Chapter Twenty-Nine

The next morning came too early for both of them. AJ groaned and rolled over as his phone rang incessantly from the nightstand. Picking it up, he slammed it back down without even answering it. Rolling onto his back, he scowled at the ceiling when he heard Marshall snicker next to him and throw an arm across his waist.

"What the fuck's so funny?" AJ demanded.

Marshall leaned over and kissed AJ on the cheek. "You are."

"Bite me." AJ's lips twitched up at the corners, ruining the retort.

Marshall leaned in, saying, "Okay," just before his teeth lightly nipped at AJ's shoulder.

AJ shivered. "Shit."

Marshall nipped at his shoulder again, his hand on his stomach sliding lower, beneath the sheets. AJ sucked in a sharp breath as Marshall's fingers brushed lightly across his morning erection. Before they could get any farther with the joking-turned-foreplay, there was a knock on the door.

"Fuck." AJ cursed, waiting while Marshall pulled his hand away so he could get up.

Marshall watched as AJ climbed from the bed and searched for something to throw on, settling on a pair of sweatpants. He licked his lips, staring at AJ's naked ass as he bent over to pull them on. Finally AJ straightened, yanking them up and muttering something about being right back. After AJ walked out, Marshall sighed and climbed out of the bed, pulling a pair of AJ's jeans on that he found on the floor since he had no idea where his own clothes were at that moment.

Meanwhile, AJ's scowl deepened as the knocking continued. "Hold on! I'm coming damnit!"

Grabbing the doorknob, he threw it open and snapped, "What?"

Brian looked him up and down, not missing AJ's half aroused state that his sweatpants did little to hide. Snapping his eyes back up into his face, he said, "You hung up on me."

The scowl left AJ's face as he mumbled, "Oh, sorry. Didn't know that was you."

Brian watched as he turned and walked back into the room, leaving the door open for him. Brian stepped inside and closed the door, tensing visibly as Marshall walked into the room in nothing but a pair of AJ's jeans.

When their gazes met, Brian nodded stiffly and said, "Hi."

Marshall nodded back and headed for the mini-bar to get a drink as he answered, "Hey."

He wasn't stupid. He could tell easily enough that Brian didn't like him. At all. That was fine though, the feeling was mutual. Even though Nick had said AJ and Brian's flirting was harmless, Marshall still didn't like it, or him.

Brian in the meantime, surveyed the room, noting the pile of clothes near the door, some of it he recognized as AJ's, some not, and he assumed those were Marshall's. Glancing toward the couch where AJ had plopped down, he saw a bag of cheetos on the floor with a few cheetos spilling out of it. His thoughts were interrupted by Marshall's voice.

"Alex, want something?"

AJ's gaze flitted over to Marshall standing in front of the little refrigerator. "Yeah, Mountain Dew."

Marshall nodded and grabbed one, tossing it to him. He glanced Brian's way and asked hesitantly, "You?"

Brian was surprised by the offer, and surprised with how…normal the man seemed. Somehow he'd expected something totally different from him. Hell, if he was honest with himself, he'd expected Marshall to be sitting on the couch barking, 'Yo, bitch, get me a fucking drink,' to AJ. He started from his thoughts, realizing that Marshall was still waiting for an answer.

"Uh, no…thanks." He managed.

Marshall shrugged to let him know it made no difference to him either way. Brian watched as Marshall grabbed a can of soda for himself and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to AJ and throwing an arm behind him to rest on the couch back.

AJ looked over at Brian and said dryly, "Sit down Rok, we don't bite." Pausing and thinking of a few minutes earlier when Marshall had bitten him, he added, "Well, maybe we do, but only if you ask nicely."

Brian's lips twitched a little as AJ grinned at him with a suggestive leer. "I'll remember that."

Marshall's stomach clenched as he watched the interaction between them. They were fucking flirting again. He didn't know why that bothered him so much, just that it did. He did his best not to show it though, not wanting Brian to know it bothered him, and instead lifted his soda to his lips to take a drink.

Brian walked over and sat down in a nearby chair as AJ flipped channels. Nodding to the cheetos on the floor, he commented, "I never thought I'd see the day that would happen."

AJ paused with his finger over the channel up button to look at where Brian was looking. AJ's cheeto addiction was common knowledge among the guys. He never left anything but an empty bag laying around.

Snorting, he gestured toward Marshall sitting next to him. "Yeah well, it's his fault. He started it. Little tease."

Marshall rolled his eyes and grabbed at the remote, catching AJ off guard enough to get it from him. "Fuck you. You were the one all like, 'I ate way too damn much'. I just made the comment that you wouldn't be needing any of those then."

AJ made a grab for the remote, but Marshall was too fast and held it away from him, out of his reach. "Yeah, but then you wouldn't let me have them."

Marshall laughed as AJ made another unsuccessful grab for the remote. "After you made fun of my very serious video. Rap boy's a super hero, not some little boy toy there for your amusement, bitch."

AJ sat back on the couch, giving up the fight for the remote for a minute as he rolled his eyes. "Oh, right. My bad. Still, that was no reason to threaten to smush them all into powder."

Marshall's eyes widened in mock shock. "This from the man who turned off my cartoons?"

Brian watched all this in avid fascination. They were acting like…a couple. Underneath all the joking around and bickering, he couldn't deny he could see caring in both their expressions as they looked at each other. He'd expected that from AJ, from the way AJ talked about him, but he hadn't expected that from Marshall. He'd gotten it in his head that AJ was some sort of experiment for the other man, or a pastime of some sort, maybe even a convenience to feed his urge for someone of the same sex. After all, AJ had as much as he did to loose if it got out that they were having sex, so it would be safe for the man to be with him instead of some random person.

Clearing his throat, he interrupted, now curious as hell how the cheetos ended up on the floor. "So how did cartoon channel changing lead to cheetos all over the floor?"

AJ shrugged, not wanting to bring up the fact that they'd gotten on the subject of cross-dressing. "You know, one minute we're wrestling over the remote and the bag, the next we were…making out. Sorta forgot all about the cheetos."

Brain's face pinkened a little. "Oh."

AJ groaned as Marshall turned the TV to CNN. "No, not this." Turning to Brian he asked, "Would you believe this man watches nothing but CNN and cartoons?"

"I watch other stuff." Marshall said defensively.

AJ got an evil glint in his eye and his lips twitched as he turned back to his lover and said, "Yeah, like VH1."

Marshall's eyes flashed dangerously, knowing AJ was referring to the night they'd had phone sex after AJ had caught him watching the channel to see him on that golf special. "No, you did not just fucking say that."

AJ's grinned full out then, surprising Brian. The look in Marshall's eyes would have scared him shitless if it had been directed at him. Still, AJ looked nothing but amused.

"Oh yeah, bitch, I did. What are you gonna do about it?" AJ challenged.

Marshall's jaw clenched even as his lips curled up in an evil grin. "This."

The smile dropped from AJ's face and his eyes widened as Marshall lifted his pop can over his head, preparing to dump it on him. When Marshall paused though, waiting for some sort of verbal reaction, AJ grinned again and leaned in close.

In a husky voice he said, "If you do, you'd better be prepared to lick it all off me after."

Marshall's eyes flashed a heat so intense that Brian felt singed by it. He couldn't get over how they interacted with each other. And AJ, he seemed so…happy when he was around him. At ease, like nothing was weighing down on him. He'd never been like that in any of his other relationships, not even with Kevin. Especially not with Kevin.

Marshall stared at AJ's mouth, licking his lips. Just as he opened his mouth with a comeback though, he felt AJ grab the remote out of his hand and his eyes widened. Pulling back he muttered, "Motherfucker," even as AJ cackled out loud, proudly displaying the remote he'd managed to snatch back from him while he'd distracted him.

"I fucking rule." AJ announced, changing the channel.

Brian shook his head and started laughing then, amused at AJ's child-like behavior. "Aje, you're such a kid."

AJ just laughed manically.

Marshall grumbled something about immature boyfriends and got up to go to the bathroom. After he left, Brian asked, "Uh, Aje?"

AJ looked over at him and said, "Yeah?"

"I thought the two of you were just friends…with benefits?"

"Huh? Oh, the boyfriend comment. Yeah, well, things changed. Last night. We're…exclusive now."

"Oh." Brian said, not sure how he felt about that. On the one hand, he still had his reservations about the man, lots of them, but on the other hand, the way he and AJ were together said it all.

AJ sighed, clicking the TV off and turning to face Brian more fully. "Listen, Rok, I know you don't like him, but…"

Brian shook his head and stood. "No, let's…not do this. It's your life, your decision. I need to stay out of it."

AJ stood too, not liking the unease between them, and unwilling to just let it go. "If you got to know him better…"

Brian shook his head again. "That's just it, AJ. I don't want to get to know him better. Maybe that's wrong, maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't like anything he stands for, no matter how nice he acts around you."

AJ's shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry you feel that way."

Brian looked down at the ground. "Yeah, so am I."

Squaring his shoulders, AJ changed the subject, trying not to let how much Brian's opinion of Marshall hurt him show. "So, what'd you want?"

Brian didn't miss the hurt look in AJ's eyes and felt bad about putting it there, but didn't know how he could change it, short of doing a one-eighty where Marshall was concerned, something he wasn't prepared to do. "What? Oh yeah, just came to make sure you were up and getting ready. We're leaving in an hour."

"Yeah, I'll be ready."

Brian nodded. After a second's hesitation, he reached out and pulled AJ to him, hugging him tight. "No matter what I think of him, or you with him, I can see you're happy, Aje, and I'm glad about that."

AJ hugged him back, figuring that was something at least. "Thanks."

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Hours later AJ was alone in the studio, messing around with a song he'd been working on for weeks in his own studio at home. He'd taken the track with him just in case he got inspired, and now he was glad he had. The other four had gone to grab something to eat, but he'd declined, having suddenly gotten a great idea for how to fix the part he'd been stuck on.

Pushing a button, he stood back and closed his eyes, listening as music and his voice filled the room. It wasn't a pop song by any means, and it would probably never wind up on a Backstreet Boys CD, but it had been something that had begged him to write it so he had. He figured maybe he'd save it for his solo CD that he planned to do at some point.

Marshall walked down the hall toward the studio he knew AJ and the rest of the guys were in. His morning had been filled with a couple more interviews his manager had scheduled for him while he was in town, and afterwards he'd found himself only blocks away from where AJ was, so he'd decided to drop by and see if AJ wanted to go grab some lunch, hoping the other man knew somewhere they could go where they wouldn't have to worry about being recognized.

Looking up and down the hall one last time to make sure no one had seen him, he turned the knob and stepped inside. Immediately music filled his ears as his eyes scanned the room. He was surprised to discover AJ standing with his back to him in the mixing booth, alone.

After a second of standing and watching AJ and listening to the music, he was even more surprised to discover that he actually liked the song playing right then. AJ was the only one singing as far as he could tell. The song itself was edgy and definitely rock, no sign of pop in sight, and AJ's voice was perfect for it. He wondered once again what he was doing in a boyband when he had so much potential. Getting an idea, he turned back to the door and flipped the lock, then turned back to AJ and walked up behind him as silently as possible.

As the last notes of the song played, AJ felt almost giddy. He always got this way when he finished a song. It was almost like getting high, except better. This high wasn't chemical induced, it was caused by something he'd accomplished.

AJ jumped in alarm as he suddenly felt arms circle his waist and pull him backwards. Looking down, he let out a breath of relief when he saw Marshall's familiar tattooed arms around him.

"Marshall, damn. You scared the fuck out of me. This a habit of yours?" AJ asked jokingly, referring to the night before when he'd done essentially the same thing in the club.

Marshall chuckled as he leaned in and nuzzled the side of AJ's neck. "Couldn't help myself. My sexy boyfriend was just standing there begging me to touch him. Who am I to say no?"

AJ shivered in his arms, leaning back against him with a silly grin on his face. He liked him calling him his boyfriend. He was still having a hard time grasping that they were in a relationship at all. Weeks ago, he couldn't have even imagined it. "Funny, I don't remember saying a word, let alone begging."

Marshall nipped at his neck, smiling against his skin as AJ moaned. "Oh yeah? I think I can fix that."

"Shit." AJ managed as Marshall guided him out of the booth and toward the couch in the main part of the studio, still behind him, arms wrapped around him, lips still attached to his neck.

Between nips at his skin, Marshall commented, "That song you just had on…that wasn't pop. You guys turning rock?"

AJ chuckled, but it came out as a half chuckle/half moan when Marshall licked at the shell of his ear. "No, we're still pop. That song was something I wrote on my own for my solo CD whenever I get to do it."

"I loved it." Marshall said honestly, impressed with AJ's talent once again.

AJ's heart leapt in his chest at that, for some reason insanely happy Marshall liked his song. "Thanks," he said gruffly as they reached the couch and he turned in the older man's arms. Wasting no time, he put his own arms around Marshall, pulling him tight against him as their mouths devoured each other. Slowly they sank to the couch, AJ on top of Marshall, straddling him. Marshall pushed his head back into the cushions, moaning as AJ licked and sucked at his neck.

"Fuck, Alex."

AJ groaned as Marshall said his name in that husky voice he got during sex. Slowly he started to grind his erection into Marshall's, holding himself up with his hands. His own voice rough with need, AJ mumbled against Marshall's neck, "God I want you right now."

Just then, the door opened across the room and Kevin stepped inside, stopping short at the sight in front of him. He felt his stomach leap in his throat, partly because of the oblivious men making out on the couch, partly because of the memory of watching them fuck the night before.

Behind Kevin, Brian ran into his back, not watching where he was going because of an animated conversation he was having with Nick. "Kevin, geez, why'd you…" Brian trailed off as he stepped around him and took in the sight of the two men grinding on each other and kissing passionately.

Brian's jaw dropped and he pulled his eyes away from the two men to the man standing beside him. One look at Kevin's ashen face and he felt himself get angry. Turning back to AJ and Marshall he snapped, "AJ."

AJ jumped at the sound of his name and pulled his head back from Marshall to turn toward the door. Seeing Kevin, Brian, Nick and Howie all standing just inside the door looking at them, AJ scrambled off Marshall as the other man struggled to sit up, putting his feet on the floor.

"Oh, uh, hi guys." AJ said awkwardly.

Kevin stood there for a minute more, frozen to the spot before he got his legs working again. Without a word, he headed off to the sound booth, needing some kind of distance from the two of them. Nick cleared his throat and walked over to some music sitting on a nearby table, pretending to occupy himself with it. Howie soon followed Nick, wanting the awkward moment to be over.

Brian remained standing where he was though, jaw set. Finally he said, "Hi? That's all you have to say? I can't believe you'd do something this cruel to Kevin."

AJ's jaw dropped and he didn't speak for a full minute. Marshall watched the exchange, part of him wanting to step in, but the other part remembering what AJ had said the night before about fighting his own battles.

AJ stood and finally found his voice, saying, "Me? Cruel to Kevin? Rok, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just stay out of it."

Brian crossed his arms over his chest, not willing to just let it drop. "No. I won't. You may be past him but you don't have to rub it in his face. He doesn't deserve that."

AJ stared at Brian, trying hard to remember that the other man had no clue what Kevin had done to him. "First of all, you have no idea what happened, so don't tell me what he deserves. Second you guys weren't supposed to be back for another forty-five minutes. I wasn't rubbing a goddamn thing in anyone's face."

Brian opened his mouth to say something else, but before he could, Kevin walked back into the room, having overheard everything. "Brian, back off. It's ok."

"Kevin, how can…" Brian started, only to be interrupted by AJ who had turned to Kevin.

"I don't fucking need you standing up for me so just stay out of it." AJ snapped at Kevin, venom in his voice.

Kevin looked down at the ground and swallowed the lump in his throat at AJ's harsh words. All he wanted was for AJ to quit looking at him like he was some sort of monster, even though he knew he was. He didn't think it would ever happen though, and he didn't know what to do about it anymore.

In the meantime, Marshall had stood up next to AJ and rested a hand on his shoulder. He could feel the younger man vibrating with anger under his touch and wanted to walk up to Brian and punch him good and hard for making AJ so upset, then turn on Kevin and kick his ass for what he'd done to AJ in the hall a couple days before.

Instead, he said, "Alex, lets get out of here. The day's almost done anyway right?"

AJ took a deep breath, closing his eyes and allowing Marshall's hand, which had started softly kneading his shoulder to calm him a little. They only had another couple hours left of studio time for the day. "Yeah, it is." Without another word, AJ brushed past Kevin to grab the track he'd just finished and headed toward the door. When he reached Brian though, he paused, standing next to him for a second.

Turning to look at the other man, he said in a quiet, hurt voice, "So much for being there for both of us huh? Guess blood is thicker than friendship."

Brian turned and looked at AJ, taken aback by the hurt in his eyes. "Aje, I…"

"Save it." AJ interrupted. Without another word, he walked out.

Marshall stood there for another few seconds studying Brian, then strode purposely for him, stopping inches in front of him and staring hard into his eyes. "I figure you know I don't like you very much, but Alex does. He loves you like a brother, so I guess you must be at least a halfway decent person, even if I can't see it." He paused for a minute, trying to control his temper.

Brian stared back into Marshall's icy blue eyes noting the other man's struggle for control over his temper. He clenched his fists at his sides and fought off the wave of fear that Marshall would loose the battle and hit him. He was relieved when Marshall spoke again, some of the anger leaving his face, replaced by pity.

"Just so you know, if Alex ever decides to tell you what happened between the two of them, you're going to feel like an ass for how you've been acting, and I'm going to be there to enjoy every second of it."

With that he stepped around Brian and headed out after AJ, hoping he hadn't taken off too far. He found him outside a moment later leaning against the building and lifting a cigarette to his lips.

"You all right?" Marshall asked, wanting to touch him, but knowing he couldn't out in the middle of the open like they were.

AJ shrugged. "I will be. You didn't leave any bloody bodies in there did you?"

Marshall snorted. "No. I was a good boy. Didn't lay a hand on him, even though I wanted to."

AJ took another drag off his cigarette, knowing Marshall meant Brian. "Yeah well, he just thinks he's doing the right thing."

Marshall studied him for a minute then blurted, "Why won't you tell Brian at least? He'd get off your back then."

"Because they're cousins. Hell, they're more like brothers actually. I don't want to come between them. Brian finds out, he'll go ballistic on Kevin. He won't want anything to do with him. I don't want that to happen. Not for Kevin, but for Brian. It would hurt him to cut Kevin out like that, but he'd do it anyway." AJ said quietly.

Marshall just stood there for a second, letting that soak in. Suddenly he didn't care who was around and could see them. Grabbing AJ he pulled him into his arms and hugged him tight.

AJ hesitated for a second, then hugged him back, suddenly not caring who could see them either. After they pulled apart, AJ asked, "What was that for?"

Marshall smiled at him. "For being you."

Chapter Thirty