Ruth's Survey Page

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 Full Name: Ruth Ann Zbikowski

Nicknames: Rufis rat cutt and Rutabega ann (both long storys :) ) Screen Names: indy21sweetheart, sweetie21F, razzy101098

Reasons for picking these names: tells where I'm from, my age, somethin about me, and my favorite umber 10.

Age: 20 ALMOST 21

Birthdate: 1/27/77

Hair color: I'm a blondie with blonde highlights...notice I said blondie not dumee! Ha Ha

Eye Color: blue to blue-green

Height: 5'6

Personality Type: best friend a guy could have

Siblings & Their Ages: Christine, 26

Location: Plainfield, indiana

School: Ivy Tech Bloomington and Indy, IU for a semester in 95

Best/Close Friend(s): The gang in my nursing class

Best Online Friends:. Jim, Sean, Mike, new friends

Things you like to do: Drive, listen to words in music, write, watch sports, work out, laugh, play with Rox, rock her to sleep, watch tv, schmoozing (if ya don't know what schmoozing is ask, it's hilariously funny)...I like too much to put it all down here.

Things You Collect: nothing really maybe coins, stamps

Best Advice Ever Given : No commitment, No win.

Words Or Phrases You Over use: anyways the "..." in my e-mails, alright, and I dunno,

A Non-Sport Game At Which You Excel: Nibbles...the lil jake and sammy snake computer Q basic game, Dr. Mario, Mortal Kombat, Daytona 500

Dream Car: Tons!! 95 mustang convertible, cadillacs, a souped up old car like a mustang, chevelle, 442, regal or a grand national, at 16 I wanted a red grand prix, but basically anything with 4 wheels that runs and that I paid for myself and is NOT a stick shift...if I'm driving a stick believe do not wanna even be on the sidewalk.

Favorite Thing To Do In The Summer: go down to the park and swing, look at the stars and night sky with a friend on a clear night, drive, swim, walk into an ice cold house, play softball,study stuff I actually like (shut up, study-bugs aka nerds end up with money and success alright!!!)

Favorite Thing To Do In The Fall: drive to parks in indiana and places like brown co, more of same stuff, go to football games...anything!

Favorite Thing To Do In The Winter: play in snow

Favorite Thing To Do In The Spring: get out of the darn house after a long winter, more of the same

Special Skills Or Talents: eating while driving! Being a great friend, Takin care of people, softball, volleyball, writting, figuring out how to play a song I just only heard on the keyboard

Song That Could Not Be Improved Upon: I will always love you, Desperado, Wasted time, The Dance, lotsa songs by Garth, You were always on my mind, On my own, Forever love, pretty fly for a white guy, Self-esteem (offspring songs) Waters edge, My MY, Lucky (seven mary 3) Only lonely (the new one from Hootie and the Blowfish) Iris, the newest matchbox 20 song, Hands by jewl, and that sara mcglolophlin whoever's new song angel--alright not the song you'd listen to all the time but the words are kinda neat...oh and landslide by fleetwood mac...but my altime final answer is my favorite song ever...

even though we aint got money i'm so in luv with ya honey evrythin'll bring a chail o' luv.

n in the mornin when i rise

bring a tear of joy to my eyes and tell me everything's gonna be alright...

that's my final answer cuz that's the sweetest song i ever heard.

n ya dont mess with sweet.

many many many more...

can ya tell I'm just a lil bit into music?

Ya are when you drive and listen an hour every day...

Future Goals: buy own house, be a practicioner, get married,

have child with someone i actually love to pieces

Fave Music: everything. I love words in songs so that fits any kinda music. groups I like are from a strange Eagles, 7 mary 3, Reba, Leanne rimes, Crystal Gayle, Dollie, offspring, smashmouth, KISS, 80's rule, the wedding singer soundtrack roxks, and even some rap people...Like Will Smith and there's like tons of groups I like...

Do you have a theme song? YES! a few, number one is I WILL SURVIVE by gloria gaynor and my remixed own lyrics to Leavin on a midnight train to Georgia..and I could cry for the time I've wasted but that's a waste of time and tears

and I know just what I'd change if I went back in time somehow

but there's nothin I can do about it now-willie nelson. and when I was a lil younger-you gotta fight da na for your right da na ta party...! and girls just wanna have fun.

Groups/Singers You Enjoy: I have elaborated enouth

Fave Food: Don'tcha even get me started!! Least Fave Food: I'll try anything once...

Funniest person you know: I dunno...Mikey! Fave Vacationing Spot: Michigan, with family, one day quick trips to places like clifty falls or sceenic indiana places, anywhere you can be with friends and family

Fave Sport: softball, volleyball, football, basketball

Other Sport Games You Enjoy: tennis, bowling, pingpong, pool, fishing

Fave Movie: Love movies but haven't been out in awhile...i'm a studybug...been so long I Haven't even seen Titanic yet believe it or not.

Fave Animal: golden retrievers, lions, tigers, bunnies, polar bears..ALL AMINALS!!!

Fave TV Show: ER by far! party of 5, seventh heaven, star trek, promised land, the new one with Sammo...and an old one they canceled called Delaventura with Danny Aiello. dont watch much cuz too busy studying mostly!

Fave Day: Friday!!!

Fave Month: December, January and June

Fave Holiday: Christmas

Fave Part Of Newspaper: All of it, classifieds

Fave Toothpaste: colgate, crest ? I hate gel and silver crest!!

Fave Store: r us, dept stores Lazarus,Ayers,wally world, target and the rest of the marts

Fave Thing To Wear: clothes The group(s) you despise: I dunno

Do you believe in reincarnation? Not totally, but interesting theory. I Is catholic! hm well mostly :)

Would you rather be deaf or blind? Deaf

Do you consider yourself to be a good listener? Yes, a very good listner! Would you rather be short or tall? tall

Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and unhappy? sounds like a oxymoron to me! Would you consider your relationship with your parents bad, okay, good, or great? good Do you like to dance? included in my schmoozingthingy

Do you like to sing? yes, in the shower and in the car, mostly by myself cuz I can't exactly sing well Are you too shy to ask someone out? most of the time

Do you want to get married someday? YES, but the guy hasta be worth it especailly if I am going to do the whole family thing and have any more kids and as much as I give because if he is a lil dumb ass lazy loser then forget it. Ya get what ya give and what you deserve for who ya are and how you treat me. I been giving too much to the wrong kinda guy and I feel like waitin till I find that person who is worht giving and doing for to even think about gettin married someday again.

What is your dream honeymoon place? paris, someplace interesting in USA I havent traveled much but who cares where as long as we are together

Do you think boys or girls have it easier? Boys If you had a round-trip in any time machine, where would u go? probably the 19th century

If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do? probably something perverted *L* j/k

Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila, or Reebok (or other). ALL I'm aka lil miss nikey

If you could change your name, what would it be? good question except I can't see me as anyone else but Ruth

Have you ever thought you were going to die? yes

What's the hardest thing about growing up? making mistakes, losing innocence forgetting to play and being too big to fit in mcdonals playland

What's the most exciting thing you have ever done on a dare? Ha Ha! she laughs too hard to answer What's the dumbest thing you have ever done on a dare? I don't take many night at a slumber party in 5th grade we took a dare to moon the road at 10pm pitch black and my parents choose that moment to drive by and check on me! I was sooooo embarrassed. :)

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?? NOT YET! sounds fun...I'm Saving that one to try later someday hopefully with my'd be so fun at like a hot spring on a special vacation or like hawii or some place, but seclusion is a BIG problem or a cool pool but :) it'd hafta be my own pool probably and would have to be done like a night or very early morning and then be fun...

Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000? maybe a small bowl

If this Sat. you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you do? be with my sweetheart...whoever that's gonna be whenever

What's the funniest word you know? Earthlings, smegma

Have you ever wanted to run away? in a way

What's your worst fear? going blind

Whats the best trick you ever played on someone? I don't play tricks.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal or anything? yes-i used to but I am more likely once in awhile to sleep with my guy's shirt if I can borrow one especially if it smells like him and if I miss him. BUT its been a very long time since I've done that. Have you ever felt you were in love? Yes! Once. Do you pray? If I didn't I wouldn't have made it through the bad times, so I guess I do pray a lot. If you were stranded on a deserted island with one single person, who would you want to be with you? My sweetie. Haven't met him yet.

Who I Want to Do: HA HA!!! alright same as above. movie stars, strippers, supposed hotties hardly phase me at all. Not that I am not interested, just I find I am most attracted to my guy and only my then honestly my guy would have to be my answer. WHENEVER I find him!!!

Stupidest Thing You've Ever Done: the silliest stupid thing is running completely over a hardwood mailbox and completely demolishing the front end of my car in the process because I looked down at my portable cd player to put in a new cd.