s face and his nervousness increased by a factor of ten. Whatever he had planned for him had to be way out there if he was acting like that. Marshall started for him, his eyes falling to the bag in AJ’s hands.

“That for me?”

“What? Yes…I mean no. No! It’s not. It was, but it’s not. It was stupid. I shouldn’t have even thought you’d consider it. I’m just going to go get rid of it and tie you to the bed. Licking and sucking…that’ll work right?” AJ said in a rush of words Marshall could barely make out.

“What?” Marshall asked, thoroughly confused, although liking the licking and sucking images now filling his head.

AJ swallowed and shifted from foot to foot, trying to hide the bag behind his back to make it disappear. “I, uh…”

Marshall couldn’t help but chuckle at the way AJ was acting. He’d never seen him this nervous. It was cute. “Alex, give me the bag.”

AJ’s eyes got wide and he shook his head. “No. No way. I don’t need to get my ass kicked. It was a stupid idea. Should have stuck with licking and sucking. In fact, I’ll just go throw this away and we can get right to that, okay?”

AJ made to move past him, but Marshall shot out his hand, grabbing his arm to stop him. He was now way beyond curious as to what was in that bag and there was no way AJ was getting out of that living room with it before he got a chance to check it out. “Since when do I kick your ass?”

“Um…never and I’d like to keep it that way. Well, there was that first night in the bathroom…but you didn’t kick my ass exactly, so yeah, never.” AJ blurted out.

He knew he was rambling and acting like an idiot, but he couldn’t seem to stop. He was suddenly sure his idea had been a really, really bad idea, and he didn’t want Marshall to find out what it was.

Marshall studied his face for a second, then nodded his head, letting go of AJ. When AJ made for the doorway, thinking he was home free, Marshall’s hand suddenly shot back out and grabbed the bag from his hands, taking him off guard.

AJ squeaked as he tried to grab it back, stopping both of them in their tracks. AJ looked at Marshall, and Marshall looked back at AJ and suddenly they were both collapsing on the couch in a fit of laughter, bag forgotten.

After a couple minutes, Marshall calmed down enough to say, “I can’t believe you squeaked.”

AJ’s laughter dissolved and he scowled. “I did not squeak.”

“Oh yeah? Why were you laughing then?” Marshall challenged.

AJ shrugged, but couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “Nervous energy.”

Marshall leaned in and brushed his lips against the other man’s, before moving to his ear and whispering huskily, “You squeaked.”

AJ shoved at him playfully. “Yeah, well, tell anybody and I’ll…I’ll…”

Marshall couldn’t help it and asked, “What? Squeak again?” just before bursting into another fit of laughter.

“Fucker.” AJ threw back in mock irritability, but couldn’t stop the small chuckle that escaped his lips.

That time after they calmed down, Marshall again reached for the bag. AJ leaned over and laid his hands over Marshall’s, trying to stop the other man from opening it. “Seriously. I don’t know how you’re going to…react to this. I probably shouldn’t have gotten this stuff. If you want, we can do something else to settle the debt.”

Marshall considered him for a minute then asked with a smile, “That would be the licking and sucking you kept mentioning right?”

AJ smiled back and corrected, “Naked, tied up licking and sucking.”

Heat flared in Marshall’s eyes and his groin tightened noticeably. “Well, then why don’t I open this and then decide if I want to do whatever’s inside, or if I want the tied up naked licking and sucking?”

AJ’s shoulders slumped, knowing Marshall wasn’t going to let it rest until he saw what was inside. “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. And no ass kicking, because I did try to take it back. Remember that.”

Marshall rolled his eyes. “Fine. No ass kicking. Now can I open the bag?”

AJ hesitated a second more, then removed his hands from where they were, still covering Marshall’s. With a slight nod, he held his breath as he watched Marshall open the lid and stare at the contents. When AJ thought he couldn’t stand one second more of the tense silence, Marshall moved, reaching a hand into the bag and pulling out one of the items, lifting it up to look at it, then at what was beneath it still in the bag.

“I can’t fucking believe this.” Marshall said, his voice and expression full of shock.

AJ swallowed. This was bad. Very bad. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…I mean, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but really, I have no clue what I was thinking actually thinking you would want to…”

“This is exactly what I was going to do if I’d won the bet.” Marshall commented, interrupting AJ’s babbling.

It took AJ a second to switch gears, and even then he wasn’t sure he’d heard right. “Huh?”

“This. All of it. I was going to put it on and have you fuck me in it.” Marshall explained, turning his gaze away from the plaid mini-skirt in his hand to stare at AJ.

“No fucking way.” AJ blurted. He had convinced himself of the stupidity of thinking Marshall would actually dress up as Britney Spears like in his video and now couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Marshall had wanted to all along.

“No lie. The idea’s been in my head ever since that day in the hotel room in New York when you told me how hot that outfit made you.” Marshall admitted.

AJ swallowed, hardening at the realization this was actually going to happen. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because. I hadn’t let you fuck me yet. The image I got in my head…well, you were inside me, with the skirt still on.”

“Oh shit.” AJ said, a tremor crashing through his body and his cock hardening even further.

“Yeah.” Marshall said, his voice dropping an octave as images flooded his mind.

After a minute, AJ ventured, “Marshall?”

“Yeah?” The older man answered, still lost in the fantasy.

“Go put it on before we both explode.” AJ commanded softly.

Marshall jerked himself back to the present and grabbed up the bag, nodding his head. “Uh, yeah, right. Be back in a bit.”

AJ smirked and settled back on the couch a little. “I’ll be waiting.”

When Marshall reached the doorway, he called over his shoulder, “Don’t touch yourself or you won’t be getting off tonight.”

AJ jerked his hand away from the front of his jeans where he’d already started rubbing himself through the material and muttered, “Fuck you too.”

Marshall just laughed as he took off for his bedroom.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

An hour later, Marshall, looking very much un-Marshall-like stood in the entryway to the living room, watching AJ who had his back to him. AJ was fidgeting on the couch, watching TV. He rubbed his lipstick covered lips together and bit back a moan at the sensual feel of them sliding back and forth against each other, aided by the lipstick.

He stood still, savoring the moment. He had fantasized about this for a while now. It had always turned him on to cross-dress, but after he had that conversation with AJ in that hotel, his arousal from dressing like a woman had turned from merely the act of doing it to doing it for AJ and getting fucked in it.

He still couldn’t believe that AJ had wanted this for the bet, let alone that he had went to so much trouble to get everything needed, from the wig to the makeup to the outfit. Marshall smiled to himself. He wondered if he should tell AJ he didn’t have to bother, that he had everything already, including the shoes, which AJ had either forgotten or couldn’t find. Maybe later. Right now he had a boyfriend to show off for and seduce.

AJ jumped to his feet and turned around all in one fluid motion when he heard the sound of Marshall clearing his throat behind him, then promptly fell on his ass on the coffee table in front of the couch as his knees buckled at the sight of his lover.

Marshall had done it. He was decked out in the full Baby One More Time outfit, one arm raised above his head and braced against the entryway, his other hand holding a sucker that he was currently wrapping his full pouty lips around.

AJ suddenly discovered he couldn’t breathe…at all. He tried, opened his mouth, attempting to suck air in, but nothing happened. Something was sure as hell happening in his jeans though. He was hard as a brick in one second flat and had to grip the edge of the coffee table to keep from rubbing himself to try to get some relief.

Marshall watched the expressions cross AJ’s face. First shock, then surprised wonder, then searing lust. In full character, he giggled instead of chuckling when he noticed AJ’s face turning red and realized he wasn’t breathing.

“Breathe baby. You can’t fuck me if you’re unconscious.”

AJ blinked. Marshall was doing a damn good impression of a girl with his voice. Too damn good. Finally what he…or was it she now?…said registered and he sucked in a sharp breath.

“Holy fuck. You look just…my God…” AJ trailed off, not quite able to find the words.

Marshall smiled shyly, completely engrossed in his school girl act. “Like what you see, baby?”

“Oh fuck yes.” AJ said on a rush of expelled air.

Marshall giggled again, then pulled away from the entryway and started walking slowly and seductively toward AJ, swaying his hips and sucking his sucker as he went. He felt AJ’s gaze raking over him and it was turning him on to no end. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to end up coming even before he got AJ inside him.

AJ in the meantime was soaking in the site of Marshall, from the white button down shirt, half unbuttoned at the top and tied in a knot just above his stomach, to the plaid mini-skirt hugging his waist and hips, setting off his lean frame. Even the rot in pieces Kim tattoo on his stomach did nothing to detract from the outfit. In fact, it added to it, reminding AJ of who was really under there, which turned him on even more.

He had Marshall Mathers…Eminem…Slim fucking Shady seducing him in a school girl’s outfit. He was sure he was going to wake up in a straight jacket in a rubber room somewhere any minute.

When Marshall reached him, he stepped in close, one thigh-high stocking clad leg on each side of the other man’s legs. For a minute he just stood there, staring down at AJ as he sucked on the sucker, pulling it out of his mouth, circling it with his tongue, then sucking it back in as he watched lust flair up in AJ’s eyes. Still, AJ didn’t speak or move, and Marshall found that highly amusing.

Pulling the cherry red sucker out of his mouth one more time, he reached out and touched it to AJ’s lips, tracing them slowly as he said, “Who would have thought I could render the AJ McLean speechless?”

AJ swallowed hard, willing his mouth to work, even as his lips began to tingle at the touch of the saliva slickened sucker. “Fuck,” ended up being all he could manage.

Marshall smiled seductively as he climbed onto AJ’s lap, straddling him with a stocking clad knee on either side of the younger man’s hips. Pressing their erections together through their clothes, he leaned in and traced his tongue over the sticky wet path the sucker had made on AJ’s lips.

Pulling back a fraction, he stared intently into the other man’s eyes and murmured, “You have to actually move if you want to do that, baby.”

Finally AJ snapped out of his shocked state. He pulled his hands off the coffee table where he had been using them to lean back on and laid them on Marshall’s knees. Slowly, staring into the older man’s blue eyes, he ran them up his thighs and under his skirt until he encountered silk. Realizing Marshall had put on the silk panties he had bought him, AJ bit his bottom lip and groaned low in his throat. He slid his fingers over the sheer material and around back to his ass. Gripping tight, he pulled Marshall forward, hard, forcing their erections into even closer contact and making them both moan out loud.

Lost in sensation, Marshall’s mouth dropped open slightly and his eyes fluttered shut. The sight nearly undid AJ, who leaned in the last couple centimeters and pressed his lips against the older man’s, encountering the intoxicating flavor of cherries and lipstick. He moaned again and attacked Marshall’s mouth in a sudden, frantic, lust filled kiss.

Marshall opened his mouth willingly to AJ’s attack, his arms winding around his neck, his one hand still holding the sucker, his other hand snaking through AJ’s longish hair and grabbing a fist full to hold him to him. Slowly he began to rock their hips together, his pace picking up as the kiss ignited a fire deep inside him, threatening to consume him.

If he could have formed a coherent thought at that moment, he would have been hard pressed to think of another time he had ever been this hot this fast for someone and would have decided that their first time together probably came the closest. But he was far from coherent thought, so all he did was rock faster on his lap and thrust his tongue into his mouth frantically as they swallowed each other’s moans of need, leaving the thinking for later.

AJ suddenly couldn’t keep his hands still, as if making up for the fact that he’d been rendered motionless just a couple minutes before. He pulled them away from Marshall’s ass and ran them up and down his sides, up over his chest, groaning as he felt the bra and fake breasts under the shirt, up past his neck to cup his face as the kiss deepened even further.

Finally they pulled apart, both panting for breath. A second later, AJ started trailing kisses down the side of Marshall’s face, over his jaw and toward his neck. Marshall opened his mouth to tell AJ he needed him fast or he was going to loose it, but all that came out were breathy moans and pants as AJ leaned in and attacked the side of his neck.

AJ inhaled deeply, the smell of the perfume Marshall had apparently put on invading his senses. A vague thought along the lines of the fact that he hadn’t bought the other man perfume for the outfit flitted through his mind, but he was so wrapped up in the here and now the thought skittered away as fast as it had come.

Sucking and licking and nipping at Marshall’s neck, he mumbled against it, “So fucking sexy…can’t believe you did this…fuck…need to get inside you, baby.”

Marshall decided they both needed to get back some control before AJ tore off his panties and fucked him hard and fast. He wanted this to last, wanted the reality to live up to the fantasy, so he suddenly pulled away from AJ and stood up. At AJ’s questioning look, he reached down and grabbed the front of AJ’s shirt, pulling him to his feet. Pressing a quick, hard kiss against his lips, he turned them around so AJ’s back was to the couch, then pushed at his chest.

AJ allowed himself to be shoved down onto the couch. He sat back and stared up at Marshall, fighting to regain control of his breathing. Before he could demand that Marshall follow him down, the older man dropped to his knees on the floor between AJ’s legs and popped his sucker back into his mouth.

Marshall heard AJ mumble something, but couldn’t make it out as he worked to unbutton the other man’s shirt. Finally succeeding, he pushed the material apart and slightly off his shoulders, pleasantly surprised to note that AJ wasn’t wearing his usual beater underneath.

Lifting his eyes to AJ’s, he smirked, pulling the sucker from his mouth and reaching out with it to trace a line over the vein running up the side of his neck. At AJ’s sharp intake of breath, Marshall leaned forward and sucked at the sticky skin, earning him a moan from the other man. When he felt AJ’s hands on his waist, trying to pull him up from the floor and into his lap, Marshall reached down and batted them away.

“No touching.” He commanded.

“But…” AJ started, voice full of need.

“No. Touching.” Marshall repeated firmly.

AJ groaned in frustration but obediently placed his hands on the couch cushions on either side of his legs. Marshall smiled at the victory, then reached out once again with the sucker, making a sticky cherry flavored path from the hollow of AJ’s neck down the middle of his chest, before veering off to one side and circling it around one of his nipples.

“Oh shit.” AJ muttered, knowing what was coming next.

Marshall licked his lips, then leaned in again and traced the same path with his tongue that the sucker had just taken. When he got to AJ’s nipple, he began licking and sucking and nipping until all the sucker residue was gone, then repeated the actions on his other nipple. By the time he was through, AJ was panting and thrusting up against his bare stomach, begging for release.

Sitting back on his heels, Marshall popped the sucker once again back into his mouth and reached out, undoing AJ’s belt and pants. AJ obligingly lifted his hips slightly, and Marshall pulled his jeans and boxers down over his hips to rest on his upper thighs, completely exposing him. Marshall’s cock jumped as he stared at AJ, shirt open and half off his arms, pants down around his thighs, erection standing hard and proud up from the dark nest of curls.

Pulling the sucker from his mouth, he used it to trace AJ’s sixty-nine tattoo, then followed up with his tongue, loving the little moans that escaped AJ’s mouth. He lowered the sucker again, intent on making a nice sticky mess to suck off AJ’s cock, but his wrist was suddenly grabbed and before he could utter a word, he found himself in AJ’s lap.

Nuzzling the side of the rapper’s neck, AJ muttered, “You do that, I’ll explode and there’ll be nothing left to fuck you with.”

Marshall shuddered as AJ’s raspy voice and the images he was provoking slid across his skin like a caress. Swallowing hard, he replied, “Then fuck me already.”

“God yes.” AJ said urgently, visibly shuddering as he strained for control. Then, with slightly more control, he ordered, “Stand up.”

Marshall did so and felt AJ’s hands slide up under his skirt and grab his panties, pulling them off. Marshall’s shoes went next, then AJ was yanking him back down to straddle him and pushing the sweater draped over his shoulders down and off.

As AJ pulled his shirt aside a little and sucked at his collarbone, Marshall reached blindly next to them on the couch for the lube he remembered seeing there a few minutes before. Finding it, he wiggled back on AJ’s lap and used it to prepare AJ.

Moving forward again, he locked gazes with AJ and coated his own fingers. Pushing up onto his knees, he reached behind himself and thrust his own fingers in his ass, stretching himself while he continued to stare at AJ, the look of awareness and then raw lust in the other man’s gaze at what he was doing to himself nearly making him cum on the spot.

Licking his lips, Marshall stared down at AJ and asked, “Ready?”

“God yes.” AJ replied huskily, slouching down on the couch to make the position more manageable for them both.

Marshall positioned AJ at his entrance, then sank down slowly, savouring every inch as it entered him. AJ’s hands clutched hard at his thighs, nearly painfully hard, and his head dropped back to the couch, his eyes sliding shut as he let out a long, low groan of pleasure. Marshall for his part moaned in pleasure himself as he impaled himself fully on the other man’s shaft, the head of his cock pressing against his prostate.

“Oh fuck. So fucking good.” Marshall whispered.

AJ opened his eyes and pulled his head back up, staring up at Marshall astride him. Roughly, he pushed his hands up the other man’s thighs, under the skirt he still had on, over his hips and around to cup his ass.

Pulling his cheeks apart slightly, AJ commanded in a husky voice, “Ride me.”

Marshall shuddered, grabbed at AJ’s shoulders and lifted himself so only the tip of AJ’s cock was still inside. Locking gazes with AJ, he sank hard and fast back down, a cry of pleasure tearing from this throat as sparks exploded inside him and his cock jumped at the stimulation to his prostate.

He lifted himself again, even as his mouth descended to AJ’s, fucking his mouth with his tongue in time with the cock sliding in and out of his ass. He had wanted to take it slow…just ride AJ for a while before things got urgent, but he knew now there was no way that was going to happening. AJ was so hard and ready, he could feel him pulsing and twitching inside him, matching his own cock’s pulsing and twitching. It wasn’t going to take long for either of them to fall over the edge. That in mind, he set a fast, hard rhythm, fucking himself on AJ’s cock wantonly.

AJ clutched at Marshall’s ass, watching and feeling him ride him in the skirt, and half open shirt. He was close to cumming inside him already. Wanting Marshall right there with him, he let go of one ass cheek and reached between them, feeling for Marshall’s cock under the skirt. Finding it, he wrapped his hand around it and started jacking him in time with his thrusts.

“Oh fuck…Alex…can’t hold on…gonna…” Marshall broke off, panting for air as he fought his impending orgasm.

AJ leaned up and licked a line up the side of Marshall’s neck. Reaching his ear, he ordered huskily, “Do it, baby, cum for me. Fuck yourself on me and cum all over that skirt. Show me how much you love this…how much you love being my bitch and dressing the part. Show me…cum…now.”

Marshall’s whole body convulsed as he climaxed, cum shooting out of his cock and coating the inside of his skirt and AJ’s hand. He continued to ride AJ, clutching his ass muscles tightly, forcing the other man to orgasm.

AJ felt it coming on, taking over his body and he fell back against the cushions again, letting go of Marshall’s cock to grab at his hips, helping the other man ride up and down on him while he pistoned his own hips up into Marshall.

“Fuck…so tight…so hot…fucking gorgeous…gonna cum…oh…God!” AJ cried out as he finally emptied himself deep inside his lover.

After a couple more jerky thrusts as he rode out his orgasm, he finally stilled under Marshall, panting for air. Marshall collapsed at the same instant, falling forward and laying on top of him like a blanket, his face buried in his neck.

For long moments, neither said anything, too overwhelmed by the moment for words. It wasn’t just about sharing a kink, it had been more than that. Marshall had trusted AJ enough to let himself play out the fantasy with him, and neither of them took that fact lightly.

AJ finally let go of Marshall’s hips and wrapped his arms around the older man, holding him closer yet. “Thank you,” he said quietly next to his ear.

Marshall shivered, pulling back just enough to turn his head and find AJ’s mouth with his, saying with the kiss what he couldn’t vocalize. Long moments later, they pulled apart again, AJ sliding out of Marshall as they both twisted and turned onto their sides. AJ pulled the older man back against him, spooning him, and within moments they were both on the edge of sleep, both still half undressed but not giving a damn, completely sated and content.

Yawning, Marshall chuckled to himself. AJ tightened his hold around his waist and asked, “What?”

Marshall snickered and said, “Nothing. I was just thinking in the limo on the way here, that you…us…we’re the most normal relationship I’ve ever been in.”

AJ chuckled behind him. “And then I go and buy you this, huh?” AJ paused, leaning in and inhaling Marshall’s sent…his perfume, again. “Uh, baby?”

Marshall yawned again. “Yeah?”

“I didn’t buy you perfume.” Short pause. “I didn’t buy you heels either.”

Marshall smiled to himself. “Nope, you didn’t.”

“But you had them.” AJ clarified.

“Yep, I did. Had the whole outfit actually, but this is the one you bought me.”

“You had the whole outfit?” AJ repeated inanely.


AJ was silent for a second, then it clicked into place. “So…that drag wall you mention in My Dad’s Gone Crazy is…” He trailed off, unable to complete the thought.

Marshall chuckled at the shock in AJ’s voice and finished for him, “Real.”

“Oh.” Long pause. “Fuck.”

Marshall chuckled again. He had a feeling this wasn’t going to be the only time he’d be playing dress up.

Chapter Thirty-Nine