Chapter Thirty

***Special Note***

For those of you who don't know much about D-12, here's some info on two of the members who show up in this chapter. Their names are Pete (aka Bizarre) and Harry (aka Proof). Now, I don't know a whole lot about them, and have NO idea if they'd really act the way I portray them here, so (esp. for those of you who do know something about them) just know I have them acting a certain way here for the story, like Kevin with the whole rape thing that I'm sure he'd never do in real life.

A week and a half later, Marshall found himself back in LA, at his house, trying to get out of going to a party with Pete and Harry. All he wanted to do was be left alone so he could call AJ, find out where he was and go see him. They hadn't seen each other for a week now and even though they had talked on the phone every night since they'd been apart, he felt like he was going to go insane if he didn't see the other man soon. Unfortunately Pete and Harry had been monopolizing his time since they all hopped on the plane from Detroit together earlier that day, so he hadn't been able to let AJ know he was in LA again for some last minute business before the release of his CD, which was a little over a week away.

Marshall sighed and sank down onto his couch, closing his eyes against Pete's animated speech in favor of him going to the party with them. AJ was all he could think of as he tuned Pete out. After that day in the studio where AJ and Brian had their falling out, they'd spent one more day in New York then had blown out of there in favor of Marshall's place in Detroit.

A couple days later though, AJ had left, going down to Florida for a family get together. He had tried to talk Marshall into going with him, but he'd had prior obligations in Detroit due to the earlier release of his CD and couldn't get away, on top of which, it was his week with Hailie anyway.

When there was an unexpected break in Pete's ramblings, Marshall hurriedly stood and mumbled something about the bathroom, taking off before either of his friends and fellow D-12 members could stop him. A minute later, he'd locked himself in the bathroom and pulled out his cell phone, punching the speed dial. He listened as it rang several times at AJ's house, then cursed when AJ's answering machine picked up. He left a short message that he was in town, then hung up and called AJ's cell, cursing again when his voice mail picked up instead of him.

"Alex, man, you fucking need to remember to charge your damn battery or turn your phone on or what the fuck ever the problem is. It's fucking ridiculous to have a goddamn cell phone if you're never going to charge the fucking battery or turn it on so people, namely your boyfriend, can find you. Anyway, I'm in town. Call me when you get this." Pausing to take a deep breath and calm down a little, he added quietly, "I miss you. Call me…soon."

Hanging up, he dropped his head back against the wall he was leaning against and stared up at the ceiling. He knew he wasn't going to be able to get out of going out with Pete and Harry. He sighed, figuring it might be the best way to find AJ anyway, since chances were he was out at a party somewhere, and they did have an odd habit of ending up at the same parties. Pushing away from the wall, he shoved his phone in his pocket and opened the door, heading back to the living room to tell the guys he had decided to go with them.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

AJ pretended to listen, nodding in all the right places, as some pop star wannabe talked his ear off about his group and how it would be AJ's loss if he didn't come check them out at their next club date. His eyes roamed over the room full of dancing people as he once again wondered how the hell the guy had gotten into the exclusive party.

When the guy put his hand on AJ's forearm and started rubbing his thumb up and down the inside of his arm, AJ's eye flew back to his, and he didn't have to wonder anymore. From the seductive glint in the younger man's eyes, it was obvious. He'd fucked his way in. It was also obvious he wanted to fuck his way into AJ discovering him.

AJ shook his arm free and said, "Dude, you have the wrong idea about me. It ain't gonna happen."

The guy, whose name AJ couldn't remember to save his ass, licked his lips and stepped closer. "Really? I've heard you're bi you know. I give great blowjobs. I could make you feel really good."

AJ almost laughed at how earnestly the guy was staring at him, thinking he actually had a chance. "I meant, you have the wrong idea because if I was going to fuck anyone at this party, it wouldn't be you. It'd be…" AJ paused as someone caught the corner of his eye. Turning, he watched as Marshall walked in with two guys that looked vaguely familiar, although AJ couldn't quite place them. Deciding to shock the shit out of the guy hanging on him, he turned back to him and jerked his head in Marshall's direction. "Someone like Eminem."

The guy looked over in Marshall's direction and nearly doubled over laughing. "Yeah, right. Like he'd give you the time of day. He'd kick your ass for even looking at him wrong."

AJ smirked, enjoying the knowledge of how wrong the other man was. "Actually, he'd be more likely to kiss it than kick it, but believe what you want."

With that he walked off and left the man gaping at him, wondering if he was pulling his leg or telling the truth. AJ looked for someone to talk to, wanting nothing more than to go over to Marshall and drag him out of the party, but knowing he couldn't. He couldn't even go up to him and talk to him to find out what he was doing in town when he was supposed to be in Detroit because it would raise questions.

Quickly, his eyes lit on Brian who was standing near where Marshall currently was. Perfect. Even though things between him and Brian had been strained since their confrontation in New York, Howie had dragged them both out to the party together, trying to do his duty as the peacemaker. AJ was trying not to hold it against him.

As AJ passed Marshall and the two guys with him, his eyes briefly flitted to him, and he saw the flash of awareness in Marshall's eyes as their gazes locked for a second. It helped a little to know Marshall wanted to grab him and take off as much as he wanted to.

Brian looked surprised when AJ walked up to him to talk. AJ hadn't said much to him since that day in the studio, and he still felt bad about it. AJ had been right. He hadn't kept his word that he wouldn't side with Kevin over him simply because Kevin was family.

"Hey Aje. What's up?"

AJ shrugged, "Besides another Backstreet Boy wannabe offering me a blowjob so I'd come see his group and 'discover' him?"

Brian lifted his drink to his lips and rolled his eyes. Lowering it again after he took a sip, he said, "Yeah, well, at least the thought isn't repulsive to you. The other day some guy offered to let me screw him if only I'd shop his demo around. Let me tell you, when you're straight, that's not an image you need in your head."

AJ chuckled in spite of himself. It felt good to have a conversation with Brian that didn't feel strained. "Wouldn't know what that's like."

Brian chuckled too. Looking past AJ, Brian's eyes lit on Marshall for the first time. "You're boyfriend's here."

AJ studied Brian for a minute, trying to figure out if there was sarcasm in his tone or not. When Brian met his gaze though, he saw nothing there but sincerity. "Yeah, I know. I can't even go up to him and have a fucking conversation though. Sometimes being famous really sucks, you know?"

Brian nodded his head sympathetically. "I'm sorry you have to keep that side of yourself secret. You shouldn't have to."

AJ shrugged. "That's life. I'll live."

Brian's gaze wandered again, then he pulled his eyes back to AJ's, deciding maybe he could make some of what he'd said in New York up to him. "Marshall just took off down the hall on your right. I'll bet the two of you could find somewhere private to talk to each other for a minute if you followed him."

AJ looked at him, rather startled. "Uh, thanks."

Brian smiled. "No need. My way of making up a little bit for being an ass lately. Now go, see your man."

AJ smiled back and nodded before taking off, anxious to get a moment alone with Marshall.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Marshall wandered down the hall looking for someplace quiet so he could call AJ out in the other room, hoping he'd replaced his battery by then, or turned his phone on, whichever had been the reason he hadn't answered before. He'd gotten away from Pete and Harry with a minimum of problems, since the two of them had been more interested in finding alcohol, and maybe something a little less legal, than in keeping tabs on him. Finally finding a doorway off to his right, he stepped through and pulled his cell out of his pocket, hitting the speed dial again.

As it started to ring, he mumbled to himself, "Come on Alex, pick it up."

AJ stepped through the door to the room Marshall had went in just as Marshall said that. Closing the door behind him, he stepped up behind Marshall and wrapped an arm around him, pulling him back against him as he leaned in and whispered against his ear, "Don't know about that, the only thing I want to pick up is my sexy boyfriend. Think he'd be willing?"

Marshall stiffened for an instant when an arm suddenly snaked around him from behind, but as soon as he heard AJ's raspy voice in his ear, he melted back against him and bit his lip, flipping his phone shut. "Fuck, I missed you."

AJ nuzzled his neck, pressing himself against him. "Me too baby. Didn't know you were in town."

Marshall turned in AJ's arms and leaned up to kiss him roughly before answering, "Last minute plans. I left a message on your voicemail and your machine."

"Left my cell…at Howie's earlier. I never got…the message." AJ said in between kisses.

As they were talking and kissing and groping, AJ was moving them both toward one of the walls. When they got there, AJ pressed Marshall back against it with his body, grinding his hips into the older man's, both of them groaning at the contact. They were so lost in the moment neither heard the door open behind them. Just as AJ leaned in for another kiss, he felt himself get pulled backwards.

"What the..." He started, only to stop mid-sentence when he found himself shoved against another wall hard enough that his head bounced off it. Pain exploded in his head and he cursed, focusing on who had done that. He groaned inwardly as he realized it was one of the guys Marshall had shown up with.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing to Em?"

AJ didn't have a chance to reply before a fist came flying at him, connecting with his stomach. He doubled over, a loud whoosh of air escaping his lungs at the force of the blow. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the guy gear up for another punch, but before he could land it, Marshall was there, grabbing the guy's arm and stopping him.

"Lay another hand on him Harry and I'm gonna forget we're friends and beat your ass." Marshall said in a low, threatening voice.

AJ straightened and watched as Harry turned to Marshall and looked at him like he'd lost his mind. Behind Marshall, the other guy who had been with him out in the other room stepped up and grabbed Marshall, pulling him away from Harry.

"Slim, dude, what the fuck are you talking about? You high?"

Marshall shook the hand off his arm and continued to stare at Harry, fighting the urge to beat him unconscious for laying a hand on AJ, even though Harry had thought he'd been helping him out. Marshall fought another, stronger urge to go to AJ, wanting to check if he was all right, but knowing he had to deal with his friends first.

"I'm not fucking high, Pete. What the hell are you guys doing back here anyway?" Marshall asked, looking back and forth between his two friends.

Not taking his eyes off AJ, Harry was the one to reply. "We saw this piece of shit follow you back here and thought we'd come see what was going on." Finally turning to Marshall, he asked, "What the fuck is going on?"

"He's my boyfriend." Marshall said matter-of-factly, like he was announcing the time of day, not turning his friends worlds on their axis.

AJ sucked in a sharp breath, unable to believe Marshall had admitted that so easily, even though he should have expected it with how honest he had insisted on being with Dre. He had finally placed the two guys and knew they were two of the members of D-12, and therefore a couple of his closest friends. He and Marshall had talked about them on the phone a couple times over the last week, and Marshall had admitted he wasn't in a hurry to tell them about their relationship because he was sure they weren't going to take it very well.

Harry sputtered, unable to form a single word as he tried to process that. Behind Marshall, he heard something that sounded suspiciously like laughter. Turning, he found Pete laughing and clutching at his stomach, tears in his eyes.

"Something funny Pete?"

Pete nodded his head. "Fuck, that was a good one, Marshall…had me going there for a second. You're boyfriend. Fuck. I think you gave Harry a heart attack though."

Marshall stared at Pete steadily. "I wasn't joking."

By that time, AJ had regained his composure, the pain in his stomach from getting punched dulled to an ache rather than the searing pain it had been a minute ago. Straightening, the name Marshall had called the heavy guy suddenly clicked and he asked, "Wait. Pete? This the guy who left the Jim Beam in your fridge?"

Pete immediately stopped laughing and stared hard at AJ, before turning back to Marshall. "He's the reason you changed your fucking locks so I can't come in when you're gone?"

Marshall nodded. "Yeah, he is."

Pete stared at Marshall for a minute longer, then turned to AJ, aiming a death glare at him. "What the fuck are you giving him?"

AJ swallowed, suddenly nervous, even though Marshall was standing right there. He did his best to hide it though, leaning back against the wall and digging out his cigarettes to light up before he answered with a question of his own, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"He's obviously high, because the Marshall Mathers I know wouldn't give a fucking fag like you the time of day. So what the hell have you been feeding him?"

AJ flinched inwardly at the fag comment, even though he kept his features schooled on the outside. He never had liked that term, especially the way Pete had just said it. It was one of the things in Marshall's lyrics he couldn't stand.

He took a long drag off his cigarette before answering, "Guess you don't know Marshall too well then, huh? Because I'm not feeding him a goddamn thing."

Pete snarled at him, looking for the world like he wanted to rip AJ limb from limb. Marshall watched the whole thing for a minute, paying special attention to how AJ was acting. It reminded him of that first night in the bathroom when AJ had warned him about what Kim was trying to do to him.

He could see the fear now, in AJ's eyes. It was carefully masked to anyone who didn't know him well, but Marshall could see it, could see past AJ's tough guy act and knew inside his stomach was probably churning. He didn't miss the way AJ's cigarette shook slightly as he lifted it to his mouth again either. When Harry took a threatening step toward AJ, Marshall sprang into action and stepped between them, staring up at his friend.

"I told you not to lay a fucking hand on him and I meant it. Don't make me have to beat your ass."

Harry studied him for a long minute, then said, "You're fucking serious aren't you? You're not high. You've really been sticking it to a guy? You're a fucking fag."

AJ watched Marshall's back in front of him and saw him tense up at what Harry had just said. He couldn't believe these guys were supposed to be his friends and were treating him like this. He wanted nothing more at that minute than to beat their bigotry out of them.

"I'm not a fag." Marshall said sharply.

Harry closed in on him, glaring down at him as he said derisively, "You like dicks. You shove yours up his ass. You're a fag. Tell me, do you let him fuck you too? Does he shove his dick down your throat?"

"Back off." Marshall said in a threatening voice, a dangerous glint in his eyes that would have had most anyone fearing for their life. Unfortunately, Harry was too mad for it to register.

Pete quietly watched as Harry and Marshall faced off. He'd had a moment to calm down, and while he wasn't thrilled about the news that Marshall was with a guy of all things, he was one of the privileged few who knew what his step-dad had done to him and knew that Marshall must have strong feelings for AJ if he was willing to set that aside and be with him.

Stepping forward, he put his hand on Harry's shoulder and said, "Dawg, back off. This is Marshall you're talking to."

Harry stood his ground for a minute more, then said, "No it's not. I don't know who the fuck I'm talking to, but it's not Marshall. Marshall doesn't like dick." With that, he turned and walked out of the room.

Marshall took a step forward, seeing red, but AJ reached out and put his hands on his shoulders to stop him. "Marshall…don't," he said in a quiet voice.

Pete watched in shock as Marshall closed his eyes and took a deep breath, actually listening to AJ. Maybe the man had been right and he didn't know Marshall that well, because he'd never seen him calm down for anyone.

Oblivious of what was going through Pete's head, Marshall turned to AJ and asked, "You all right? Your stomach hurt?"

AJ smiled wanly. "I'll live. How about you?"

Marshall shrugged. "I'll be fine."

AJ opened his mouth to dispute that, seeing the obvious pain in his lover's eyes at what his supposedly best friend had said to him, but just then Pete spoke up.


Marshall turned to him slowly and asked after a second, "Yeah?"

"You're really not fucked up? He's really your boyfriend and…you want…that?"

Marshall nodded. "No, not fucked up, yeah, he is, and yeah, I do."

"This is so fucked up. I never…I mean…God…after your step-dad…" Pete trailed off, suddenly remembering AJ was there, his face turning red as he realized what he'd let slip.

Marshall reached behind him and grabbed AJ's hand, pulling him forward and next to him. "It's all right. He knows."

"Oh." Pete was quiet for a minute. "This really is serious then, huh?"

Marshall nodded. "Yeah, it is."

Pete nodded after a minute and turned his gaze to AJ. "Listen. I'm sorry for what I said. The fag thing I mean."

AJ nodded curtly and said, "Thanks, but it's not me you need to apologize to. I don't know you and you don't know me, so I could care less what you think of me. But when you said that to me, you insulted Marshall too."

Pete looked embarrassed, but knew AJ was right and turned his attention back to Marshall. "He's right. I'm sorry. I just…this threw me for a loop, man. I never in a million years expected…this."

Marshall forced a smile that didn't reach his eyes and said, "Yeah, well, whatever. It's done now. Listen. Alex and I are gonna take off. Keep Harry the hell away from me until he chills out, ok?"

Pete nodded and watched as Marshall and AJ headed out of the room. When they were at the doorway, Pete called out to Marshall, and Marshall turned around.


"We alright?"

Marshall was silent for a minute. "Yeah, we will be. Just…give me a couple days, okay?"

Pete nodded, a sad glint in his eyes. "Okay."

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Once they had both made their excuses and met up at AJ's car, they climbed in and headed for AJ's house, which was closer. They spent the entire ride in silence, holding hands, AJ watching the road, Marshall staring out the passenger window at the passing scenery. AJ pulled into his garage and cut the engine, sitting there for a minute, hating the sudden silence between them.

"I'm sorry about what happened in there," AJ said after a moment.

Marshall turned from the passenger window to stare out at the hood of the car. He shrugged and said, "Not your fault," as the fight with Pete and Harry earlier played through his head over and over. He'd known coming out to them wouldn't be pretty, but it still hurt knowing he'd been right.

Pete had seemed to accept it, at least a little in the end, but the way Harry had looked at him before he walked out had left Marshall wondering if he hated him now. Not for the first time, he wondered if what he had with AJ was all worth it. Maybe he was just going through a fucked up phase and he had just ruined a friendship unnecessarily. He just didn't know anymore.

When Marshall didn't say anything else, AJ started to get a little nervous. "Marshall?"


"Do…do you wish we'd never happened?" AJ asked, not sure he wanted to hear the answer.

Marshall turned to him finally and stared deep into his eyes in the shadowy garage. He reached out a hand and touched it to AJ's cheek, getting lost in his eyes for a minute. Suddenly it was clear to him that he didn't regret one minute of his time with AJ and he felt stupid for even wondering whether it was all worth it or not. It was.

"No. I don't. I'm glad we happened. I'm glad we're together."

AJ closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relieve, leaning into Marshall's hand that was still cupping his cheek. Opening his eyes again, he caught the heated look suddenly in Marshall's eyes.

In a deep voice, he said, "Let's go inside."

Marshall licked his lips, his free hand already reaching for his door handle. "Yeah, inside. Now."

A minute later, they stumbled into AJ's house, lips locked, hands groping, bodies pressing together. Marshall kicked the door shut behind him, pushing AJ's shirt that he'd already unbuttoned off his shoulders, hearing AJ's keys fall to the floor as he shrugged out of the piece of fabric.

AJ pulled his mouth off Marshall's long enough to pull Marshall's shirt over his head, then their lips were locked together again, naked chests pressing together as they fumbled with each other's pants, trying to get them undone.

The sound of someone clearing their throat several times broke through the two men's haze of desire and they froze, mouths still locked, eyes opening and staring at each other for an instant before AJ pulled away and looked over in the direction the sound had come from, realizing for the first time that the lights in his house were on, and he hadn't turned them on.

When his eyes locked on the source of the throat clearing, he swallowed hard and said, "Uh, hi mom."

Chapter Thirty-One