Chapter Five

Hours later, Marshall wandered into the living room, still only half awake. After the nightmare, or at least he considered it a nightmare, he'd had about fucking AJ, he'd managed to have a nice little dream about Hailie and woke up missing her. It was still four days until he got her back from Kim and he wanted to hear her voice. He crossed the room to his stereo, unaware of the sleeping man on the couch because the couch faced the other direction.

Flexing his fingers a little under the bandages, he realized the swelling must have went down slightly, because he could bend them more, even though it still hurt like a bitch to. Pressing the on button, something he was thankful he could do, he waited for the CD player to start up, then pressed another button to skip ahead to the song he wanted and hit play.

A second later, the opening notes to a song he'd had his daughter talk on for his new CD drifted out of the speakers. He smiled as he heard Hailie's voice.

AJ was caught somewhere between sleep and awake just feet away on the couch when he heard a child's voice. He thought he was dreaming. It was a weird dream though. The little girl was talking to her dad and there was music in the background, then a man's voice along with the girl's as they talked at the same time.

Next to the stereo, Marshall frowned. Why was the volume so far down? Oh yeah, he'd turned it down yesterday when Dre had stopped by in the afternoon, before the party to talk about some promo shit. He reached out and pressed the volume button just as his rap got to the part where he said, "Framed autographed sunglasses with Elton John's name on my drag wall."

AJ flipped over on the couch, still thinking he was dreaming, until he heard Marshall's voice suddenly blaring in his ears. Shocked right out of his half asleep state, he jumped up off the couch, his heart pounding, looking around trying to figure out what was going on.

Marshall nearly jumped out of his skin too when AJ suddenly appeared out of nowhere on the other side of the couch in only his boxers. His eyes met AJ's just in time for the next set of lyrics, "I'm out the closet, I've been lying my ass off, all this time me and Dre been fucking with hat's off," and then Dre said, "Suck it Marshall."

Marshall quickly hit the stop button and watched as AJ smirked.

"What?" Marshall asked.

AJ stepped around the couch and started toward Marshall, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "So, you're out of the closet huh?"

Marshall swallowed, not sure what to make of the way AJ was acting. "It's a fucking song. I was just rapping out my ass. It was a joke."

AJ stopped inches from him and looked down at his mouth. "It was, was it?"

Marshall's stomach lurched with nerves. It wasn't the first time a guy had hit on him, but it was the first time he hadn't wanted to beat the guy into the ground for it. "Uh, yeah."

AJ stepped closer and leaned down like he was going to kiss him, but instead veered off to his ear at the last second and said in a low seductive voice, "That's too bad."

"What?" Marshall squeaked, trying to hide the shiver that ran through his body.

He couldn't believe what was happening and was too shocked by the way AJ was acting to even think of a smart ass comeback, which had to be a first for him. On top of that, he was having flash backs of his nightmare make out session with AJ from his dreams last night.

AJ backed up and nearly doubled over laughing. "Oh shit. Man, you should have seen the look on your face just now."

"You were fucking joking?" Marshall snapped in disbelief.

All AJ could do was nod as he clutched at his stomach laughing harder. Marshall had turned completely white when he'd done that, and the shocked look on his face had been priceless.

"Fuck you, bitch." Marshall paused and sucked in a deep breath trying to calm his racing heartbeat. "Goddamn that wasn't funny. I thought you'd lost your damn mind."

AJ calmed enough to answer, "Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I mean, damn…interesting choice of lyrics there. Is that from the new CD?"

Marshall had calmed slightly and nodded. "Yeah."

"What's it called?"

"My Dads Gone Crazy."

AJ remembered the little girl's voice he'd heard a minute earlier. "Was that Hailie's voice on there?"

"Yeah." Marshall paused, looking AJ up and down. "What the fuck are you doing out here in your underwear anyway?"

AJ looked down at himself suddenly realizing that he was only in his boxers. "Oh, yeah. I couldn't sleep so I came out here to watch TV for a while. I guess I crashed on your couch."

"Oh." Marshall watched for a second as AJ made a big production out of turning around in a circle. He wasn't going to ask. He just wasn't. He didn't care what AJ was looking for, he wasn't going to ask. Finally curiosity got the better of him and he asked anyway, "What the hell are you looking for?"

"You're drag wall. You did say you have one right? I want to see Elton John's sunglasses. I'm sure you know how much I love sunglasses."

Marshall fought the smirk that crept its way over his face and lost the battle. "You have no fucking fear of me at all anymore, do you?"

AJ stopped turning in circles and leaned his butt against the back of the couch, crossing his arms over his chest. He shot Marshall a lopsided grin as he said, "Nope."

"Fuck, I'm loosing my touch." Marshall joked, grinning back.

AJ felt warmth curl up through his stomach. They were having something of a moment and he liked it. Too much. He had to remember that Marshall was straight and he didn't have a chance in hell with him.

Clearing his throat, he nodded toward the stereo to the side of Marshall. "Well?"

Marshall was lost in his own thoughts about why he felt all warm and fuzzy inside suddenly, and had no clue what AJ was trying to indicate. "Well what?"

"Can I hear the rest of the song?"

"Can't you wait 'til it gets released?"

"I think it's the least you can do after waking me up that way. I almost had a heart attack. Shit that was loud."

Marshall laughed. "Yeah, that look on your face was funny shit."

"Fuck you." AJ said good naturedly.

Marshall just laughed more and turned to press play again. An instant later the music was blasting again as the rest of the song played out.

AJ listened as Marshall's voice blared through the room, then he heard Hailie say, "I think mah dad's gone craaaazy," and the smile he got nearly split his face. She sounded so cute. He could only imagine what she was like in person. Having Marshall Mathers for a father had rubbed off on her if the way she said that was any indication.

Marshall watched the grin that AJ got on his face when Hailie started her thing and the warm fuzzy feeling he'd been trying to get rid of came back full force. AJ liked his daughter. Why the fuck did that matter to him? He told himself it was just because he was a proud daddy, but he knew deep down it was more than that. He just had no intention of analyzing what that 'more' might be.

He turned away and forced himself to focus on the song and not think the thoughts he was having involving AJ. It wasn't too hard though, not when Hailie was busy hamming it up for the microphone. God he couldn't wait until he could see her again. Four days seemed like forever.

AJ loved the song. He liked Marshall's music in the first place, respected his talent, but with Hailie added in there it was even better. Suddenly the lyrics turned more serious and the smile fell from his face. That was another one of the reasons he loved Marshall's music. He could go from funny and tongue in cheek to serious and emotionally raw in an instant and it just sucked the listener right in and carried them along for the ride.

After the song was over, Marshall hit stop and turned back to AJ. "Well?"

AJ looked over at him in surprise. "You want my opinion?"

Marshall rolled his eyes. "You don't have to look so shocked. I've seen you at work, I know you've got talent, even if you're wasting it in a pansy ass boyband. Plus, you must have at least a little good taste if you've got my other CD's and like them."

AJ chuckled. He had no clue how Marshall had managed to compliment him and insult him all in the same breath, but somehow he had. "Thanks…I think."

"Yeah, well…" Marshall started stiffly, then trailed off.

When he stopped talking, AJ realized he was actually waiting for a response from him. "I liked it. A lot. It's a great track. I'd love to hear the rest of the CD."

Marshall shrugged. "What the hell. We've got all day if you're serious about staying the night again tonight."

AJ looked at him in surprise. "Uh, yeah…I was serious. Just didn't know if you'd let me. Hell, I figured you'd throw me out on my ass last night."

"Nah, you come in handy. I might as well keep you around, at least until I can do more than paw at shit."

AJ laughed. He was loving this side of Marshall. This playful, not-such-a-hard-ass side to him. He wished he would stop though. AJ knew he was starting to feel something for him, just a little something, and he didn't need that complication in his life right now. Especially since he was sure the feelings would never be returned.

"On that note, I think I'll go take a shower." Halfway out of the room he paused again and said, "Shit."

Marshall looked at him curiously. "What?"

AJ turned back to Marshall. "I have nothing to change into."

"Oh." Marshall didn't know what to say. He sure as fuck wasn't going to lend him anything like underwear. Maybe a shirt and some jeans, but not his boxers.

After a minute, AJ got an idea. "Feel like going for a ride?"


"My place. It turns out you don't live far from me. I can pick up some stuff and check my messages."

"Why do I need to go?" Marshall hedged.

AJ shrugged. "I don't know. Something to do? Besides, it's your car. Figured you'd want to be in it while I was driving it."

"Good point. Sure." Marshall said, glad for the excuse to go. He didn't really want to sit around his house doing nothing anyway.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Forty-five minutes later, they were pulling up to AJ's place. Marshall used two fingers to pull the door latch and get out, thankful some use of his hands was coming back. AJ had changed the dressing before they left and his knuckles looked a lot better today. By tomorrow he should be able to take off the bandages and use his hands again, even though they'd still be stiff and sore for a while.

Marshall followed AJ in and through his kitchen to his living room. Turning to Marshall, he said, "Make yourself at home. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Marshall nodded and sat, picking up the remote off the coffee table and turning the TV on. Flipping the channels, he settled back and got comfortable, knowing AJ would be a little while since he'd decided to just take a shower there.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Forty minutes later, AJ popped back into the living room, showered, shaved and changed. "Hungry?"

Marshall's stomach rumbled at the mere mention of food. "Maybe."

AJ rolled his eyes, having heard his stomach grumble. "Come on. I'll make us some lunch."

Marshall turned the TV off and stood. "Lead the way."

Marshall took a seat at the table as AJ started toward the refrigerator. AJ paused as he passed his phone on the wall, noticing the blinking light. Not thinking too much about who could possibly be calling, he hit the play button then continued on to get the stuff to make them sandwiches.

The two men listened to several hang ups in a row, then girls giggling, then more hang ups.

AJ cursed under his breath. "Shit. Fuck I hate when my number leaks out. Now I have to get another number again."

Marshall could identify with that. "I know the feeling. Sometimes I just want to get the fucker disconnected and have no phone at all."

AJ snorted as he arranged the bread on two plates and went to work putting the toppings on. "That would be great. Unfortunately, my mom would have my ass if I did, because she'd have no way to get a hold of me. I have a bad habit of forgetting to charge my cell phone."

Just then a woman's voice came on and AJ smiled as he listened to a message from the woman he'd just been talking about, his mom.

Marshall listened too, getting a weird feeling in his stomach. AJ's mom sounded like she really loved him. And from the smile on AJ's face as he listened to the message the feelings were returned. That was an alien concept to him. His own feelings for his mom and vice versa were nowhere near warm and tender.

Then the next message started and Marshall watched at AJ tensed up, completely stopping what he was doing.

AJ swallowed hard as he recognized Kevin's voice immediately. He prayed to God Kevin didn't say something revealing but it was too late to do anything about it now. It would look odd and raise just as much suspicion if he were to suddenly dive for the stop button on the answering machine.

"Alex, pick up if you're there. It's eleven am. Don't tell me you're still at Eminem's house. Alex, damnit, you'd better not be screening this call." There was a short pause, then Kevin sighed and continued, "Listen. I'm sorry about last night in the bathroom at that party. I know we're over. I just…I miss you. You can't tell me you don't miss me at least a little."

Kevin paused again and AJ stood gripping the counter with his back to Marshall, his stomach sinking as he realized whatever kind of strange friendship he'd been building with the other man was probably now over. Damn Kevin. He wished he was there so he could wrap his hands around his neck and squeeze…hard.

Marshall stared hard at AJ's back, trying to figure out how he felt about what he was hearing as Kevin continued.

"Alex, I'm coming over tonight." There was another short pause, then Kevin's voice poured out of the speaker again, taking on a suddenly hard edge. "You'd better be there. If you're not…well, you'd just better be there. We need to work this out. Oh, and you'd better have been telling me the truth last night, because if there's something going on between you and that punk ass rapper, you'll be sorry."

"Mother. Of. Fuck." AJ bit out, turning finally and stalking across the room to hit the stop button. He no longer cared who else had called. He just wished Kevin hadn't.

After the machine was stopped, AJ stood staring at the wall, afraid to turn and meet Marshall's eyes. He didn't know why Marshall's reaction mattered to him so much anyway. It shouldn't. He wasn't ashamed of what or who he was. It was just that somewhere between last night at the party and this morning, Marshall had come to mean something to him. What, he didn't know, but he just didn't want to turn and see disgust on his face.

Marshall broke the silence. "I thought you told me last night the two of you weren't together."

AJ took a deep breath and turned to Marshall, bracing himself for the revulsion he was sure to see on his face. What he saw instead took him off guard. There wasn't disgust, there was hurt. Marshall actually looked…hurt. What was that about?

"We aren't. We were, but we aren't anymore."

"Oh." Marshall said, his gut unclenching slightly.

He'd thought AJ had lied to him and for some reason that had bothered him a lot. True, he could have elaborated, but he figured he didn't because he thought he'd be disgusted with him.

"You're disgusted with me right?" AJ asked once the silence had become unbearable for him.

Marshall studied him for a long minute, wondering if he'd somehow read his mind. "Actually, no. I'm not nearly as homophobic as I come across in my lyrics you know. I mean, fuck. If I was, would I have done that thing with Elton last year and then held his hand on stage and hugged him? Hell, I was the one who suggested the duet. Last year for my birthday I went to his concert too, and he was at my party after...and I've got other friends that are bi or gay."

AJ stopped and thought about it for a second, realizing how wrong he'd been about him and feeling bad about jumping to conclusions. "Didn't know that."

Marshall studied him for a second, then asked, "So, which are you? Gay? Bi?"

"Bi." AJ paused, and when Marshall didn't say anything else, he asked, "Do you want me to call Pete for you?"


AJ shrugged. "I just figured you probably don't want me staying at your place tonight after finding all this out, especially since I didn't exactly come clean last night when you asked me about Kevin."

Marshall looked at him for a moment. "Do you really want to be here when Kevin comes over?"

AJ reached for the bottom of his shirt and rubbed the material between his fingers, a nervous habit he never had been able to get rid of. "Uh, not exactly."

"Then no, I don't want you to call Pete. You staying with me is fine."

AJ offered him a small smile. "Thanks."

Marshall just nodded, figuring it was the least he could do, although he couldn't resist adding, "I figure you know though, that if you attack me in my sleep I'll kill your ass right?"

AJ saw the corner of Marshall's lips twitch upwards as he fought off a smirk and realized he was messing with him. Letting out a short laugh, he smiled and said, "I wouldn't expect anything less."

Marshall leaned back in his chair and smiled too. "Good, now that we've got that straight, bitch, make me some lunch."

AJ laughed as he turned back to the counter to do just that, relieved that the fact that he was bi hadn't fucked up their beginning friendship after all.

Chapter Six