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Perry Meridian is home to many interesting, fun, and succesful teams and clubs, ranging from athletics to academics to foreign language and service. But for a select group of Falcons, all of these groups pale in comparison to the Speech Team. Speech Team, which is classified as a Club, is unique because the members have the chance to compete like memebers of a team. About every other Saturday, team members go by bus to schools all over the state to compete in several events. Generally, the events are divided into two categories: Forensic and Interpretive. If you're organized, opinionated, good at getting well-made points across to other people, or ever been told you'd make a good lawyer, then you'll probably be more interested in Forensic Events. If you have a natural flare for acting or improvising, or if you are good at memorizing or working with a partner- then Interpretive Events are for you. But, this isn't necessarily always so. Sometimes, people do the best at events they would've never been pegged for, or people do equally well at both types of events. So, try practicing and competing in a variety of events to get a good idea of what's right for you.

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