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Lauren's World


 I made this site so I could show the people who are interested in me what I look like and to give you the  idea about how much fun we could have together. On the next few pages you'll find 81 pictures of me,  including nude shots. I hope that by giving you the chance to see my pictures, you will get interested  enough to get back to me and meet me.

 The only thing you will need to do if you want to get together with me, is email me back using the secret  e-mail link, leaving the subject line with the password as it is. That way I will know you have been in. I will  only select someone to meet from the people who have sent me this password. This way I can seperate  the really interested people who would go through all the efforts from the peeping Toms who are hoping  to lure an innocent girl like me (not really...) to show me their most intimate pics on the pretence that they  want to meet them, but really they are after free pics.

So, if you're just after free pics, give up now. There are lots of free picture sites on the internet but this is NOT one of them. And if you think you don't want to pay to see my pictures "because you can get pictures for free anytime" like I hear so often, then give it up too, as you are obviously not interested in me, but any dumb ass bimbo with free pictures will do. So please don't insult me by writing that.

So lets get started if you're still here with me, shall we? Just enter your AVS password below and it will take you to my other pages. If you don't have a password, don't worry. Just click the "Sign Up" link below and then you can get one. See you on the other site. It's worth it, believe me.

Lots of love and kisses,

Enter Lauren's World with your CyberAge ID:

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