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Relentless ArchAngel's MP3 cRyPT

Wassup peoples o_O Welcome to ArchAngel's Domain ~ Once i get my site fully up n runni'n I think u'll be pleasez with the stizzufs that I'll provide for you all. Interested in what I'm gonna give you? Well, the main thing will be mp3s of numerous video game and anime soundtracks that i have. But since I only got 20 mb of storage up in here, I'll have to upload 3-4 files per week or so. However, since it's only the beginning you'll learn more in the weeks and months ahead! And as a service to you all, if u could plz click on my "Kings of Chaos" link I would very much appreciate it o_~ After all, I'll be providing many good things for u guys. Well then, until my next update!

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Kings of Chaos - Click this plz (then continue)