Chapter Four

Marshall stared at a point over AJ's shoulder, refusing to look at him when he felt AJ's hands against the skin of his waist as he started to unbuckle his belt holding his baggy jeans up. He tried really hard to ignore those damn fluttery things dancing in his stomach once again at AJ's closeness.

AJ was having a similar problem. He had to keep telling his dick over and over to stay the hell down and not jump to attention at the closeness and what he was doing to Marshall.

Finally he got the belt undone, and went to work on Marshall's jean button, muttering, "One down, two to go."

Marshall didn't say a word, just kept staring straight ahead, trying to ignore the way AJ's husky voice was affecting him. He felt his button give way, then heard the distinct sound of his zipper being pulled down.

"There." AJ said as he finished unzipping him.

For some reason he couldn't quite explain, Marshall pulled his eyes away from the wall and stared into AJ's face. "Thanks."

Startled by Marshall's voice in the quiet of the room, AJ's eyes shot up from where he'd been staring at his shoulder to meet his eyes. For a heartbeat neither of them moved. AJ's brain kept screaming for him to back off and not kiss him. He'd told him he wouldn't make a pass at him and Marshall trusted that. He didn't want to mess that up.

Marshall watched him closely, staring into his brown eyes and seeing something there that unnerved him. What unnerved him even more was that he wasn't entirely opposed to what he thought AJ wanted to do, which was kiss him.

AJ fought his inner battle for a second more then backed away a couple steps and asked, "You uh, can you take it from here? I draw the line at holding your dick for you."

Marshall ignored the twitch in his jeans that statement caused and pretended to look disgusted. "Fuck yes I can handle it. Now will you get the hell out before I piss my pants?"

AJ nodded, turning and walking out without a backward glance. Once he was out in the hall, he paused, leaning against the wall as he tried to calm himself down. That had been too close.

What was he thinking? Marshall Mathers was as straight as they came. He continually bashed gays in his lyrics. A little voice in the back of his head piped in with the thought that maybe he bashed them a little too much.

Whatever. It didn't matter. Even if he did have deep seated homosexual desires, AJ didn't want to be his experiment. He'd done that once before and the guy had woken up with an identity crisis. No, he was not going that route again. Pushing away from the wall, he headed back toward Kevin, who was pacing in the entryway.


"What the hell took you so long?" Kevin asked angrily, not happy about being left there like that.

AJ shrugged, not looking forward to being alone with Kevin when he was this pissed. "He needed help with something."

Kevin waved the subject off, not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Fine. Whatever. Are you ready to go now?"

"Uh, I think I'm going to stay." The words were out of AJ's mouth before he'd even really thought about it.

Partly he wanted to stay to help Marshall out, not feeling right about leaving him all alone there when he could do barely anything with his hands, and partly because he just had a bad feeling in his gut about leaving with Kevin right then. He didn't even have any clue if Marshall would let him stay. If not though, he'd just call a cab and have it meet him down the block so no one would know he'd been there, the way he should have in the first place.

Kevin stopped dead in his tracks and stared at AJ. In a deadly quiet voice he asked, "What?"

AJ swallowed, resisting the urge to back up a step. "Yeah. I'm sorry you had to come all the way out here, but he can't do shit for himself right now. I don't want to leave him all alone like this."

Kevin glared at him for a long moment then asked in a too calm voice, "Alex, why the fuck do you care? Is there something going on between the two of you?"

"What? Hell no. He's as straight as they come. I just don't feel right about leaving. That's all."

"I'm not coming all the way back here tomorrow." Kevin warned, seething inside.

"I know. I'll find another way home."

"We were supposed to talk about earlier."

"We will. Just not tonight, ok?"

"This sucks, Alex. I came all the way here to get you, and you change your mind to what? Stay with Eminem, who bashes boybands and gay people as often as he changes underwear?" Kevin had started advancing as he said that.

AJ backed up a step, running into a short half wall that separated the entryway from the living room. "Drop it, ok? I said I'm sorry. You'd better go now."

"What if I don't want to?" Kevin asked ominously, coming to a halt inches from AJ.

"Kevin, go." AJ said, trying not to show the fact that Kevin was making him nervous.

Kevin leaned in close and said through clenched teeth. "Fine, but tomorrow night you'd better be home. I'm coming over and if you're not there, so help me God…"

"Are you threatening me?" AJ asked, not quite believing his ears as he tried not to flinch under Kevin's intense glare. Kevin had been acting weird for a while now, ever since their break up, and he didn't know what to make of it.

Kevin paused, pretending to think about it, then said sarcastically, "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Fuck you." AJ spat.

Kevin leaned closer yet, whispering against his ear, "No, I think I'll be the one fucking you, baby. Later." With that he nipped at his earlobe then backed away, turning and walking out the door.

AJ didn't move for a second, not sure what to make of what Kevin had just did and said. It was like he was a different person, and it was starting to scare AJ a little. Sighing with relief when he heard Kevin's car start, he reached up to run a hand through his hair as he pushed away from the half wall and turned to go check on Marshall. He stopped short when he saw Marshall standing at the end of the hall staring at him with his pants undone and hanging low on his hips.

"Uh, hi." AJ said, wondering how much he'd seen.

Marshall didn't say anything for a minute. He'd seen and heard the last little bit of AJ and Kevin's argument. He'd watched Kevin try to intimidate AJ and he could tell by AJ's body language that he'd been scared of him. Then Kevin had leaned in and whispered something to AJ that Marshall hadn't quite been able to hear, and it had looked for all the world like he'd bitten his ear. Marshall wasn't sure though. It was hard to tell from the angle he'd witnessed it from.

He'd had his suspicions earlier about the two of them from the way AJ had acted when he'd asked him about them having a fight. It was hard to have secrets in the industry they were in, and rumors of Kevin being bi had been floating around for years. Some people thought AJ was too. If the way AJ had looked at him in the bathroom before was any indication, the rumors were true.

He wasn't sure how he felt about that. He wasn't exactly homophobic the way he came across in his lyrics, but with the way AJ had looked at him in that bathroom, he could tell he liked him as more than a friend. He ignored the voice in his head that was reminding him that he liked him as more than a friend in there too. In fact, he refused to even acknowledge that voice at all.

"You're still here." Marshall said finally, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Is that all right?"

"Why didn't you go with him. He seemed pretty ticked that you didn't."

So, he had seen that last little bit. Shrugging, AJ said, "He'll get over it."

"Are you two together or something?" Marshall couldn't believe he'd just asked that, but there the question was, hanging in the air between them.

"Uh, no. We're not." AJ responded. It was the truth…just not the whole truth.

"Good." Marshall said.

"Good? Because that would be sick, right?" AJ asked, slight irritation showing through in his voice. He didn't know why he was suddenly irritated with Marshall's supposed views on gays, but he figured part of it was probably left over irritation with Kevin.

Marshall ignored the tone of AJ's voice and said, "No, good because from what I've seen, he's a fucking asshole."

"Oh." AJ didn't know what to make of that comment. It was far from a homophobic reaction, that was for sure.

After a minute, Marshall asked, "Well, why are you still here?"

AJ smiled, nervous inside about Marshall's reaction, but not showing an ounce of it outwardly. "I'm staying the night. Maybe tomorrow night too."

Marshall stiffened. "Excuse the fuck out of me, but I don't remember inviting you."

AJ walked toward him. "Yeah, well, you need someone here so that's irrelevant. If you won't call Pete, you're stuck with me."

"The fuck I am." Marshall said, holding his ground.

AJ came to a stop in front of him and challenged, "The fuck you aren't." After a few seconds his voice softened and he added, "Come on. You couldn't even get your pants undone to piss. How the hell are you going to do anything else for yourself. It's not a matter of pride, it's just how it is. Let me stay. No one has to know but you and me. Not even Kevin…I can tell him I took a cab home after all if you want. Ok?"

Marshall didn't answer for a minute, then turned and started to walk away.

AJ asked, "Where are you going?"

Marshall paused and turned back to say, "To throw on some fucking sweat pants and go to bed. I'm not going to have to come running to you like a little kid every time I need to fucking pee so you can undo me." Marshall paused, then asked, "Do you need anything? Something more comfortable to sleep in?"

AJ smiled, figuring that was Marshall's way of telling him ok. He decided to push it a little, wanting to see his reaction. "No, that's fine. I sleep naked."

Marshall stiffened, feeling himself jump to attention. Fuck this was getting out of hand. Something was seriously wrong when the thought of a guy sleeping naked turned him on that way. "Whatever. The guest room's the third door on the right. Later."

"Goodnight to you too."

Marshall just made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a, 'Fuck you,' as he turned back around and again headed for his bedroom.

AJ watched him retreat. He couldn't be sure, but he'd thought he'd seen something suspiciously like desire flash in Marshall's eyes when he'd a mentioned sleeping naked. Maybe that little voice in his head was right and Marshall was attracted to him. He started off for the guest room with a smile. Maybe.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

Marshall tossed and turned in his bed for a good half hour after leaving AJ in the hallway. He couldn't get the image of him lying in bed naked out of his head. He remembered all too well how lean and cut AJ's upper body was from earlier when he'd pulled off his shirt and then beater so he could wrap his hands up. He was getting more than a little freaked out that thoughts of AJ were consuming his mind, not to mention turning him the fuck on. After fifteen more minutes of tossing, he finally drifted into a fitful sleep.

Marshall moaned as he felt someone on top of him. Opening his eyes he saw that it was AJ. "What the…"

AJ brought his hand to his lips and silenced him. "No talking. Just enjoy."

Marshall nodded and felt AJ grind himself into him. Marshall was surprised to discover he was hard too. He arched up into AJ's body, moaning at the feeling of their bodies sliding against each other.

Somehow he was naked. He didn't remember getting that way. He'd went to bed in his boxers, not comfortable sleeping naked with another naked man in the next room, but there he was, naked, with another naked man on top of him. And he was loving it.

He wanted more. "More…"

"Oh yeah, baby. I'm going to give you more. I'm going to give it to you so good you scream my name."

Marshall moaned again, reaching up to pull AJ's face to his. He pressed his lips to the younger man's just the way he'd wanted to in the bathroom earlier. Their mouths opened and their tongues tangled as they licked inside each other's mouths, tasting and fighting for control at the same time.

Giving AJ a hard shove, he rolled him off him and rolled on top of him. Looking down at him, he started a slow grind of his hips into the younger man's. "That's better. I like it much better with you being my bitch."

He watched as AJ moaned and arched up into him.

Chuckling, Marshall asked, "You like that, don't you? You want to be my bitch? You want me to fuck you?"

"Shit, yes, fuck me Marshall."

Marshall shot straight up and out of bed his breathing ragged, his heart beating in his ears as he found himself standing in his room alone suddenly. He turned in a circle, fully expecting to find AJ lurking in some corner, but there was no one. He turned back toward the bed and stared at it for a long moment.

A fucking dream. He'd just had an erotic dream about a fucking guy. About fucking a guy. Goddamn he was fucked up. Climbing back into bed carefully, as if it was about to attack him, he lay back down and stared up at the ceiling, too afraid to close his eyes, doing his best to ignore his erection. It wasn't like he could do anything about it anyway with his hands all messed up. Not that he wanted to. The last thing he needed was to jerk off to thoughts of another man.

A while later, as he gave in for the need to sleep, he prayed he didn't have another dream like that. He wasn't sure his sanity could handle it.

~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~   ~&~   ~

An hour later, AJ was lying in bed, hard and staring up at the ceiling, completely unable to sleep. He got like this sometimes. Insomnia. It sucked.

Tonight it was caused by racing thoughts of the man in the next room. Why the hell couldn't he get him out of his head? Every time he closed his eyes an image of his face in the bathroom right after he'd gotten his pants undone popped into his head. And the one time he'd fallen asleep, minutes ago, he'd sank immediately into an erotic dream where he'd dropped to his knees in that bathroom and started sucking Marshall off.

He groaned and turned over onto his stomach, his arms out to either side. He closed his eyes and again drifted off to sleep. A second later his eyes popped open and he could feel someone above him, covering him. He tried to turn around to see who it was, but couldn't. It was like he was frozen stiff. When the person leaned in and licked at the shell of his ear, he moaned into the pillow, his cock twitching between him and the bed. He felt a hard cock grind into his ass and he pressed his butt up into it, wanting more.

The man leaned in and asked, "You like this, bitch? You want my cock in your ass?"

AJ groaned as he realized it was Marshall. "Fuck yes. Fuck me. Please."

Marshall chuckled in his ear and then lifted himself up off him slightly. AJ started to protest, but then he felt a finger at his asshole.

AJ jumped suddenly and flipped back over onto his back before sitting straight up in bed, his heart beating rapidly, his dick hard as a rock and his room empty…except for him. AJ looked around for a minute before it sank in. It had been a dream. A fucked up dream. It hadn't even been a wet dream. Shit. Now he was even harder and horny as hell.

Throwing the sheets aside, he climbed out of bed and pulled on his boxers, needing to get out of that room and away from those dreams. Padding down the hall, he found himself in the living room. He walked over to the couch and plopped down, turning on the TV. He figured he might as well watch an old movie or something.

An hour later, his eyes started drooping shut. He lay down on the couch, not caring that he didn't have a pillow or blanket, and started to close his eyes. Just then gunshots rang out from the TV screen. He was watching an old western and a gun fight had just broken out. Reaching for the remote, he quickly found the power button and turned the TV off. Minutes later he was out like a light, completely dead to the world and dream free.

Chapter Five