Chapter Twenty-Two

The next two days were rather uneventful for AJ. He got up, ate breakfast - usually with the guys, went to the studio with the guys, wrote music with the guys, then left the studio and ate dinner with the guys before going back to his room and waiting for Marshall's call. By breakfast time on the third day since he and Marshall had phone sex, he was sick of the guys.

What made it worse was all the time he had to be around Kevin. He knew that was the real source of his irritation with all of them. Usually it took him a lot longer to get sick of his bandmates, but with Kevin around, his mere presence making him angry all over again, it didn't take much for the others to set him off.

His only escape was the nightly phone calls from Marshall. They didn't have phone sex again, or even talk about it, but they had solidified the plan for AJ to go visit him in Detroit. He was leaving in three hours. He couldn't wait.

Kevin watched AJ glance at the clock for what must have been the hundredth time in the last hour. They were two hours away from cutting out of the studio for the next two days. His heart twisted at the thought that AJ was probably anxious to get out of there to go see Eminem. He had no idea if that was where he was going or not, but the mere thought of it, the mere idea that he was going to be with the rapper the next two days, possibly naked, made Kevin sick to his stomach.

Kevin wanted desperately to talk to AJ alone, to tell him how truly sorry he was for what he'd done and beg for his forgiveness, but he could never seem to manage it. He couldn't call him or stop by his hotel room, because of the threat Eminem had leveled at him, and AJ made a point of only being in a room with him when others were around. And forget talking to him. The most AJ had said to him the entire four days they'd been in New York together was, "Pass the fucking ketchup," and even that had only been said in his general direction, not actually to him.

Brian watched Kevin watch AJ and sighed. He had no idea what had happened between the two of them, but it was major. They hadn't even acted this way toward each other when they broke up, and there'd been a kicked in door involved then. Kevin just seemed so….lost. Lonely and depressed were close seconds in way of accurate descriptions for him.

Brian turned his attention to AJ. He on the other hand was…angry. Brian had never seen him that way either. At least not on a constant basis. The only time he heard laughter, true laughter, not forced laughter to cover his real feelings, was when he walked by his room at night and heard him talking on the phone with Marshall.

Brian watched as AJ's head turned and his eyes flicked past Kevin who was still staring at him. AJ's eyes quickly focused on Kevin and for a second the two stared at each other. Brian could see near desperation in Kevin's eyes and his heart went out to him. When he glanced at AJ's expression though, he was taken aback by the look of near hatred he saw glinting in his expressive brown eyes. He was floored. He'd never seen AJ look at anyone that way.

He made a decision right then. The two of them had to sit down and talk. He wasn't sure how he was going to manage it, since it was obvious it'd have to be one on one. He had tried getting both of them to talk to him about whatever had happened, but they had both refused, so he was pretty sure sitting them down and trying to be mediator wouldn't work.

He sighed as AJ and Kevin finally looked away from each other. Picking up some sheet music on the table in front of him, he decided he needed to figure out a plan to get them alone together to talk things out, although he had no clue how he was going to pull it off.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

When they finally called it quits and their two day break officially started, AJ started to gather his things up, anxious to get to the airport for his flight. He'd already packed and his luggage was supposed to meet him there.

"So Aje, what are you going to do for the next couple days?" Brian asked.

AJ cleared his throat, not knowing how his answer would go over since it was clear Brian didn't like Marshall that much. "Uh, Detroit."

Kevin tensed, knowing immediately what that meant, Nick's face broke out in a grin, also knowing, Howie was off on his cell phone so he hadn't heard, and Brian's eyebrows knit together in confusion, not immediately getting the connection.


"Marshall." AJ said simply.

"Oh." He said quietly.

AJ sighed, trying to keep his temper under control. "Listen. I know you don't like him, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't give me that look every time I mention his name."

Brian's shoulders stiffened. "What look?"

AJ gestured at Brian's face. "That look. That disappointed parent look. You make me feel like I'm thirteen and you just caught me jacking off with a playboy…or a playgirl."

AJ couldn't resist the last part, knowing it would lighten the mood because of the comical expression that would cross Brian's face any second as that image popped in his head. He wasn't disappointed.

"Ewww. Aje, that isn't funny. I don't need to be thinking about that stuff. That's you and Kevin and Nick's department. Jeez." Brian said, looking like he'd just stuck something really bad tasting in his mouth.

Nick and AJ doubled over laughing. Kevin just sat by himself in the corner, wanting to join in on the fun but knowing he wasn't welcome, at least by AJ. Howie clicked the off button on his phone and asked, "What?" Which only made Nick and AJ crack up more and Brian shudder in mock disgust.

Finally AJ and Nick calmed down and AJ walked over to Brian, putting an arm around his shoulder affectionately. "Oh, come on Rok, you know you want me. You flirt with me all the damn time."

"You wish." Brian said playfully.

AJ leaned in and kissed Brian on the mouth, loud and quick before letting go of him. "Oh, I don't just wish, I know. No one can resist me."

Brian, Nick and Howie all rolled their eyes and groaned at AJ's fake arrogance.

AJ glanced at the clock. "Oh shit. I've gotta get out of here if I'm going to make that flight."

Brian watched him pack up the rest of his stuff in his backpack and head for the door, saying goodbye over his shoulder.

Just when he was almost through it, Brian called out to him again. "Aje?"

AJ paused and turned around. "Yeah?"

"Be careful while you're there, ok? Trouble follows that guy around." Brian said, concerned.

AJ's eyes flickered to Kevin's. "Don't worry. Marshall will make sure I'm safe. He has so far."

Kevin didn't miss the hidden meaning in that statement and quickly looked away. Brian caught the exchange and another piece of the puzzle fell into place. So, whatever had happened between Kevin and AJ involved Marshall in some way. He wished he knew how.

Ten minutes after AJ had left, the rest of the guys had taken off too, leaving Kevin alone in the studio. He slumped back on the couch, replaying the last few days in his head. He was in hell. He knew he deserved it, he just wasn't sure how much more of it he could stand.

He'd heard AJ on the phone the other night too. How could he not have? Their rooms were right next door to each other. He'd heard him moaning over and over and talking in a seductive voice, although he couldn't make out the words. It had gotten him harder than hell though, at least until he heard AJ scream out Marshall's name as he got off. Kevin's hard-on had instantly disappeared.

Kevin stood, deciding to get out of there. He had a flight out to Kentucky in a couple hours and he needed to get his stuff together at the hotel. He stopped short as he turned to the door to leave. AJ was there, standing in the doorway, looking just as frozen to the spot at he was.

AJ swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his ears as he looked around for someone, anyone. There was no one. He was all alone…with Kevin. He had to get out of there. He turned on his heel to leave, but Kevin's voice stopped him in his tracks, making his gut clench.

"AJ, wait. I'll leave." Kevin said, his voice sad. He wanted more than anything to talk to AJ about what had happened, and right then would have been the perfect opportunity, but he couldn't bear looking at him and seeing the fear in his eyes.

AJ hesitated, then nodded his acceptance of that and turned back, stepping inside the room and well away from Kevin as he headed toward the door without another word. After Kevin was gone, AJ let out the breath he'd been holding and slumped against the wall at his back for a minute before gathering himself back together and looking for his cell phone, the reason he'd come back.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Two and a half hours later, the plane AJ had taken to Detroit was landing and he was letting out a deep breath of relief. He hated flying. But flying was the only way he could get a lot of places in his business, so he'd had to learn to ignore the fear it caused.

When he got off the plane and headed into the terminal, he looked around for Marshall, but didn't see him anywhere. AJ had told him he'd get himself to his place, but Marshall had insisted on picking him up. AJ hadn't argued, secretly happy that Marshall would be there.

In the middle of looking around, AJ was suddenly attacked by an enthusiastic fan who flung herself at him and nearly knocked him over.

"Oh my God! AJ Mclean! How lucky am I!"

AJ laughed good-naturedly as he tactfully tried to disentangle himself from her. "Calm down, ok?"

The girl just latched on tighter as AJ tried to disengage himself, squealing at the top of her lungs and drawing attention to them. Soon a small crowd was forming wanting AJ's autograph and picture.

That was what Marshall walked into. AJ, people around him and a girl latched onto him, almost trying to climb right on top of him. Marshall shook his head, motioning for his bodyguard to go take care of it.

"Marshall, what about you man?" The guard said, not wanting to leave his first priority without protection.

Marshall shrugged. "I'll be fine. I'll just stand over here in the corner and anyway, I've got a fucking disguise on. No one'll notice me. Now go before that girl breaks his damn back."

Just when AJ was starting to get pissed and berate himself for not bringing Marcus, his guard, a very large man he didn't recognize approached them and pulled the girl off him.

"Thanks," AJ said, eyeing him curiously as he forced the girl back a few feet.

The man smiled, reading the question in his eyes behind his sunglasses. "I'm a friend of a friend."

AJ nodded, figuring out who he meant. When the guard started to shoo the fans away though, AJ reached out and put a hand on his arm, shaking his head. "No, I'll sign some stuff. Just uh, don't let them jump me, ok?"

The guard shot him a surprised look for a second, not used to that at all. Marshall usually just wanted to get the hell away unless he was somewhere he was expected to sign things and take pictures. He nodded his head though and took up post near AJ while AJ signed shirts and pictures pulled frantically from purses, and even a few body parts.

After he was through and the fans had wandered off, he sighed in relief. He followed the guard to where Marshall stood, not looking very much like Marshall in a plaid button down shirt, snug jeans, sunglasses and a cowboy hat.

"Marshall, nice choice man." AJ smirked as he eyed him up and down appreciatively. He really liked the snug jeans.

Marshall scowled, eyeing AJ's baggy cargo pants and beater with a short-sleeved shirt hanging open over it. "Yeah, well, you could have worn something less…'AJ Mclean, Backstreet Boy'-like so you wouldn't have been recognized."

AJ laughed as they started off for the car. "It doesn't make a damn bit of difference what I wear. I wear so many different hats and sunglasses all the time that they don't help to hide me, and besides, my goatee always gives me away."

Marshall just snorted. "Guess you have a point."

As they stepped out of the building into the VIP lot, AJ breathed a sigh of relief that the threat of being recognized again was over. "Thank God. Damn, I didn't expect that. No one even knew I was coming. If it wasn't for that girl latching onto me like a human suction cup, I probably would have gotten out of here without being recognized at all."

Marshall just shook his head, bemused, as they started off for his car. "Why the fuck didn't you just tell them off and get the hell out of there when I sent my guard over?"

AJ laughed. "That may be what you do, but I just…can't do that."

"Like I said the other day. You're too fucking nice." Marshall mumbled, secretly admiring the patience AJ had with those fans as they reached the car and climbed in.

He knew for a fact that he wouldn't have stood around signing autographs. And shit, that girl that latched onto AJ, Marshall would have just shoved her off him, figuring if she didn't have enough respect not to attack him, why should he worry about her landing on her ass. Not in a million years would he have stood there and carefully tried to disentangle her the way AJ had.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Half an hour later they were dragging AJ's luggage into his house. Setting everything down inside the entryway, they both looked nervously at each other as Marshall shut the door behind them.

AJ cleared his throat. Now that they were there alone, he wasn't sure what was supposed to happen, what he wanted to happen. Part of him wanted to attack Marshall where he was standing and fuck him six ways to Sunday, but part of him wanted to take it easy and just spend some time with him first since he was still a little shaken up from his brief encounter with Kevin earlier.

The take it easy side won out and he asked, "So, wanna give me the grand tour?"

Marshall smiled a little, slightly relieved. The same thoughts had been running through his head, minus the Kevin ones, and he hadn't been able to decide what the fuck to do. "Sure. Follow me."

Ten minutes later, AJ had the lay of the house and they were in the living room sitting next to each other on the couch, both nervous as hell all over again. When Marshall shifted slightly next to him, AJ bolted off the couch and walked over to the mantle, fingering the knickknacks there.

He felt rather than heard Marshall walk up behind him, and an instant later was surprised to feel the older man's arms wrap around his waist from behind. He stood stiffly in his arms for a second, then gave in and relaxed back against him.

Marshall sensed the change and leaned forward, resting his chin on AJ's shoulder. Looking at the object AJ was touching, he said, "Hailie made that for me about a month ago in school."

AJ shivered slightly with Marshall's face so near his neck and forced himself to concentrate and look at the object closer. It wasn't in the shape of anything he remotely recognized.

"What is it?" He asked, cocking his head to the side to try to look at it from a different angle in case he was missing something.

Marshall glanced at the now exposed expanse of his neck and swallowed, trying to focus on what AJ was asking. He took a good look at the object, again wondering that himself. "I have no fucking clue."

AJ chuckled deep in his throat, dropping his hand and resting it over Marshall's hands on his stomach. "It's cute, whatever it is."

"Of course. My baby girl made it." Marshall said proudly.

For a minute they just stood there like that, Marshall's arms wrapped around AJ, his chin on his shoulder, AJ leaning back into him, his hands covering Marshall's. Finally Marshal broke the silence.

"Want to talk about it?" He'd sensed something was off with AJ from the minute they'd walked in the house. AJ was acting all jittery, and he normally didn't act like that around him.

AJ sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I really hate how well you can read me, you know that?"

Marshall chuckled, tightening his hold on him. "Yeah, well, that goes for me too."

They fell silent again, then AJ said, "I ran into Kevin today, alone, just before I left for the flight."

Marshall stiffened. "Did he come looking for you?"

AJ shook his head. "It was an accident and he left the room right away."

"Good." Marshall said, a hard edge to his voice.

"It just…freaked me out I guess. Made me feel helpless all over again." AJ admitted.

Marshall took a step back and let go of AJ's waist to grab his shoulders and turn him around. Grabbing his face in his hands, he looked into AJ's eyes and said, "You're safe now. You've got me. He's not going to fuck with you because he knows what'll happen to him if he does."

AJ bit his lip, unnerved by the intensity in Marshall's eyes and the tenderness he was showing to him. It wasn't a side of him he saw all that much. Impulsively, he leaned in and pressed his lips against Marshall's.

Marshall responded immediately, his eyes closing on a moan as they wrapped their arms around each other and he deepened the kiss, plunging his tongue into AJ's mouth. Within seconds the kiss had turned desperate and hungry and their hands were roaming everywhere.

Marshall pulled his mouth from AJ's and started kissing a trail down the side of his neck as he mumbled, "Fuck, I missed the way you taste."

AJ shuddered and closed his eyes, lost in the feeling of Marshall's mouth on his skin. His hands roamed down to cup Marshall's ass and he started to slowly grind their already forming erections against each other. Just as Marshall was reaching for AJ's shirt to pull it off him, they heard a voice coming from the front of the house and jumped apart an instant before the owner of that voice stepped into view.

"Yo, Marshall, who the hell's bags are in your entry…" The man's voice trailed off on the last word when he walked into the living room and discovered the answer to his question.

AJ turned away and ran a hand through his hair, trying to get his erection under control. Marshall took a deep breath and turned toward the voice, thankful his plaid shirt hung low enough to cover his bulge since his pants were so snug.

Clearing his throat, Marshall said, "Hey Dre, what's up?"

Chapter Twenty-Three