Chapter Thirty-Six

AJ climbed out of the car Marshall had sent to the airport for him and took his suitcases from the driver, thanking him and handing him a tip before heading up the path to the front door in the cool night air. He no more climbed the steps to the porch than the door was yanked open and he was being pulled inside by the front of his shirt.

AJ dropped his bags in surprise and opened his mouth to ask what Marshall was doing, but before he could get a word out, Marshall had shut the door and pressed him back against it, attacking his mouth. Instantly AJ forgot his question and wrapped his arms around Marshall’s neck, sinking into the kiss.

A minute later the reason AJ had flown out from LA drifted into his desire hazed mind and he pulled his mouth away from Marshall, gasping, “Hailie. Where…”

That was all he got out before Marshall moved his attention to his neck and started sucking on the vein running up the side of it. AJ broke off in a moan, and pushed himself closer to Marshall, needing more contact.

Marshall dimly registered AJ’s question and kissed his way up to the younger man’s ear saying, “She’s in bed sleeping.”

AJ tried to say, “Oh,” but it came out as more of a moan as Marshall thrust his forming erection against AJ’s through their pants. Marshall pressed AJ into the door harder and ran his hands up and down his sides before settling on his hips.

“Want you. Now.” Marshall murmured against the skin of AJ’s neck.

AJ shuddered. “Shit…bedroom.”

Instantly Marshall pulled away from AJ and grabbed his hand, dragging the other man behind him. AJ followed, saying half-heartedly, “The door…”

“Is locked. Locked it when I shut it.” Marshall retorted.

“My bags…” AJ continued, not even sure why he was protesting. His thoughts were all jumbled from the unexpected attack. He had expected to walk in and be faced with meeting Hailie right away. It hadn’t even occurred to him that it would be past her bedtime by the time he arrived.

“Will still fucking be there after I’m done fucking you through the mattress.” Marshall said over his shoulder as he continued on to his bedroom.

“Oh fuck.” AJ said, completely forgetting about his luggage and any other protests he might have come up with.

As soon as they were in the bedroom, Marshall shut and locked the door, then dragged AJ to the bed and pushed him down on it. “Strip.” He ordered, still standing by the side of the bed as he began pulling his own clothes off.

AJ didn’t even hesitate to do what Marshall was telling him and was quickly on his way to getting naked. He wondered vaguely what had gotten into the other man, but the thought quickly disappeared with every inch of skin Marshall exposed as he ripped his clothes off.

As soon as they were both naked, Marshall practically dove at him, knocking AJ onto his back on the bed. AJ spread his legs apart and instantly Marshall was between them, grinding their erections together as he tongue fucked AJ’s mouth.

When Marshall pulled his mouth away for air, AJ gasped, “What…”

Marshall shook his head. “Fuck now, talk later.”

Marshall emphasized his point by reaching down and pinching AJ’s nipple hard. AJ shuddered underneath him and moaned with the pain/pleasure of it. Before he could form another coherent thought, Marshall had pulled away to grab something off the nightstand. AJ looked and discovered it was lube. Past the point of foreplay himself, AJ pulled his legs up to his chest and waited for Marshall to get himself ready.

Marshall looked down and took in the site of AJ open and waiting for him and almost came right there. Instead, he tightened his jaw in concentration and quickly prepared himself. An instant later he was at AJ’s entrance, staring down into his face.

“Say it.”

AJ didn’t hesitate. “Fuck me.”

“Fuck yes.” Marshall groaned as he sank into his tight heat in one sure thrust.

AJ moaned and arched up off the bed. “Oh God.”

Marshall wasted no time setting a fast, hard pace. He knew he wasn’t going to last long and from the look on AJ’s face and the way he was writhing underneath him, neither was he. Leaning forward, Marshall pressed down on top of AJ and kissed him ardently, his tongue thrusting in AJ’s mouth in time with his cock’s thrusts into his ass.

A minute later they both pulled away and gasped for air. “Marshall…harder…” AJ begged.

Marshall repositioned himself to give him better leverage and grabbed AJ’s hips as he complied, thrusting harder and deeper each time. “This how you want it, baby?”

AJ arched his back again, his legs wrapped around Marshall’s back, his fists clenched into the pillow on either side of his head, his eyes squeezed shut as he writhed and moaned under the older man. Every thrust was slamming into his prostate and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.

Vaguely he heard Marshall’s question and responded, “Y…yes…fuck yes…just like …that.” The last word was said on another moan as Marshall slammed into his prostate yet again.

Marshall felt his orgasm close in on him at AJ’s words and at how out of control he was under him, moaning and writhing wantonly. It was the most erotic thing Marshall had ever witnessed and he couldn’t hold back any more. He pulled a hand off AJ’s hip and closed his fingers around the younger man’s precum leaking shaft as he felt himself go over the edge.

AJ’s tortured cry filled the room as Marshall’s hand suddenly clamped hard around the base of his shaft. He’d been about to cum, but the pressure Marshall was exerting had stopped him. His eyes flew open and he stared up into Marshall’s face as he watched and felt him cum violently inside him.

For a second, AJ thought maybe Marshall had done it by accident, caught in the throws of his orgasm. But as Marshall rode out his climax and his hips slowly stilled and still his hand remained clamped tightly around the base of AJ’s cock, AJ realized he’d stopped him from cumming on purpose.

“Marshall…why…” AJ’s voice cracked on the last word, his eyes watering with the need to cum.

Marshall looked down at AJ’s face and almost relented, but instead brought his mouth down on his, swallowing his question. When AJ’s protest stopped, Marshall pulled back and said, “Quiet.”

AJ opened his mouth to protest again, but Marshall squeezed his cock harder and AJ clamped his mouth shut. Marshall watched and smiled dangerously. “Good little bitch. Be quiet and I’ll make you cum so hard you’ll forget your name.”

AJ shuddered at the promise in Marshall’s voice. A second later he was moaning and arching off the bed in pleasure as Marshall bit at first one nipple then the other. He’d told him once that he could cum just from that, just from his nipples being bitten and sucked and he hadn’t been lying. If Marshall’s hand wasn’t still clamped down tight on him, he would have nearly immediately.

Marshall felt AJ’s hands come up and hold his head to his chest, so he continued his torture, licking and nipping and sucking the dark little buds into rigid points. Finally, once AJ was panting and thrusting his hips in vain, Marshall relented and slid down his body.

AJ thought for sure once Marshall reached his cock he would end the torture and let him cum, but he didn’t. His hand stayed clamped around the base, even as his tongue snaked out and licked at the leaking tip. AJ opened his mouth to beg, then remembered Marshall’s earlier order to stay quiet, and bit down on his lip to stop the words from tumbling out.

For long moments AJ lay there in heaven and hell all at once, his cock throbbing painfully, his hips thrusting up into Marshall’s hot, wet mouth, his hands clenched on Marshall’s head. He lost the fight with himself to stay quiet and began babbling, relieved when Marshall didn’t stop sucking him.

“Marshall…fuck…so good…God…please…need to cum…Marshall…please…please…please…” AJ’s babbling slowly condensed into the one repeated word as he begged to be allowed to cum, tears mindlessly falling from his eyes and sliding down his cheeks onto the pillow under his head.

Marshall finally gave in to AJ’s begging and loosened his hand around his dick. Immediately AJ’s legs bent up, his feet firmly planted on the bed. His hands flew from Marshall’s head to grab the headboard above his own head and he thrust up fast and hard into Marshall’s mouth. He felt himself hit the back of his throat, but had long since lost the ability to think rationally enough to worry he might be choking him. Everything inside of him was focused on the sole objective of cumming, and cumming fast.

“Marshall…fuck…love you…gonna…” AJ panted, unaware of what he was saying as his orgasm washed through him violently, causing his whole body to spasm as he thrust one last time up into Marshall’s mouth, screaming his name.

Marshall froze when he heard the words ‘love you’ come from AJ’s lips. As the first flood of cum shot from AJ into his mouth though, he snapped out of it and swallowed to avoid choking on it. For nearly a minute he continued to suck AJ as the younger man came and came.

He was more than relieved when AJ collapsed against the bed in a boneless heap, his orgasm finally over. Marshall let him slip from his mouth and kissed his way up his body until he reached AJ’s mouth. He brushed his lips against the younger man’s, but didn’t expect or get a response. With his eyes shut and the complete and utter lack of movement of any kind, AJ looked comatose. Marshall chuckled at the thought. He could see the MTV news flash now.

“Backstreet bad boy AJ Mclean was admitted to the hospital today in a comatose state after boyfriend Eminem sucked his cock so well he nearly killed him.”

AJ vaguely heard Marshall chuckle and made a half-hearted attempt to open his eyes and find out why. Licking his dry lips, he managed to ask, “What?”

“What’s your name?” Marshall asked, amused.

“Huh?” AJ asked, unable to grasp what Marshall was asking. He was fairly certain his brains had been sucked out of his cock.

Marshall chuckled again and shifted on the bed so he was lying on his side next to AJ. Draping an arm across the motionless man, he studied him for a while, thinking about what he’d said. He wondered if it had just been a heat of the moment thing, or if AJ had meant it.

Finally coherent thoughts began to return to AJ, bits and pieces at a time. He’d never had an orgasm that intense before in his life. Opening his eyes, he turned onto his side facing Marshall and said. “Holy shit Marshall. That was just…fuck...what the hell was that?”

Marshall shrugged. “I missed you?”

AJ shook his head. “Maybe, but it’s only been a few days. Nothing that explains…that.”

Marshall smirked. “Okay, fine. I haven’t been able to get the fucking bet out of my head. I’ve come up with a thousand different things you could possibly want me to do, and each one got me hornier than the last. I’ve been in a constant state of hard since I left LA. Figured I’d pay you back a little for it.”

It was AJ’s turn to chuckle. “If that’s payback, we need to make bets I win more often.”

Marshall smiled as he watched AJ laugh, loving the carefree expression on the other man’s face, and loving the fact that he was responsible for putting it there. All too soon though, what AJ had said when he’d been about to cum flashed through his head again and the smile dropped from his face.

AJ sensed the change and his laughter died out, his own expression turning serious. “What?”

“About what you said…” Marshall started.

As Marshall trailed off, the memory of what he’d said crashed through AJ’s head and he felt his stomach clench. He hadn’t meant to blurt that out, and from the looks of it, Marshall wasn’t too thrilled he had. Fuck.

“Forget what I said. It was a heat of the moment kind of thing. You were sucking my brains out of my dick. I didn’t know what I was saying.” AJ said in a rush.

Marshall studied him for a minute, feeling bad that he was reacting the way he was to the admission, but unable to help it. Love had always meant bad things in his experience. He’d somehow managed to shove all thoughts about the fact that he loved AJ to the back of his head the past few days, but what AJ had said had brought it all back to the surface, along with all the doubts attached to that.

Hesitantly he asked, “Did you mean it though?”

AJ turned his head up toward the ceiling, unable to meet Marshall’s troubled blue eyes any longer. “Do you want me to?”

Marshall reached out and cupped AJ’s chin, turning his face back towards his. He waited until AJ met his gaze again and asked once more, “Did you mean it?”

AJ swallowed, unable to deny it, even though everything inside him was telling him he should. In a whisper, he answered, “Yes.”

Marshall’s breath caught in his throat and he didn’t know how to react. Finally he found his voice and said, “Alex…”

AJ interrupted, the tone of Marshall’s voice telling him everything he needed to know. “Don’t. Just, don’t say anything. Please. You don’t need to. It doesn’t have to change anything. Just please…forget I said it.”

Marshall was torn. Part of him wanted to, but part of him wanted to deal with it. Only, he didn’t know how. “I can’t just…”

AJ interrupted again. “I’ve felt this way for a while now, and it hasn’t ruined anything has it? When you didn’t know I mean.”

Marshall nodded, “Yeah, but…”

AJ put a finger over Marshall’s mouth to stop him. “No buts. Let’s just go back to that. You never heard that, and everything can be like it was.”

Marshall didn’t like it, but he couldn’t resist the pleading in AJ’s eyes and found himself nodding his agreement. He was rewarded by a half smile from AJ, then AJ was turning around in his arms and pulling the sheets up to cover them both. For a few minutes they lay there silently, AJ spooned into Marshall, before AJ broke the silence.

“So, tell me what exactly you were laughing at before when I was having my out of body experience.”

The MTV news flash ran through Marshall’s head and he started chuckling again as he explained it to AJ.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

AJ’s first conscious thought was of sunlight falling on his face. His second conscious thought was that he could hear soft giggles that he was fairly certain hadn’t come from Marshall…unless his boyfriend was suddenly insane. Tentatively he popped open first one eye, then the other, squinting against the light hitting his face, trying to see where the giggling was coming from. He started to sigh in relief when someone stepped in front of the light, blocking it from his face, but as he blinked, the sigh caught in his throat when he discovered who was doing the blocking.

“Hi.” He said quietly to the little girl standing by the side of the bed, hoping she was some sort of hallucination because he had no clue how he was going to explain being in Marshall’s bed, naked, to a six year old girl he’d only talked to a handful of times on the phone. He silently thanked God that he hadn’t kicked off the sheets in his sleep.

Hailie giggled again, then said, “Hi.”

AJ couldn’t help but smile up at her, even though the situation was awkward. She had the cutest little giggle and the cutest little smile he’d ever seen. Tentatively he reached behind him, expecting to encounter Marshall at some point, but all his hand found was empty sheets. He opened his mouth to say something, realized he didn’t really have a clue what to say, and clamped his mouth shut again.

Hailie studied him for a second, then her face screwed up in sudden concentration. “You’re a Backstreet Boy.”

AJ smiled. “Yeah, I am. How’d you know that?”

“Daddy watches videos of you guys sometimes.”

“Oh, he does, does he?” AJ asked, smirking now, thinking in terms of blackmail.

Hailie smiled and nodded. Her face got serious again and she said excitedly, “You’re Alex! Phone Alex!”

AJ’s smile broadened, inordinately happy she’d recognized his voice, and even more so because she seemed so happy it was him. Pushing himself up on an elbow, he nodded. “Yep, that’s me. Nice to finally meet you.”

Hailie giggled again as AJ stretched out his hand for a handshake in an exaggerated manner. Shyly she reached out and shook his hand, then pulled her hand away and asked, “Why are you in my daddy’s bed?”

AJ’s mouth opened and closed comically. That was the question of the day after all, and he had no idea how he should answer. He didn’t know what Marshall wanted to tell her about them, if anything. Especially since whatever they told her could wind up being repeated to Kim, and AJ was fairly certain that wouldn’t be a good thing if she decided to take Marshall’s newfound sexuality to court in an effort to get full custody of Hailie.

“Uh, well…” A voice behind him startled him into silence.

“He got in late baby, and the guest room wasn’t made up, so I let him sleep in here.” Marshall said as he crossed the room from the doorway to the bed. He had been headed back to the bedroom when he’d heard voices, so when he’d gotten there, he had stopped in the doorway for a minute, taking in the site of AJ and his daughter finally meeting.

AJ smiled gratefully at Marshall as the older man sat down on the edge of the bed in front of Hailie.

Hailie turned her focus to her dad and asked, “Is he staying? Do I get to play with him?”

Marshall laughed and pulled her in for a hug. “Yeah, he’s staying for a couple days. I’m sure he’d love to play with you too.”

AJ smiled at the site of the two of them hugging. He could see the love shining in Marshall’s eyes when he looked at Hailie, and he could see the adoration in Hailie’s when she looked up at him. It was beyond him why Kim would ever want to tear them apart.

AJ was pulled from his thoughts by a sudden fit of giggling, and he turned his attention back to Marshall and Hailie to find Marshall tickling her and her trying to squirm out of his grasp. Finally she managed it amid ‘stop daddy’s’, and she turned back to AJ, shooting him a critical look, her brows furrowed.

“You’re not old and decreepy are you?” She asked, a completely serious expression on her face.

AJ’s look of confusion had Marshall fighting not to crack up. “Decrepit, Hailie. Not decreepy.”

AJ’s confused look cleared up and he shook his head no. “Nope, I’m not old or decrepit.”

Hailie’s smile was blinding. “Yay! You can give me horsy rides then! Daddy said he’s decrepit and can’t do that. I broke his back last time.”

AJ glanced at Marshall, remembering what had resulted from his ‘broken back’ and had to fight a physical reaction to the memory. Pulling his attention back to the girl in front of him, he said, “That’s what he said?”

At Hailie’s nod, he crooked his finger conspiratorially. Hailie obligingly leaned forward, and AJ stage whispered, “I’ll let you in on a secret. Your daddy told me he loves to give you horsy rides, even though it broke his back. He told me last night in fact that he wanted to give you a horsy ride all the way across the house this morning.”

Hailie’s eyes got huge, and she turned to Marshall with barely repressed joy. “I get a horsy ride? Really?”

Marshall groaned and glared in AJ’s direction, even as he said, “Yeah, baby. Sure. One horsy ride coming up. First though, you need to go grab some clothes and get dressed. Can’t have a ride in your nightgown.”

Hailie squealed in delight and took off for her bedroom door in a race to find clothes to change into. After she was gone, AJ fell back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. “Not the way I pictured meeting her.”

Marshall chuckled. “Yeah, sorry about that. The phone rang and I went to answer it in the kitchen since you were still sleeping and forgot to lock the door behind me.”

AJ turned his gaze on Marshall and grinned from ear to ear. “She’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

The pride on Marshall’s face was blinding. “Yeah, she is.”

AJ opened his mouth to say something else, but Hailie’s loud voice from down the hall interrupted him.

“Dadddyyyy! Need your help! Can’t find my pink shirt with the yellow buttons!”

Marshall groaned and rolled his eyes, calling over his shoulder, “So wear another one. Your mom bought you five pink shirts!”

“Nooooo! I want that one!”

Marshall shook his head and mumbled under his breath. “God save me from pink shirts with yellow buttons.”

AJ cracked up.

When Marshall didn’t immediately respond, Hailie called out again, “Dadddyyyy!”

Getting up off the bed, Marshall called back, “I’m coming!”

AJ chuckled. “She has you so wrapped.”

Marshall spared him a glance on his way out. “Just wait. She’ll do it to you too. She does it to everyone.”

After Marshall left, AJ sighed and leaned over the side of the bed for his boxers, pretty sure Hailie already had him wrapped, and he couldn’t have been happier about it.

Chapter Thirty-Seven